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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 18 June 2019

            U.S. sending more troops to Middle East as Iran tensions mount

            Continued from Front         the worst deal in history.                                                             tration  maintains  its  “maxi-
                                         Iran announced Monday it                                                               mum  pressure”  campaign
            The decision to send 1,000  would break a limit on ura-                                                             of sanctions.
            troops  signals  a  measured  nium stockpiles established                                                           Administration  officials  are
            approached  by  President  by a 2015 agreement with                                                                 grappling  with  whether  to
            Donald  Trump,  who  cam-    world  powers  that  was  in-                                                          press  the  remaining  par-
            paigned  against  the  Mid-  tended  to  restrict  the  Is-                                                         ties  to  the  deal,  including
            east   entanglements     of  lamic  Republic’s  nuclear                                                             Britain,  France  and  Ger-
            his  predecessors  and  has  program  in  exchange  for                                                             many, to demand that Iran
            struggled  to  bring  troops  an  easing  of  international                                                         stay  in  compliance.  They
            home,  despite  ongoing  sanctions.                                                                                 must  also  consider  if  such
            threats.                     Trump  withdrew  from  the                                                             a  stance  would  essentially
            “The  United  States  does  agreement,  signed  by  his                                                             concede  that  the  restric-
            not seek conflict with Iran,”  predecessor,   and   rein-                                                           tions  imposed  during  the
            Shanahan  said.  “The  ac-   stated  punishing  econom-                                                             Obama       administration,
            tion today is being taken to  ic  sanctions,  resulting  in   Deputy  Spokesperson  Robert  Palladino  speaks  with  reporters   while  short  of  ideal,  are
            ensure the safety and wel-   sharply  rising  tensions  that   following  a  news  conference  at  the  State  Department  in   better than none.
            fare of our military person-  deteriorated  further  with   Washington, Monday, June 17, 2019.                      Under  the  deal,  Iran  can
            nel working throughout the  Iran’s warning that it could                                          Associated Press  keep  a  stockpile  of  no
            region  and  to  protect  our  soon  start  to  enrich  urani-  Control  Association  said  in  trusive monitoring and veri-  more than 660 pounds (300
            national interests.” He add-  um to just a step away from   a statement. “It remains in  fication.”                 kilograms)  of  low-enriched
            ed that the U.S. will contin-  weapons-grade levels.      Iran’s interests to abide by  Iran  has  shown  no  willing-  uranium.  Behrouz  Kamal-
            ue to adjust troop levels as  “We  continue  to  call  on   the limits of the agreement  ness  to  negotiate  another  vandi, spokesman for Iran’s
            needed.                      the  Iranian  regime  not  to   and to fully cooperate with  deal and vowed not enter  atomic  agency,  said  it
            The  troop  decision  comes  obtain a nuclear weapon,     the  International  Atomic  into  talks  with  the  United  would  pass  that  limit  June
            as  Secretary  of  State  Mike  to  abide  by  their  commit-  Energy  Agency’s  more  in-  States  while  the  adminis-  27.q
            Pompeo and other top of-     ments  to  the  international
            ficials reached out to lead-  community,” State Depart-
            ers  in  Asia  and  Europe  to  ment  spokeswoman  Mor-
            convince  them  that  Iran  gan Ortagus told reporters.
            was  behind  the  alleged  Ortagus said Iran’s uranium
            attacks on ships in the Mid-  announcement     amount-
            dle East. The Pentagon re-   ed  to  “extortion”  and  a
            leased new photos intend-    “challenge to international
            ed  to  bolster  its  case  that  norms,”  as  well  as  to  the
            Iran was to blame.           2015  agreement  known
            The  images,  many  taken  formally as the Joint Com-
            from  a  Navy  helicopter,  prehensive Plan of Action.
            show  what  the  Pentagon  “It’s  unfortunate  that  they
            said  were  Iranian  forces  have made this announce-
            removing  an  unexploded  ment today,” Ortagus said.
            mine  from  the  side  of  the  “It  doesn’t  surprise  any-
            Japanese-owned  Kokuka  body  and  this  is  why  the
            Courageous  oil  tanker  in  president  has  often  said
            the Gulf of Oman.            that  the  JCPOA  needs  to
            Officials last week said the  be  replaced  with  a  better
            move  appeared  to  be  an  deal.”
            attempt to remove forensic  Supporters  of  the  deal
            evidence  from  the  scene  blamed  the  Trump  ad-
            of  the  attack.  But  it’s  not  ministration  for  Iran’s  pro-
            clear if examination of the  vocative  announcements,
            mine  would  have  made  it  saying  they  were  entirely
            definitively  clear  that  the  predictable  given  the  re-
            device was planted by the  newed U.S. pressure.
            IRGC.                        “While   Iran’s   frustration
            The  Trump  administration  with  Trump’s  reckless  and
            also  finds  itself  in  the  awk-  irresponsible pressure cam-
            ward  position  of  demand-  paign  is  understandable,
            ing  that  Iran  comply  with  we  strongly  urge  Iran  to
            a nuclear accord that the  remain in compliance with
            president  has  derided  as  the nuclear deal,” the Arms
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