Page 8 - aruba-today-20190129
P. 8

                  Tuesday 29 January 2019

            Pope reaffirms priest celibacy but makes case for exception

            By NICOLE WINFIELD                                                                     for  the  church  to  consider  Francis said.
            ABOARD  THE  PAPAL  PLANE                                                              ordaining so-called viri pro-  The  celibacy  question  has
            (AP)  —  Pope  Francis  is  rul-                                                       bati, older married men of  been a mainstay in Catho-
            ing  out  any  lifting  of  the                                                        proven virtue, to minister in  lic debate given it is a dis-
            celibacy  requirement  for                                                             remote  parts  of  the  Ama-  cipline, not a doctrine, and
            priests but says there's rea-                                                          zon where the faithful can  therefore can change. The
            son  to  consider  ordaining                                                           go  weeks  or  months  with-  church  has  had  the  tradi-
            older,  married  men  in  re-                                                          out  Mass  and  evangelical  tion since the 11th century,
            mote  communities  where                                                               and  Pentecostal  churches  imposed part to spare the
            priests are in short supply.                                                           are making inroads as a re-  church  the  financial  bur-
            Francis  said  he  believes                                                            sult.                        dens of providing for large
            priestly celibacy is a gift for                                                        Francis  was  asked  about  families and to ensure that
            the  Catholic  Church  and                                                             the possibility that the Latin  any  assets  of  the  priest
            opposes a blanket change                                                               Rite  church  might  follow  would  pass  to  the  church,
            to make it optional. But he                                                            the  Eastern  rite  Catholic  not his heirs.
            said  "pastoral  necessity"   In this picture taken Sunday, Jan. 27, 2019, Pope Francis, flanked   Church,  where  married  Proponents of a relaxation
            might justify alternative op-  by  Vatican  spokesman  Alessandro  Gisotti,  answers  reporters'   men can be ordained. He  of  the  rule  say  more  men
            tions in certain parts of the   questions aboard the plane after taking off from Panama City.  ruled  out  an  across-the-  would consider a vocation
            world.                                                                Associated Press  board  opening,  repeating  to  the  priesthood  if  they
            "I think the problem should                                                            a  famous  phrase  by  Pope  could marry, a surefire fix to
            be  opened  in  this  sense:  or prayed enough about it.  open the way for discussion  Paul VI, who was also under  the decline in priests glob-
            Where  there's  a  pastoral  But theologians must study  about  celibacy  in  the  run-  pressure in the sexual revo-  ally.
            problem because of a lack  it."                           up to a big meeting of bish-  lution of the 1960s to allow  More recently, the issue has
            of priests," he said. "I'm not  Francis'  comments,  to  re-  ops from the Amazon at the  married  priests.  "I'd  rather  made headlines in the con-
            saying  it  should  be  done,  porters  on  the  way  home  Vatican in October. Brazil's  give my life before chang-  text of the sex abuse scan-
            because I haven't reflected  Sunday    from    Panama,  bishops  have  long  pushed  ing  the  law  on  celibacy,"  dal. q

            Italy to seek court ruling Dutch must deal with migrant boat

                                                                      cide  that  the  Dutch  have  The  government  on  Tues-  Sea-Watch  3's  plight  is  the
                                                                      jurisdiction.  Italy  won't  let  day "will affirm that it's not  latest  in  several  cases  of
                                                                      the Sea-Watch 3 disembark  Italy  that  must  respond  in  migrants  stuck  for  days
                                                                      the  47  migrants  because  this case in the light of na-  aboard rescue vessels since
                                                                      the  populist  government's  tional  and  international  Premier  Giuseppe  Conte's
                                                                      anti-migrant  policy  forbids  law."                      government began in June
                                                                      humanitarian  boats  which  The  statement  said  the  with  a  pledge  to  drasti-
                                                                      rescue migrants in the wa-   boat  boldly  put  at  risk  cally  reduce  the  numbers
                                                                      ters off Libya to enter Italian  the  lives  of  the  migrants  of rescued migrants reach-
                                                                      ports and disembark those  aboard  when,  in  agitated  ing  Italian  shores.  About
                                                                      they  save  from  foundering  waters, it didn't seek shelter  600,000  migrants,  many  of
                                                                      smugglers' boats.            about 40 nautical miles (46  whom were denied asylum
                                                                      A  statement  from  the  pre-  statute miles) away on the  by Italy, have reached Italy
                                                                      mier's  office  said  the  cap-  Tunisian  coast  last  week,  on  rescue  boats  in  recent
                                                                      tain of Sea-Watch 3, which  but  instead  sailed  farther  years. In a separate crack-
            Protesters gather during a demonstration in support of German   rescued  the  migrants  on  toward Italy.           down on migrants, police in
            humanitarian  group  Sea-Watch,  in  front  of  the  Italian  lower
            chamber’s  Montecitorio  palace,  in  Rome,  Monday,  Jan.  28,   Jan. 19, along with the head  Italy,  should  the  Nether-  Sicily earlier Monday broke
            2019.                                                     of the humanitarian mission  lands' jurisdiction be recog-  up  a  suspected  Nigerian
                                                     Associated Press  of the German NGO have  nized  by  the  court,  would  drug  ring  based  in  a  mi-
                                                                      brought the boat's plight to  offer  to  set  up  a  kind  of  grant  housing  complex  in
            Associated Press             migrant     rescue    boat  the attention of the court in  "humanitarian  corridor"  to  Mineo. Catania police said
            ROME (AP) — Italy has de-    stranded off Sicily.         Strasbourg.                  transfer the migrants to that  Monday that the ring dealt
            cided to ask the European  The  Italian  premier's  office  It wasn't immediately clear  country.Italian news reports  in cocaine, marijuana and
            human  rights  court  to  rule  said  Monday  night  that  if  the  court  has  agreed  to  have said Dutch authorities  other  drugs,  and  acted
            that  the  Netherlands  must  on  Tuesday  it  will  ask  the  hear any case about Sea-  contend  it  doesn't  intend  like  an  organized  criminal
            deal with a Dutch-flagged  France-based court to de-      Watch 3.                     to take the migrants.        clan.q
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