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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Tuesday 29 January 2019

             Dems fear Trump re-election if ex-Starbucks CEO Schultz runs

            By  GENE  JOHNSON  and                                                                                              "The  data  was  very  clear
            STEVE PEOPLES                                                                                                       and very consistent. Given
             Associated Press                                                                                                   the  strong  pull  of  partisan-
            SEATTLE (AP) — Some of the                                                                                          ship and the realities of the
            most  influential  forces  in                                                                                       electoral  college  system,
            Democratic  politics  revolt-                                                                                       there is no way an indepen-
            ed Monday against former                                                                                            dent  can  win.  That  is  truer
            Starbucks  CEO  Howard                                                                                              today  than  ever  before,"
            Schultz's  prospective  presi-                                                                                      Bloomberg,  who  is  consid-
            dential bid, insisting that an                                                                                      ering  a  Democratic  2020
            independent run would un-                                                                                           bid, said in a statement.
            intentionally help President                                                                                        He continued: "In 2020, the
            Donald Trump win another                                                                                            great  likelihood  is  that  an
            four years in office.                                                                                               independent  would  just
            The  critics  included  the                                                                                         split  the  anti-Trump  vote
            Democratic  chairman  of                                                                                            and end up re-electing the
            Schultz's home state, anoth-                                                                                        president.  That's  a  risk  I  re-
            er  billionaire  businessman                                                                                        fused to run in 2016 and we
            who long flirted with an in-                                                                                        can't afford to run it now."
            dependent run of his own,                                                                                           The  angry  voices  were  far
            former  President  Barack                                                                                           and wide, and they includ-
            Obama's  chief  strategist,                                                                                         ed  Obama's  former  chief
            and  the  most  powerful  su-   In this March 22, 2017, file photo, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz speaks at the Starbucks annual   strategist,  David  Axelrod,
            per  PAC  in  Democratic     shareholders meeting in Seattle.                                                       along with Democrats from
            politics.                                                                                          Associated Press  Schultz's home state.
            "If Schultz entered the race                                                                                        "If Schultz decides to run as
            as  an  independent,  we  ocrats  fear  that  Schultz  advisers dispute the notion  tz's private conversations.     an  independent,"  Axelrod
            would  consider  him  a  tar-  would almost certainly split  that  an  independent  can-  Schultz addressed his pros-  tweeted,  Trump  "should
            get...  We  would  do  every-  their  vote  and  give  Trump  didate  would  automati-  pects in a video posted on  give  Starbucks  their  Trump
            thing we can to ensure that  an  easier  path  to  re-elec-  cally  bolster  Trump's  pros-  social media Monday.   Tower  space  rent  free!  It
            his candidacy is unsuccess-  tion.  Yet  Democrats  con-  pects in 2020, arguing that  "At  this  time  in  America  would be a gift."
            ful,"  said  Patrick  McHugh,  cede  that  they  had  few  there  are  enough  Demo-   when  there's  so  much  evi-  Tina   Podlodowski,   the
            executive director of Priori-  tools  to  dissuade  Schultz  crats  and  Republicans  dis-  dence that our political sys-  Democratic  chairwoman
            ties USA, which spent near-  from  launching  an  inde-   gruntled  with  their  parties  tem is broken — that both  in Washington state, where
            ly  $200  million  in  the  2016  pendent  campaign  —  as  to propel a third-party bid.  parties at the extreme are  Schultz  has  lived  for  de-
            presidential contest.        he told CBS' "60 Minutes" on  Schultz is being advised by  not  representing  the  silent  cades,  discouraged  him
            Specifically,  he  seized  on  Sunday he was considering  a  team  with  experience  majority  of  the  American  from  running  as  an  inde-
            Schultz's  apparent  willing-  — though many were skep-   in  both  parties,  including  people — isn't there a bet-  pendent.
            ness to cut entitlement pro-  tical that he would actually  Steve Schmidt, who worked  ter way?" Schultz said, not-  "A billionaire buying his way
            grams  such  as  Medicare  follow through.                on  Republican  John  Mc-    ing  that  he'd  be  traveling  out  of  the  entire  primary
            and Social Security to nar-  Shultz   plans   to   spend  Cain's  2008  presidential  the  country  in  the  coming  process does not strength-
            row the federal deficit.     the  next  month  traveling  campaign,  and  Bill  Burton,  weeks  and  months  meet-  en  democracy,"  she  said.
            "The bottom line," McHugh  around  the  country  —  in  a  Democrat  who  worked  ing with voters.                  "It only makes it more likely
            said,  "is  that  I  don't  think  part promoting a new book  for   President   Barack  "And  what  better  expres-  that  our  democracy  will
            Americans  are  looking  for  —  to  test  whether  there's  Obama.  Schultz's  team  sion  of  our  democracy  be  further  strained  under
            another selfish billionaire to  interest in an independent  also  includes  Republican  than to give the American  another four years of Presi-
            enter the race."             presidential candidate, ac-  pollster Greg Strimple, GOP  people a choice that they  dent Donald Trump."
            The  pushback  in  the  early  cording to a person familiar  strategist  Brooks  Kochvar,  deserve."                Perhaps  trying  to  elevate
            days  of  the  2020  cam-    with his planning. However,  and Rajiv Chandrasekaran,  Yet  history  —  and  the  re-  Schultz,  who  is  not  well
            paign  reflects  the  intensity  the  former  Starbucks  CEO  a former journalist who has  ality  of  a  political  system  known among Democratic
            Democrats  are  bringing  to  may not make a final deci-  worked closely with Schultz  designed  to  favor  major  primary  voters,  Trump  him-
            the race. The party is singu-  sion on running until the fall,  since 2015.            party  candidates  —  sug-   self  weighed  in  on  Mon-
            larly  focused  on  retaking  when  the  direction  of  the  Schultz  has  discussed  with  gests  that  Schultz  may  do  day,  tweeting  that  Schultz
            the  White  House  and  anx-  Democratic  primary  may  his  team  how  much  of  his  little more than play spoiler  "doesn't  have  the  'guts'  to
            ious about any hurdle that  be somewhat clearer.          own  money  he's  willing  to  should  he  decide  to  run.  run for President!"
            would  prevent  them  from  Schultz's team has polled on  plunge  into  a  campaign,  Bloomberg,  who  studied  The 65-year-old Seattle bil-
            seizing on Trump's unpopu-   the viability of a third party  though  the  person  familiar  the  possibility  of  an  inde-  lionaire  launched  a  tour
            larity.                      run and believes there is an  with his planning would not  pendent  run  of  his  own  in  Monday to promote his lat-
            While no independent has  opening, though they have  disclose  the  amount.  That  the past, offered Schultz a  est book, "From the Ground
            won  the  presidency  since  not shared the specifics of  person insisted on anonym-   direct  message  based  on  Up: A Journey to Reimagine
            George Washington, Dem-      their  internal  surveys.  His  ity in order to discuss Schul-  his own experience.    the Promise of America." q
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