Page 1 - aruba-today-20190507
P. 1
Etnia Nativa
May 7, 2019
T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044
Page 13
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
U.S. sending aircraft carrier to Mideast, citing Iran threats
U.S. is sending an aircraft
carrier group to the Mid-
dle East ahead of schedule
and warning that Iran and
its proxy forces are showing
"troubling and escalatory"
indications of a possible at-
tack on American forces in
the region.
Exactly what prompted the
action was unclear, but it
marked a further step in
sharply rising tensions be-
tween the Trump adminis-
tration and the Islamic Re-
National Security Adviser
John Bolton said Sunday
night the U.S. was deploy-
ing the USS Abraham Lin-
coln Carrier Strike Group
and a bomber task force
to the Middle East, intend-
ing to send a message
that "unrelenting force" will
meet any attack on Ameri- This April 27, 2016, file photo, shows the nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln at Newport News Shipbuilding in
can forces or allies. Newport News, Va.
"The United States is not Associated Press
seeking war with the Ira-
nian regime, but we are Neither Bolton nor other of- fying pressure against Iran ISNA news agency on Mon- might discuss “counterac-
fully prepared to respond ficials would provide any and nearly a year after it day quoted an anonymous tions” Tehran will take over
to any attack, whether by details about the supposed withdrew from an Obama- official as saying that Ira- America’s withdrawal from
proxy, the Islamic Revolu- threat, which comes as the era nuclear deal with Te- nian President Hassan Rou- the international nuclear
tionary Guard Corps or reg- Trump administration wag- hran. hani planned a broadcast deal.
ular Iranian forces," he said. es a campaign of intensi- In Iran, the semi-official address Wednesday and Continued on Page 3