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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 29 January 2019

            Insurance claims from deadly California wildfires top $11.4B

            SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) —
            Insurance claims from Cali-
            fornia's  deadly  November
            2018 wildfires have topped
            $11.4 billion, making the se-
            ries of fires some of the most
            expensive  in  state  history,
            officials said Monday.
            The  latest  tally  adds  to
            growing  concerns  about
            the  future  availability  of
            home insurance in wildfire-
            prone areas.
            More than $8 billion of the
            November 2018 losses stem
            from  the  fire  that  leveled
            the town of Paradise, killing
            86  people  and  destroying
            roughly  15,000  homes.  The
            other $3 billion in losses are
            from  two  Southern  Califor-
            nia wildfires that ignited the
            same week.
            The numbers were expect-
            ed to rise, though not dra-
            matically,  state  Insurance
            Commissioner Ricardo Lara
            said.  So  far,  total  damage
            for 2018 wildfires is close to
            $12.4 billion.               This Dec. 3, 2018, file photo shows homes leveled by the Camp Fire line the Ridgewood Mobile Home Park retirement community
            "These  are  massive  num-   in Paradise, Calif.
            bers for us," Lara said.                                                                                                        Associated Press
            California's  wildfires  are  in-
            creasingly  destructive  and  insurance plan of last resort  plans  should  still  be  widely  related to deadly 2017 and  After   insurers   pay   out
            the  fire  season  is  stretch-  known as the "FAIR plan."  available.                 2018 wildfires.              claims, they can try to get
            ing  longer  due  to  climate  "We  want  to  make  sure  "California  still  has  a  com-  California  law  makes  utili-  back the money from a util-
            change.  A  series  of  2017  that  we're  monitoring  the  petitive  market,  there  are  ties entirely liable for dam-  ity if it is found at fault.
            wildfires in Northern Califor-  situation, and right now we  other  carriers  moving  into  age  from  wildfires  sparked  Armand   Feliciano,   vice
            nia's  wine  country  and  in  don't feel this is an area we  place  to  write  new  busi-  by  their  equipment,  re-  president  of  the  industry
            parts of Southern California  should be alarmed about,"  ness,"  said  Nicole  Mahrt-  gardless  of  whether  they  group,  said  he  hopes  the
            became  the  state's  most  he said.                      Ganley  of  the  American  are found to be negligent.  bankruptcy  process  is  fair
            expensive in history at $11.8  Still,  he  said  the  worsening  Property  Casualty  Insur-  The bankruptcy would con-  to  people  suffering  losses
            billion.                     fires  put  California  "in  un-  ance  Association,  which  solidate  the  victims'  law-  and to insurers.
            It  has  already  become  charted territory." The insur-  represents  about  60  per-  suits  and  could  potentially  Regardless  of  what  hap-
            harder  for  people  in  fire-  ance department is begin-  cent  of  the  nation's  prop-  leave thousands of wildfire  pens  with  PG&E,  Califor-
            prone areas to get or keep  ning  to  collect  information  erty   casualty   insurance  victims without compensa-  nia's  insurers  are  prepared
            insurance,  although  Lara  on non-renewed policies to  market.                        tion.                        to  pay  out  all  the  claims,
            said  the  state  is  not  at  a  assess  patterns  such  as  lo-  Pacific Gas & Electric Corp.,  State investigators recently  most of which were filed by
            point  where  it's  impossible  cation, he said.          California's  largest  utility,  is  found  that  PG&E  equip-  residential property owners,
            for homeowners to find it. A  Representatives  from  the  preparing  to  file  for  bank-  ment did not spark of one  Lara said.
            recent law requires insurers  insurance industry acknowl-  ruptcy as early as Tuesday.  of  the  most  destructive  "We are confident that the
            who do not renew policies  edged  that  some  insurers  Company  officials  say  the  2017  fires,  but  the  cause  insurers have the money to
            to notify customers of other  may stop doing business in  utility cannot afford an es-  of the Paradise wildfire has  make  sure  that  we  make
            options, including a pooled  certain areas. But they said  timated  $30  billion  in  costs  not yet been determined.  people whole," Lara said.q
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