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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 29 January 2019

            Prominent Chinese human rights lawyer sentenced to 4½ years

            By DAKE KANG                                                                                                        people  accused  of  such
            BEIJING  (AP)  —  Prominent                                                                                         charges   behind    closed
            Chinese  human  rights  law-                                                                                        doors  on  the  presumption
            yer Wang Quanzhang was                                                                                              that  opening  them  to  the
            sentenced  to  4½  years  in                                                                                        public  might  expose  state
            prison on the charge of sub-                                                                                        secrets — a practice activ-
            version of state power Mon-                                                                                         ists say is a thin excuse for a
            day, more than three years                                                                                          failure to provide solid evi-
            after he was detained in a                                                                                          dence.
            sweeping  crackdown  on                                                                                             Trials  for  rights  activists  in
            the legal profession.                                                                                               China often draw out over
            The  No.  2  Intermediate                                                                                           years  while  the  accused
            Court  in  the  northeastern                                                                                        are  held  under  harsh  con-
            city  of  Tianjin  announced                                                                                        ditions  that  can  endanger
            the  sentence  in  an  online                                                                                       their  health,  including  fre-
            statement,  adding  that                                                                                            quent  accusations  of  tor-
            Wang's political rights were                                                                                        ture,  while  being  routinely
            also being withheld for five                                                                                        denied the right to hire their
            years.                                                                                                              own  legal  representation
            Wang's wife, Li Wenzu, told                                                                                         and receive visits from fam-
            The  Associated  Press  she                                                                                         ily members.
            is  worried  about  her  hus-  Li Wenzu, wife of prominent Chinese human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang reacts after Wang's   China's  best-known  pris-
            band's  health  while  he  is   sentencing, at her house in Beijing, Monday, Jan. 28, 2019.                         oner  of  conscience,  No-
            incarcerated.                                                                                      Associated Press  bel  Peace  Prize  winner  Liu
            "Wang  Quanzhang  has                                                                                               Xiaobo, was serving an 11-
            never  committed  a  crime,  on  behalf  of  poor  villagers  ally released," Lau said in a  being held without access  year  sentence  for  "inciting
            but    they   still   forcibly  and represented members  statement.                    to his lawyers or family since  subversion  of  state  power"
            charged him with a crime,"  of the banned Falun Gong  Human  Rights  Watch  said  2015,  when  he  became  when he died of liver can-
            Li said. "I think this is because  meditation sect.       the  sentence  made  a  one of more than 200 legal  cer in 2017. He helped write
            he  wouldn't  compromise  Rights  groups  condemned  "mockery  of  the  'rule  of  activists detained during a  Charter  08,  a  manifesto
            with  them,  wouldn't  admit  the  verdict,  with  Amnesty  law'"  being  championed  crackdown.  It  wasn't  clear  calling  for  political  and
            any crime."                  International   China   re-  by  the  ruling  Communist  whether  his  time  in  deten-  economic liberalization.
            "So I firmly refuse to recog-  searcher  Doriane  Lau  call-  Party under President Xi Jin-  tion  would  be  counted  Legal   advocacy   flour-
            nize or accept this result," Li  ing it a "gross injustice."  ping.                    against his sentence.        ished for a time after China
            said.                        "It's  outrageous  that  Wang  "Authorities'  treatment  of  The  subversion  charge  is  opened up its society and
            Wang  was  a  member  of  Quanzhang  is  being  pun-      him ... is the true metric of  only  hazily  defined,  and  it  economy in the late 1970s,
            the  Fengrui  law  firm  that  ished for peacefully stand-  rule  of  law  in  China,"  the  wasn't  clear  what  specific  as  lawyers  defended  the
            was  well  known  for  its  ad-  ing  up  for  human  rights  in  group said in a statement.  acts  Wang  had  been  ac-  disenfranchised  and  con-
            vocacy  work.  As  such,  he  China.  He  must  be  imme-  Wang was tried in a closed  cused  of  committing.  The  tributed  to  a  nascent  civil
            pursued  land  rights  cases  diately  and  uncondition-  hearing  last  month  after  authorities   regularly   try  society.q

            Thailand  suspends  patent  applications

            for medical marijuana

            By KAWEEWIT KAEWJINDA        tual  Property  to  invalidate  the regulated use of medi-
            BANGKOK  (AP)  —  Thai-      all  patent  applications  for  cal marijuana but the leg-
            land's  military  government  medical  marijuana  prod-   islation  must  be  signed  by
            on Monday suspended the  ucts, declaring that for the  King  Maha  Vajiralongkorn
            licensing  of  commercial  time  being  commercial  to  become  law.  At  that
            marijuana-based  products  products from marijuana or  point, new applications are
            for medical use amid con-    having the same molecular  expected  to  be  allowed
            cern  that  foreign  pharma-  structure  as  the  plant  are  that meet conditions speci-
            ceutical  companies  might  not  supported  under  intel-  fied under the law.
            try to monopolize the mar-   lectual property laws.       The order was issued under
            ket.                         The  decree  says  it  will  re-  special powers the military
            Prime    Minister   Prayuth  main  in  effect  until  legisla-  government  that  seized
            Chan-ocha's  decree  or-     tion on medical marijuana  power in 2014 gave itself to
            ders  the  director  of  the  comes  into  force.  Parlia-  implement laws without ap-
            Department  of  Intellec-    ment  last  month  legalized  proval from Parliament.q
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