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                  Tuesday 29 January 2019
            US envoy: 'Agreement in principle' on Afghan peace talks

            By RAHIM FAIEZ                                                                                                      the  Sept.  11,  2001,  attacks
            Associated Press                                                                                                    to topple the Taliban, who
            KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) —                                                                                           were harboring Osama bin
            Negotiators for the U.S. and                                                                                        Laden and al-Qaida.
            the Taliban insurgents have                                                                                         The statement from Ghani's
            reached  "agreements  in                                                                                            office also claimed that the
            principle"  on  key  issues  for                                                                                    Taliban  demanded  from
            a  peace  deal  that  would                                                                                         Khalilzad the withdrawal of
            end  17  years  of  war  in  Af-                                                                                    all  foreign  troops  from  Af-
            ghanistan, the top U.S. en-                                                                                         ghanistan,  but  that  there
            voy said Monday.                                                                                                    was also no agreement on
            The  statement  by  U.S.  en-                                                                                       that issue.
            voy  Zalmay  Khalilzad  fol-                                                                                        The statement added that
            lowed  six  days  of  talks  last                                                                                   Khalilzad  has  no  authority
            week  with  the  Taliban  in                                                                                        to  discuss  issues  such  as  a
            Qatar, where he urged the                                                                                           future  Afghan  administra-
            Islamic  insurgent  group  to                                                                                       tion  but  that  his  goal  is  to
            enter  into  direct  negotia-                                                                                       facilitate  an  intra-Afghan
            tions  with  the  government                                                                                        dialogue,  meaning  direct
            of Afghan President Ashraf                                                                                          talks  between  the  Taliban
            Ghani.                                                                                                              and Kabul.
            Ghani on Monday assured                                                                                             Khalilzad had tweeted Sat-
            Afghans that their rights will                                                                                      urday about progress in the
            not be compromised in the                                                                                           talks  in  Qatar,  where  the
            name  of  peace  with  the   In this photo released by the Afghan Presidential Palace, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, center,   insurgents  have  a  political
                                         speaks to U.S. peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad, third left, at the presidential palace in Kabul. Af-
            Taliban,  who  have  been    ghanistan, Monday, Jan. 28, 2019.                                                      office,  saying:  "Meetings
            staging  near-daily  attacks                                                                       Associated Press  here were more productive
            against   Afghan    forces,                                                                                         than they have been in the
            causing  scores  of  casual-  for  international  terrorist  the first time I can say that  to support the efforts to try  past."
            ties every week. Their offen-  groups or individuals."    we  have  made  significant  to find a peaceful solution.  "We made significant prog-
            sive has not let up despite  He  said  the  deal  could  progress," he said.           We  strongly  support  those  ress  on  vital  issues,"  he
            the  severe  Afghan  winter  lead to a full pullout of U.S.  Acting  Defense  Secretary  efforts."                  tweeted,  without  offering
            and  the  insurgents  now  troops in return for a cease-  Patrick  Shanahan  said  he  Ghani sought to assure Af-   details.
            hold sway over nearly half  fire  and  Taliban  talks  with  has  been  briefed  on  the  ghans that no deals would  Abdul  Hakim  Mujahid,  a
            of the country.              the Afghan government.       talks  and  described  them  be  made  without  Kabul's  former  Taliban  official  and
            Khalilzad  said  in  an  inter-  In his statement released by  as  encouraging,  but  he  awareness  and  full  partici-  currently a member of the
            view  with  The  New  York  the U.S. Embassy, Khalilzad  also told reporters that the  pation.                      High  Peace  Council,  an
            Times that an agreement in  said,  "We  made  progress  department  has  not  been  "Our commitment is to pro-      independent body of cler-
            principle was reached with  on vital issues in our discus-  directed  to  prepare  for  vide  peace  and  to  pre-  ics  and  respected  Afghan
            the  Taliban  on  the  frame-  sions and agreed to agree-  a  full  withdrawal  from  Af-  vent any possible disaster,"  figures,  said  he  believes
            work  of  a  peace  deal  ments in principle on a cou-    ghanistan.                   Ghani said in an address to  the  Qatar  talks  resulted  in
            "which still has to be fleshed  ple of very important issues.  Speaking  before  a  meet-  the  nation.  "There  are  val-  a "good understanding be-
            out"  that  will  see  the  insur-  "There is a lot more work to  ing  at  the  Pentagon  with  ues that are not disputable,  tween both sides" but that
            gents  commit  to  guaran-   be  done  before  we  can  Shanahan, NATO Secretary  such  as  national  unity,  na-   more discussions are need-
            teeing that Afghan territory  say we have succeeded in  General  Jens  Stoltenberg  tional  sovereignty  and  ter-  ed in the coming weeks or
            is  not  used  as  a  "platform  our efforts but I believe for  said  any  discussion  about  ritorial integrity."  months.
                                                                      the  withdrawal  of  NATO  Ghani's office said he and  "Afghanistan's  problem  is
             Hamas says Egypt will                                    forces  from  Afghanistan  Khalilzad  met  late  Sunday  not so simple that it can be
                                                                      would  be  premature.  He  in  Kabul  to  discuss  details  solved  in  a  day,  week  or
             reopen Gaza crossing                                     said  Khalilzad  had  briefed  from the talks.            month, it needs more time
                                                                                                                                and more discussions," Mu-
                                                                      NATO  allies  on  the  talks  Khalilzad's  statement  em-
             for 3 days                                               weeks ago.                   phasized  the  inclusion  of  jahid  told  The  Associated
                                                                      "We  are  in  Afghanistan  to  the Afghan government in  Press.  The  Taliban  have  in
                                                                      create the conditions for a  the talks.                   the past refused to negoti-
             GAZA  CITY,  Gaza  Strip  The Islamic militant group     peaceful  negotiated  solu-  "There  is  a  false  narrative  ate  directly  with  Kabul  —
             (AP) — Hamas says Egypt  seized  power  in  Gaza  in     tion," Stoltenberg said. "We  that  Afghans  are  not  in-  a  standing  that  does  not
             will briefly open its border  2007,  but  allowed  the   will  not  stay  longer  than  cluded. That is not true. The  appear to have changed.
             with  Gaza  in  both  direc-  Western-backed   Pales-    necessary,  but  we  will  not  Afghan  voice  is  there,"  he  They   have   maintained
             tions for first time in three  tinian  Authority  to  oper-  leave  before  we  have  a  said.  "We  are  working  to-  that  they  are  prepared  to
             weeks.                      ate the crossing in a 2017   situation that enables us to  gether to get to a compre-  talk  with  U.S.  officials  only
             The  Hamas-run  Interior  reconciliation  agreement      leave  or  reduce  the  num-  hensive cease-fire. We are  and only about the pullout
             Ministry  in  Gaza  says  the  that has since unraveled.  ber of troops without jeop-  working  with  the  Afghan  of  foreign  forces  from  Af-
             Rafah  crossing  will  oper-  Rafah  is  the  main  gate   ardizing  the  main  goal  of  government,  with  interna-  ghanistan.Afghan  political
             ate for three days starting  to  the  outside  world  for   our presence and that is to  tional  partners,  to  find  im-  analyst  Waheed  Muzhda
             Tuesday.                    Gaza's 2 million residents.   prevent  Afghanistan  from  plementing mechanisms to  says he believes that Khalil-
             Egypt has kept the cross-   Under  an  Israeli-Egyptian   becoming a safe haven for  reach these goals."           zad  and  the  Taliban  have
             ing shut for outbound Pal-  blockade  imposed  more      international terrorists once  Khalilzad  has  met  with  the  reached  agreement  on
             estinians  since  the  Pales-  than  a  decade  ago  to   again."                     Taliban on a number of oc-   both the withdrawal of U.S.
             tinian  Authority  withdrew  isolate  Hamas,  traffic  at   He added that he believes  casions in recent months in  forces  from  Afghanistan
             its forces earlier this month  the crossing has been sig-  it's  too  soon  to  speculate  the latest bid to end Amer-  and a cease-fire deal, but
             in a dispute with Hamas.    nificantly curtailed.q       on  withdrawal  because  ica's  longest  war.  The  U.S.  that neither side is prepared
                                                                      "what we have to do now is  invaded  Afghanistan  after  to say so at this point.q
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