P. 4

A4   U.S. NEWS
                      Tuesday 18 June 2019

            Buttigieg goes home to South Bend after man killed by police

            By  TOM  DAVIES  and  SARA                                                                                          earlier in his time as mayor
            BURNETT                                                                                                             and that he heard from the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    black  community  that  he
            INDIANAPOLIS  (AP)  —  The                                                                                          needed  to  be  more  open
            fatal  shooting  of  a  black                                                                                       and transparent.
            man  by  a  police  officer                                                                                         “One of the reasons we’re
            in  the  Indiana  city  where                                                                                       communicating  up  front
            Pete  Buttigieg  is  mayor                                                                                          right now is because of les-
            presents both political peril                                                                                       sons learned from members
            for  a  presidential  candi-                                                                                        of the community,” he said.
            date who has struggled to                                                                                           Logan’s  wife,  Shafonia  Lo-
            connect  with  minority  vot-                                                                                       gan,  told  reporters  after
            ers  and  an  opportunity  to                                                                                       meeting  with  the  police
            show  leadership  on  issues                                                                                        chief Sunday night that she
            of  race  and  policing  that                                                                                       had many questions about
            are critical — and personal                                                                                         what happened to her hus-
            —  for  much  of  the  Demo-                                                                                        band of 13 years. She said
            cratic primary electorate.                                                                                          her  husband  called  her
            Buttigieg  on  Monday  can-                                                                                         early Sunday asking her to
            celed several days of cam-                                                                                          pick him up, as he was out
            paign  events  after  return-                                                                                       with friends, but she was in
            ing  to  South  Bend,  where   South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, center, speaks during a news conference, Sunday, June 16,   bed, and he replied that he
            he spent the day meeting      2019, in South Bend, Ind., as South Bend Common Council President Tim Scott, left, and South Bend   would walk to his mother’s
            with  community  members      Police Chief Scott Ruszkowski, listen.                                                house a few minutes away.
            and faith leaders following                                                                        Associated Press  “I  don’t  know  what  hap-
            the shooting of 54-year-old  Eric Jack Logan.             Logan  died  after  he  was  presidential campaign trip.  pened  or  what  they  say
                                                                      shot once in the abdomen  “I  know  that  whenever  an  —  he  was  breaking  into  a
                                                                      from  the  front  by  a  white  incident  like  this  happens,  car?”  she  said.  “Was  that
                                                                      officer  who  responded  to  there  is  tremendous  hurt  justified  for  him  to  shoot
                                                                      a  call  about  a  suspicious  that can come about. That  and  kill  him  about  break-
                                                                      person  going  through  cars  the city will be hurting.”  ing  in  a  car?”  Shafonia
                                                                      about 3:30 a.m. Sunday, St.  Asked  by  a  reporter  how  Logan  said  that  she  never
                                                                      Joseph  County  Prosecutor  the  shooting  might  affect  knew her husband to carry
                                                                      Ken Cotter said Monday.      his  presidential  bid,  But-  a  knife  or  a  gun  and  that
                                                                      Sgt.  Ryan  O’Neill  spotted  tigieg  declined  to  answer,  he was afraid of police of-
                                                                      the man, later identified as  saying, “Right now I’m here  ficers.  She  also  questioned
                                                                      Logan, leaning inside a car,  as mayor.”                  why her husband was tak-
                                                                      Cotter  said.  When  O’Neill  The white mayor has had a  en to a hospital in a police
                                                                      confronted  him,  Logan  al-  sometimes-tense  relation-  car rather than in an ambu-
                                                                      legedly  approached  the  ship  with  the  black  com-    lance. Logan was released
                                                                      officer  with  a  6  to  8-inch  munity  dating  back  to  his  from  prison  in  June  2018
                                                                      long  knife  raised  over  his  first term in office, when he  after serving a sentence for
                                                                      head.  That’s  when  Cotter  fired  the  city’s  first  black  a  2009  St.  Joseph  County
                                                                      said the officer fired twice,  police  chief.  He  has  also  conviction  on  three  felony
                                                                      with  the  other  shot  hitting  faced criticism for his han-  counts of dealing cocaine
                                                                      a  car  door.  In  a  matter  of  dling of police misconduct  or  narcotics,  according
                                                                      months, Buttigieg has gone  cases,  including  a  case  to  Indiana  Department  of
                                                                      from  a  relatively  obscure  involving  an  officer  who  Correction records. He had
                                                                      37-year-old  mayor  to  the  was  twice  disciplined  for  other   convictions   since
                                                                      top tier of a crowded Dem-   civil rights violations but not  1988  on  drug  possession
                                                                      ocratic  presidential  field.  fired,  and  for  not  having  and   handgun   violation
                                                                      His  handling  of  the  shoot-  a  police  department  that  charges.
                                                                      ing  could  test  his  ability  to  reflects  South  Bend’s  di-  Cotter said no police video
                                                                      navigate  the  demands  of  versity. Roughly 40% of the  exists  of  the  confrontation
                                                                      the campaign trail while still  city’s residents are black or  as  the  officer’s  dash  and
                                                                      performing his day job.      Hispanic; the department is  body    cameras    weren’t
                                                                      “I did consider it important  almost 90% white.           automatically    activated
                                                                      to  be  here  to  have  these  Buttigieg  said  Sunday  that  because  he  was  driving
                                                                      conversations,”   Buttigieg  he  was  sometimes  hesi-    slowly without his emergen-
                                                                      said in South Bend on Sun-   tant to speak publicly after  cy  lights  on  while  looking
                                                                      day  after  cutting  short  a  shootings  involving  police  through a parking lot.q
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