Page 23 - AHATA
P. 23

               Thursday 13 december 2018

            Encouraging Creative Entrepreneurship within the Aruban CCI

              Maastricht – Developing new economic pillars in Aruba act as incen-                                        tions for collaborative creations is a
              tives for further economic growth opportunities for local and interna-                                     plus for creative businesses. Along-
              tional entrepreneurs. Last week we started looking at other elements                                       side this, creators should know how
              that effect the economy, which are namely employability prospects                                          to benefit from social networks and
              and creative skill development for the 21st century. Today we will dis-                                    professional networks to boost this
              cuss how entrepreneurship is connected to economic developments                                            development amongst NGOs, cre-
              of the Aruban Cultural and Creative Industry (CCI). In this context, en-                                   ative  businesses,  academia  and
              trepreneurship has been transitioning and is becoming more explicit.                                       the government. Lastly, continuous
              According  to  Central  Bureau  of  Statistics,  besides  having  the  tour-                               learning and upgrading is an inevi-
              ism industry as our primary source of income, the back bone of the                                         table  in  the  CCI.  Like  mentioned
              Aruban Economy relies on the growth of small-medium enterprises        and  funding.  The  CCI  can  be  a   before,  all  niche  markets  in  the
              (SMEs). So, next to implementing a new economic pillar in the form     very  technical  industry,  involving   CCI  are  changing  rapidly  due  to
              of a CCI for Aruba, it is important to also take a look at the entrepre-  different  tools  and  equipment  to   technological  advancement  and
              neurial implications this brings for current and prospective creative   produce  content.  It  costs  money   it is almost impossible not to keep
              entrepreneurs.                                                         to  buy  these  tools  or  recreational   education yourself deeper into the
                                                                                     items  to  produce,  build  or  design   21st century.
                                                                                     a  final  product.  Not  only  with  the
              Creative Entrepreneurship                                              production, starting a business cost   Challenges  for  Creative  Entrepre-
              When talking about creative entrepreneurship it seems as if this is a   money and in many instances, it is   neurship
              separate kind of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship on its own is not   hard  to  allocate  funding  for  par-  These are all important aspects all
              limited to CCIs, but can be found in all types of industries. For Aruba,   ticular  cultural  and/or  creative   entrepreneurs in the creative sec-
              think on the tourism industry, service industry, retail industry, culinary   project.  Also,  with  the  new  tech-  tor should be aware of, seeing all
              industry and so on. However, creative entrepreneurship is specifically   nologies, there is a constant need   the  challenges  they  face  start-
              related to any economic development of the sectors within CCI.  In     for  update  of  the  distribution  of   ing businesses. One of the central
              one of the previous columns we elaborated on these sectors, which      creative content. ICT forms an im-  challenges  for  creative  entrepre-
              are niche markets that revolve around creative works, culture and/     mense part of the CCI and cannot    neurs and the most common ele-
              or art. These include for example businesses in media, fashion, music,   be  excluded  as  one  of  the  chal-  ment  that  came  up  in  my  thesis
              performing arts, visual arts, publishing and more. Putting this aside,   lenges, when considering financial   research, is the access to finance.
              there are certain aspects that are particularly important for the de-  means  of  reaching  new  levels  of   This remains one of the key hurdles
              velopment of creative businesses.                                      economic  growth  for  these  types   for  creative  entrepreneurs  look-
                                                                                     of startups or businesses.          ing  to  resize  their  creative  ideas.
              Literature suggests that there are certain areas creators or entrepre-                                     In  economies  where  the  financial
              neurs should be exposed to. One of the first elements is related to last   Another element of importance is   sector is better adapted to financ-
              week’s topic, which is employment. Creators should have information    having an open-minded spectrum      ing  small  businesses  and  where
              on wages for the CCI, working conditions, knowledge on contracts       toward the business model for busi-  creative  industries  are  officially
              and regulatory information. CCI is known to being one of the most      nesses within the CCI. Since culture   recognized, small-medium size en-
              flexible and dynamic industries, based on the high level of creativity,   and creativity are dynamic in na-  terprises  (SME)  are  at  an  advan-
              so having ground knowledge on how the labor market works for this      ture and are continuously evolving   tage. Now, entrepreneurs on Aru-
              sector is important. Also, the government should consider facilitating   over time, businesses within the CCI   ba  have  more  local  resources  of
              this for the CCI working community.                                    have an extra opportunity of pro-   funding, through Qredits programs
              Next to this, and probably one of the most popular challenges for the   gressing into “change” mode. Hav-  for example, but for some business-
              creative entrepreneur is locating financing tools and access to credit   ing new business models, new op-  es is still limited.
                                                                                                                                       Continued on Page 15
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