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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 13 december 2018

            Encouraging Creative Entrepreneurship within the Aruban CCI

            Continued from Page 14                          So, one of the most vital steps moving forward  Last weekend, in the main city center, Oranjes-
                                                            is to promote cultural or creative entrepreneur-  tad,  Idea  together  with  the  government  and
            Other challenges faced by SMEs include a gen-   ship through specific vocational-training initia-  other  stakeholders  held  the  first  “Kidspreneurs
            eral lack of business skills relating to marketing  tives. Creative practitioners can enhance their  with big ideas” event. Several children from dif-
            and financial management, information asym-     capacities  through  different  types  of  training,  ferent after school programs around the island
            metries and resource constraints affecting ac-  such as capacity building activities. Think about  participated  in  a  project  where  they  learned
            cess to up-to-date technologies.                formal  professional  education,  informal  train-  what it means to be an entrepreneur.
                                                            ing and specific training programs for the vul-
            Most creative entrepreneurs in the cultural field  nerable  ones  in  our  community;  women,  the  wThis project went hands on and encouraged
            lack a business mindset and this creates a lot of  youth and the disabled. This touches the topic  the  children  to  come  up  with  products  they
            bottlenecks in the process of consolidating their  of social entrepreneurship, which is when doing  could  sell  and  went  as  far  as  creating  all  the
            business idea. Creators are known for their free  business also contributes to solving a social is-  products  for  the  final  event.  All  the  children
            minds, artistic outlooks in life and find it hard to  sue. Having this mindset is also extremely posi-  were  standing  at  their  booths  with  their  prod-
            commercialize  their  craft  to  retain  economic  tive within a CCI, because you become more  ucts  and  had  the  full-on  experience  of  being
            value of their production. The essence in hav-  inclusive as an industry and community.         developing an idea, making their product, and
            ing a creative business is to create economic                                                   selling it to the customers at the fair.
            flow within the industry and to create econom-  A  positive  development  for  all  creators  is  the
            ic value on creativity, which can be realized on  department of Idea at the Department of Eco-  In the end, besides all the challenges, the aim
            Aruba, if the right knowledge is practiced.     nomic Affairs of Aruba. Idea has the outlook of  for creative entrepreneurs should always be to
                                                            proving  extensive  assistance,  free  of  charge  include  innovative  practices  as  strategies  to
            Moving Forward                                  to all entrepreneurs who want to start a small  combat  common  challenges  when  it  comes
            With  the  outlook  for  the  future  Aruban  CCI,  business. Idea helps entrepreneurs on general  to creating economic value of their art or cre-
            there  are  several  things  that  can  be  done  or  knowledge  of  starting  a  business,  getting  ac-  ation. Knowledge and education in this sense
            focused  on  to  ensure  positive  developments.  cess to credits, technology, marketing and sev-  is crucial and imperative in order to sustain the
            One power of a community is in its education.  eral other important tools.                      effective growth of creative businesses.q

                                 Thaïs G. Franken is a Master Student  at the University of Maastricht in The Netherlands and Graduate School of Governance
                                 | UNI-MERIT. Aruba Today met this remarkable young lady during an interview for our newspaper. Her ambitions, her drive,
                                 her passion and her happy forthcoming made a big impression and out of this came the mutual desire to work together.
                                 Aruba Today is more than happy to announce Thaïs as our columnist. Her column Creative Islander will appear every two
                                 weeks on Thursday in Aruba Today. Welcome to the club Thaïs.
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