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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Thursday 21 March 2019

            Trump aims new blasts at McCain, claims credit for funeral

            By LAURIE KELLMAN                                                                                                   he  says  it  again,”  Isakson
            Associated Press                                                                                                    continued  in  remarks  on
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Cast-                                                                                             Georgia  Public  Broadcast-
            ing aside rare censure from                                                                                         ing’s Political Rewind radio
            Republican      lawmakers,                                                                                          show,  “and  I  will  continue
            President  Donald  Trump                                                                                            to speak out.”
            aimed new blasts of invec-                                                                                          Utah  Sen.  Mitt  Romney,
            tive  at  the  late  John  Mc-                                                                                      the  GOP’s  2012  presiden-
            Cain  Wednesday,  even                                                                                              tial  nominee  whom  Trump
            claiming  credit  for  the                                                                                          briefly considered nominat-
            senator’s moving Washing-                                                                                           ing  as  secretary  of  state,
            ton  funeral  and  complain-                                                                                        tweeted praise for McCain
            ing  he  was  never  properly                                                                                       on Tuesday — and criticism
            thanked.                                                                                                            of Trump.
            By  the  time  the  president                                                                                       “I  can’t  understand  why
            began  his  anti-McCain  ti-                                                                                        the  President  would,  once
            rade in Ohio, several lead-                                                                                         again,  disparage  a  man
            ing  Republicans  had  sig-                                                                                         as  exemplary  as  my  friend
            naled a new willingness to                                                                                          John McCain: heroic, cou-
            defy  Trump  by  defending                                                                                          rageous,  patriotic,  honor-
            the  Vietnam  War  veteran                                                                                          able, self-effacing, self-sac-
            as a hero seven months af-                                                                                          rificing,  empathetic,  and
            ter he died of brain cancer.                                                                                        driven  by  duty  to  family,
            One  GOP  senator  called                                                                                           country,  and  God,”  Rom-
            Trump’s  remarks  “deplor-    In this Nov. 3, 208 file photo, Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. speaks   ney wrote.
            able.”                       at a rally outside Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Fla.                                Pushback  also  came  from
            Trump  then  launched  a                                                                           Associated Press  Sen. Martha McSally, a Re-
            lengthy  rant  in  which  he  has not appeared to alien-  served  in  the  military  and  ary for several Republicans.  publican Air Force veteran
            claimed without citing evi-  ate  core  supporters,  some  obtained a series of defer-  Senate  Majority  Leader  appointed  to  McCain’s
            dence  that  McCain  had  of  whom  had  soured  on  ments  to  avoid  going  to  Mitch  McConnell  called  seat from Arizona.
            pushed for a war and failed  the senator by the time of  Vietnam, including one at-    McCain “a rare patriot and  “John McCain is an Ameri-
            America’s veterans.          his  death.  Aware  of  this,  tained  with  a  physician’s  genuine  American  hero  in  can  hero  and  I  am  thank-
            “I gave him the kind of fu-  GOP  lawmakers  until  now  letter  stating  that  he  suf-  the  Senate.”  McConnell  ful for his life of service and
            neral  that  he  wanted,”  have  stayed  subdued  or  fered from bone spurs in his  tweeted, “His memory con-       legacy to our country and
            Trump  told  reporters  at  silent  though  Trump  some-  feet.                        tinues  to  remind  me  every  Arizona,”   she   tweeted
            a  campaign-style  rally  in  times  infuriated  them  with  One  McCain  Senate  vote  day  that  our  nation  is  sus-  Wednesday.   “Everyone
            Lima, Ohio. “I didn’t get (a)  his comments on their late  in particular is the thumbs-  tained  by  the  sacrifices  of  should  give  him  and  his
            thank you but that’s OK.”    colleague.                   down Trump can’t seem to  heroes.”                        family the respect, admira-
            In  fact,  McCain’s  family  McCain’s  allies  suggest-   forget.  The  Arizona  sena-  The  Kentucky  Republican,  tion,  and  peace  they  de-
            made clear that Trump was  ed  it  was  time  for  that  to  tor  in  2017  sank  the  GOP  who  is  up  for  re-election  serve.”
            not  welcome  during  the  change.                        effort  to  repeal  Obama’s  next year, never mentioned  That  McSally  declined  to
            week-long,    cross-country  “I  hope  (Trump’s)  inde-   health  care  law.  Trump  Trump,  but  others  weren’t  criticize  Trump  directly  re-
            ceremonies  that  the  sena-  cency  to  John’s  memory  was furious, and it showed  so shy.                        flected  the  broader  wari-
            tor  had  planned  himself.  and  to  the  McCain  fam-   even in the days after Mc-   Sen.  Johnny  Isakson  of  ness  among  Republicans
            Instead,  McCain  invited  ily  will  convince  more  of-  Cain’s  death  last  August.  Georgia  said  not  only  the  to cross a president famous
            former  Presidents  George  ficeholders that they can’t  The administration lowered  McCain family but the na-      for  mobilizing  his  followers
            W.  Bush,  who  defeated  ignore the damage Trump  the American flag over the  tion “deserves better” than  against  GOP  lawmakers
            McCain  during  the  2000  is  doing  to  politics  and  to  White  House  to  half-staff  Trump’s disparagement.   he  deems  disloyal.  But  this
            GOP nomination fight, and  the country’s well-being or  when  McCain  died  on  a  “I  don’t  care  if  he’s  presi-  week,  Trump  seemed  to
            Barack  Obama,  who  de-     remain  silent  despite  their  Saturday,  but  then  raised  dent  of  the  United  States,  inspire  a  new  determina-
            feated him in 2008, to deliv-  concerns,”  said  Mark  Salt-  it  by  Monday.  After  public  owns  all  the  real  estate  in  tion  among  some  to  draw
            er eulogies on the value of  er,  McCain’s  biographer.  outcry,  the  White  House  New York, or is building the  a line, however delicately.
            pursuing goals greater than  “They must speak up.”        flags were again lowered.    greatest  immigration  sys-  Sen. Lindsey Graham, who
            oneself.  Trump  signed  off  Trump  has  said  for  years  This week, Trump unloaded  tem  in  the  world,”  Isakson  wept openly on the Senate
            on the military transport of  that  he  doesn’t  think  Mc-  a new series of anti-McCain  told  The  Bulwark,  a  con-  floor after McCain died but
            McCain’s body, went golf-    Cain is a hero because the  tweets in which he said he  servative  news  and  opin-    has  allied  himself  strongly
            ing and was uncharacteris-   senator  was  captured  in  never  had  been  “a  fan”  ion  website.  Later,  Isakson  with  Trump,  said,  “I  think
            tically quiet on Twitter dur-  Vietnam.  McCain  was  tor-  and never would be.        called   Trump’s   remarks  the  president’s  comments
            ing the Washington events.   tured and held prisoner for  His relentless new targeting  “deplorable.”               about  Sen.  McCain  hurt
            Trump’s  publicly  nursed  more than five years.          of  the  deceased  senator  “It  will  (be)  deplorable  him more than they hurt the
            grudge  against  McCain  The  president  has  never  seemed to cross a bound-          seven  months  from  now  if  legacy of Sen. McCain.”q
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