Page 12 - aruba-today-20190129
P. 12
Tuesday 29 January 2019
Tornado hits Havana; Cuban president says 3 dead, 172 hurt
By MICHAEL WEISSENSTEIN mothers, had to be evacu-
ANDREA RODRIGUEZ ated. In the streets, a palm
Associated Press tree more than 30 feet (9
HAVANA (AP) — A tor- meters) tall had crushed
nado and pounding rains a pre-revolutionary Ameri-
smashed into the eastern can car.
part of Cuba's capital over- Some of the heaviest dam-
night, toppling trees, bend- age from Sunday night's
ing power poles and fling- rare Havana tornado was
ing shards of metal roofing in the eastern borough of
through the air as the storm Guanabacoa, where the
cut a path of destruction apparent twister tore the
across eastern Havana. roof off a shelter for dozens
Power was cut to many ar- of homeless families.
eas and President Miguel Cubans enduring long
Diaz-Canel said Monday waits for government hous-
at least three people were ing often live in such multi-
killed and 172 injured. family shelters for years.
Julio Menendez, a 33-year- María Esther Linares, 54,
old restaurant worker, said was killed while hunting for
his neighborhood in Ha- safe shelter after the tor-
vana's 10 de Octubre mu- nado broke the roof of the
nicipality looked "like a hor- home where she was living
ror movie." A car overturned by a tornado lays smashed on top of a street pole in Havana, Cuba, Monday, with two granddaughters,
"From one moment to the Jan. 28, 2019. said her grandson, Yoelkis
next, we heard a noise like Associated Press Dip.
an airplane falling out of Dianabys Bueno, 31, was
the sky. The first thing I did driver escaped unharmed. suffered partial collapse. Cuba since Dec. 26, 1940, living in the shelter with her
was go hug my daughters," Miguel Angel Hernandez More than 200,000 people when a Category F4 torna- husband and son after they
who are 9 and 12, he told of the Cuban Center for lost water service, largely do hit the town of Bejucal, were forced to relocate by
The Associated Press. Meteorology said the tor- because of power cuts that in what is now Mayabeque the collapse of their home
Driver Oster Rodriguez said nado was a Category F3, left pumps out of service. province. in Central Havana. Much of
that amid a fierce storm, with winds between 155 Some 100 underground cis- The windows in the seven- the housing in Havana is in
what looked like a thick, and 199 miles per hour, pro- terns close to the coastal story Daughters of Galicia dire condition due to years
swirling cloud touched duced when a cold front section of Havana were Hospital in 10 de Octubre without maintenance, and
down in the central plaza hit Cuba's northern coast. contaminated by seawa- section were sucked out building collapses are rou-
of the Reparto Modelo Members of the Provincial ter. of their frames by the wind, tine even in ordinary storms.
neighborhood "like a fire- Defense Council of Ha- Three electric substations leaving curtains flapping in "This has already happened
ball." He saw a bus blown vana said 90 homes col- were knocked out by the the breeze, and all the pa- to us once," Bueno said.
over, though he said the lapsed completely and 30 tornado, the strongest to hit tients, new and expectant "I'm not going anywhere."q
Venezuela official: US in talks to improve frosty relations
By SCOTT SMITH and ordered all U.S. Embas- to back Guaido, handing
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) sy staff out of the country, out leaflets outlining a pro-
— The top U.S. envoy in Ca- but later backtracked to posed law that would grant
racas has been meeting try to open a dialogue over them amnesty for helping
with officials of President the issue. overthrow the president.
Nicolas Maduro's govern- Arreaza said the meetings So far, it appears to have
ment to try to ease height- between Story and Vene- had little sway, but at least
ened tensions, despite the zuelan government officials two Venezuelan govern-
two countries having cut happened over four con- ment officials in the U.S.
ties, Venezuela's foreign secutive days last week, have abandoned Maduro.
minister said Monday. including on Wednesday, Venezuela's military atta-
In an appearance on the day Guaido declared che in Washington, Col.
state TV, Foreign Minister himself interim president, Jose Luis Silva, said Sat-
Jorge Arreaza held up pho- sparking violent clashes be- urday that he broke with
tos showing U.S. Charge tween demonstrators and Maduro.
d'Affaires James Story and Venezuela's Minister of Foreign Affairs Jorge Arreaza speaks the National Guard. Consular officer Scarlet
a top Venezuelan govern- during the United Nations Security Council at the U.N. Saturday, The communications are Salazar at the Venezuelan
ment official as proof of the Jan. 26, 2019, in New York. aimed at creating an open Consulate in Miami issued
meetings. Associated Press dialogue between the U.S. a videotaped statement
"We are acting in good and Maduro's government, Monday, throwing her sup-
faith from Venezuela," Ar- lawmaker Juan Guaido for him to step down, while Arreaza said. The U.S. gov- port behind Guaido. She
reaza said. "We aspire to as Venezuela's legitimate Maduro has accused the ernment didn't immedi- said she's living up to her
see the U.S. also cooperate leader, even as embattled White House of leading a ately confirm whether the constitutional duty as a ca-
in good faith." socialist Maduro holds the coup to overthrow him and meetings took place. reer diplomat.
The two countries broke re- reins of power. plunder Venezuela's vast oil Opposition supporters have "This is our country's mo-
lations last week after U.S. In the ensuing standoff, U.S. and gold resources. launched a campaign to ment," Salazar said, urging
President Donald Trump officials have labeled Mad- Maduro recalled Venezue- lure soldiers, a critical base others to follow. "Let's sup-
recognized opposition uro a "dictator" and called lan diplomats from the U.S. of Maduro's hold on power, port the Venezuelans."q