Page 13 - aruba-today-20190129
P. 13
Tuesday 29 January 2019
Episode III:
Aruba`s Paleo lithic hunters and gatherers
A diverse habitats on a small island
Yes! There is a very interesting story concerning Aruba’s coastal and
inland Mangrove Forests and other ecosystems As time passes by,
slowly but steadily sea levels keep on the rise, when mega only lived
on, in ancient stories that children love to hear. Now that big animals
had disappeared completely from the hunting scene for the archaic
other groups already started to exploit and developed a different life Pic. 2 remnant of what once was a
style. tropical rain forest in Tanki Flip
Other food sources and their habi- to obtain what to hunt fish or pick
tat such as savannas, open coun- and safe shelters like the North
try, grasslands and hill sides. Here side caves and bocas, a word in
is where many different cactus Papiamento meaning mouth for
figs could be picked. Caribbean small inlets. Where small beaches
cherries and berries, sea grapes, had formed due to millions of years
guava, annonas, sapodilla, que- that rain water ran off. This carved
nepa and papaya were among out the coral cost in such a way
the sweetest fruits to recollec- that it gave access to the ocean.
tion close to dry river beds and in Huts or branch shelters were prac-
Pic. 1 A total mangrove reforestation took place at this site since a sewage purifi- to more humid soils. Bromeliads, tically easy to build however for
cation plant was installed at Parkietenbos. agaves, wild herbs, certain roots more permanent shelters; the
Mangroves covered the leeward side of the island and the cay`s opposite and grasses where part of paleo many diorite boulders all over the
the lagoon almost completely from South- East to North –West by 2800 BC vegetal menu. island were the preferred places.
to 200 AD. These first primitive aborigines denominated as archaic settlers These boulders where covered
did not master ceramic art and did not practiced organized agricultural There were also places that could with vegetation and when agave
techniques. However they must have observed that new plants could be resemble tropical rain forests flower stacks where placed in a
grown out of seeds. This raises the assumption that presumably this wave of with blooming orchids, bromeli- row next to each other against
Paleo globetrotters were that dispersed many seeds and plants wherever ads, lichens and mosses. Many these big stone blocks, a very
they believed they could ever return. The reason to import floral varieties birds and different animals had comfortable dwelling could be
not present at the time must have played also a vital role in their economy made this zone their home and build, habitats where archaeolo-
for some of these groups of hunters and gatherers. Soon they realized that for the hunter a place to obtain gist had found remnants of these
the presence of these lush mangrove forests, were of utmost importance medicine, tea, food and feather. old settlements and what they
as a method of a sustainable livelihood, where food and many source There were also Kwihi or Aruban had uncovered is for the next and
were in abundance. Mesquite forests, which were very last episode of the Aruban Stone
cool in hot days and pitch dark at Age nomads also known as the
Harvesting all what these ecosys- night. Chronicles of a Dutch-Ger- Ciboney. Follow us next week.q
tems could have offered to small man expedition recollecting all
groups of individuals who settled kinds of stuff of the island in during
all along the coastal areas was a an1885 hike. Here they mention
way of life for many generations. that they had walked for hours
The balance rested in cultural dy- through a forest of big Kwihi trees.
namics versus total island popu- Only in very few can still find one
lation in a particular moment in of these native giant majestic trees
time. Having such wildlife habitat ever stood have survived the de-
on hand was a reason enough to forestation which took place on
extend and prolong permanence this this island since colonial times
on the island. Mangrove eco sys- for all kinds of reasons, to give you
tems provided fish, shell animals, an idea how green the island was
and game all year long. Most of in Paleo times from the coming of
their tools used where made from the Europeans until now.
stone -artifacts like mortar, metal
and axes. They also applied cutting But let’s get back to the Paleo-
tools made out of shells or flint that lithic era where other zones of the
Plate 1.If we could only realize how im- island offered fair places to live.
portant Mangroves still are today. It will where knapped to obtain a fine Places where it was relatively easy Pic. 3. Diorite rock boulder at Noka
change our attitude. and sharp cutting edge. Sta. Cruz