P. 2

                      Tuesday 18 June 2019

                                                                      U.S. restores some aid to El

                                                                      Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala

                                                                      that after a review of more  “Previously awarded grants  said the assistance was key
                                                                      than  $615  million  in  assis-  and contracts will continue  to  helping  improve  condi-
                                                                      tance  that  President  Don-  with  current  funding,”  de-  tions in the three countries
                                                                      ald Trump ordered in March  partment     spokeswoman  that  have  contributed  to
                                                                      to be cut entirely, it would  Morgan  Ortagus  said.  She  the people leaving.
                                                                      go  ahead  with  $432  mil-  added  that  assistance  “to  Ortagus  told  reporters  the
                                                                      lion  in  projects  and  grants  help  the  Northern  Triangle  administration  was  leav-
                                                                      that  had  been  previously  governments  take  actions  ing the door open to future
                                                                      approved.    The   remain-   that  will  protect  the  U.S.  funding but would first have
                                                                      ing  amount  will  be  held  in  border  and  counter  trans-  to  see  progress  on  migra-
                                                                      escrow  pending  consulta-   national  organized  crime  tion.
             State  Department  spokesperson  Morgan  Ortagus  speaks  at   tions with Congress, it said.  will also continue.”  “We  will  not  provide  new
             a  news  conference  at  the  State  Department  in  Washington,
             Monday, June 17, 2019.                                   That  $432  million,  which  U.S. officials said the review  funds for programs in those
                                                     Associated Press  comes from the 2017 bud-    looked at roughly 700 proj-  countries until we are satis-
            By MATTHEW LEE               tral American nations of El   get,  is  being  spent  on  ects funded with fiscal 2017  fied that the Northern Trian-
            AP Diplomatic Writer         Salvador,  Honduras  and     health, education and pov-   money by the United States  gle governments are taking
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  Guatemala but will not al-      erty alleviation programs as  in  the  three  countries  and  concrete actions to reduce
            Trump  administration  said  low new funding until those   well  as  anti-crime  efforts  concluded  that  a  signifi-  the  number  of  migrants
            Monday  it  is  easing  pre-  countries  do  more  to  re-  that many believe help re-  cant  number  were  too  far  coming to the U.S. border,
            viously  announced  cuts  duce  migrant  flows  to  the   duce migrant outflows from  advanced to end them.         she  said.  “This  is  consistent
            in  hundreds  of  millions  of  United States.            the  impoverished  North-    Trump’s  decision  in  March  with  the  president’s  direc-
            dollars  in  aid  to  the  Cen-  The State Department said   ern  Triangle  region.  About  to cut all direct aid to El Sal-  tion  and  with  the  recogni-
                                                                      $370 million in money from  vador, Honduras and Gua-      tion  that  it  is  critical  that
                                                                      the 2018 budget will not be  temala  over  the  migration  there be sufficient political
                                                                      spent  and  instead  will  be  issue elicited harsh criticism  will  in  these  countries  to
                                                                      moved  to  other  projects,  from  Congress  where  law-  address  the  problem  at  its
                                                                      the State Department said.   makers  from  both  parties  source.”q

                                                                      Florida effort to block election

                                                                      hacking gets extra $2M

                                                                      TALLAHASSEE,  Fla.  (AP)  —  voter  information  files  of  tion  is  run  smoothly.”  Lee
                                                                      Florida’s  county  elections  two  of  Florida’s  67  county  will  work  with  the  county
                                                                      departments will retain $2.3  election  supervisor  offices  election  supervisors  to  de-
                                                                      million  in  unspent  grant  during the 2016 presidential  termine  how  the  money
                                                                      money  aimed  at  stop-      election.  Officials  do  not  is  divided.  DeSantis  said  if
                                                                      ping  cyber-attacks  on  the  believe the vote tabulation  more money is needed, he
                                                                      state’s voting system, Gov.  system  was  compromised  would seek it from the Leg-
                                                                      Ron  DeSantis  announced  and say there is no indica-     islature.
                                                                      Monday.                      tion  last  year’s  state  elec-  “We  must  remain  vigi-
                                                                      DeSantis  announced  the  tions were hacked.              lant  against  constant  and
                                                                      unspent money is left over  He  and  Secretary  of  State  evolving threats,” Lee said.
                                                                      from  a  $19  million  federal  Laurel  Lee,  who  oversees  “The  Department  of  State
                                                                      grant  given  last  year  to  elections, vowed to identi-  will  ensure  that  no  county
                                                                      combat  potential  attacks  fy and fix any problems be-   stands  alone  against  for-
                                                                      on the Florida’s voting sys-  fore the March presidential  eign  threats  to  Florida’s
                                                                      tem and was supposed to  primary.                         elections.” DeSantis said he
                                                                      be returned to the state. It  “We are taking the issue se-  hopes no vulnerabilities are
                                                                      will be combined with $2.8  riously,” DeSantis said. “We  found  but  if  there  are,  he
                                                                      million in state funding cur-  have 67 different elections  doesn’t  think  they  should
                                                                      rently budgeted.             that  are  run  and  not  ev-  be publicly disclosed.
                                                                      The  spending  comes  after  ery  county  has  the  same  “We  would  be  telegraph-
                                                                      it was disclosed last month  amount of resources so we  ing to our adversaries, ‘Hey,
                                                                      that  the  FBI  believes  Rus-  want  to  be  there  to  offer  this is where Florida is weak-
                                                                      sian hackers breached the  the  support  so  the  elec-   est,’” DeSantis said.q
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