P. 10

                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Tuesday 20 November 2018
                                                                                                                                         527 4000
                                                                                                                                     Imsan- San Nicolas
                                                                                                                                         524 8833
                                                                      Aruba Divi Phoenix           ASSOCIATED REALTORS
                                                                      1 br WK # 47 room #1206      For Sale                        DOCTOR ON DUTY
                                                                      17 weeks remain $6500        spacious House in ruby/Noord        Oranjestad
                                                                      For rent                     3 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms,   Dr. Thuis Tel. 588 2600
                                                                      1 br ocean Front villas      pool, build-up 320 m2 and for      San Nicolas
                                                                      From 19 to 30 November 2018  $446,000 including furnitures
                                                                      Call : 630-1307              and appliances               Dr. v/d Linden Tel. 584 6427
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                   Contact mito at 593 6318     PHARMACY ON DUTY
                                                                                                   _________________________________210420  Oranjestad:
                                                                      Paradise Beach Villas                                     Paradera Tel. 588 6638
            This  undated  photo  provided  by  Georgia  Tech  in  November   1 br WK # 45 room #304  ASSOCIATED REALTORS       San Nicolas
            2018 shows a domestic cat grooming its fur.               1 br WK # 47 room #214       For Sale                     Seroe Preto Tel. 584 4833
                                                     Associated Press  Garden view $4500 each      family house with three      Women in Difficulties
                                                                      La Cabana b & C $4500        bedrooms and two bathrooms   OTHER
            The scoop on how your cat’s                               1 br WK # 47 room # 427 a    situated at Washington on    Dental Clinic 587 9850
                                                                                                                                Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
                                                                                                   property land and reduced to
            sandpapery tongue deep cleans                             Call : 630-1307              $205,000.                    Mobility Equip . Gire
                                                                                                   Call mito at 593 6318        568 5165
                                                                                                                                Urgent Care 586 0448
            By LAURAN NEERGAARD          ing up to a quarter of their   Tropicana Beach Resort     _________________________________210420  Women in Difficulties
            Associated Press             waking  hours  grooming.     2 br WK # 45 and 46 room                                  EMERGENCY
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Cat  Noel’s  interest  was  piqued   #1566                        ASSOCIATED REALTORS          Police            100
            lovers  know  when  kitties  when her cat, Murphy, got    Pool / view $7000 each       For Sale                     Oranjestad        527 3140
            groom,  their  tongues  are  his  tongue  stuck  in  a  fuzzy   divi village           House at soledad /Tanki      Noord             527 3200
            pretty scratchy. Using high-  blanket. Scientists had long   studio WK # 47 and 48 room   Leendert with 4 bedrooms, 2.5   Sta. Cruz      527 2900
            tech scans and some other  thought  cat  tongues  were    #7201                        bathrooms, build-up 273 m2,   San  Nicolas      584 5000
            tricks,  scientists  are  learn-  studded  with  tiny  cone-  30 Weeks remain $6500 each  land 974 m2 with 1 apartmant   Police Tipline      11141
            ing  how  those  sandpa-     shaped bumps. Noel, work-    Call; 630-1307               and for $362,000.00          Ambulancia        115
                                                                                                                                Fire Dept.
            pery tongues help cats get  ing in a lab known for an-        Call mito at 593 6318       Red Cross         582 2219
            clean and stay cool.         imal-inspired  engineering,                               _________________________________210420
            The  secret:  Tiny  hooks  that  wondered why.            Divi Dutch Village                                        TAXI SERVICES
            spring up on the tongue —  First,  CT  scans  of  cats’   1 br WK # 46 room # 71                                    Taxi Tas       587 5900
            with scoops built in to carry  tongues  showed  they’re   $5500                                                     Prof. Taxi     588 0035
            saliva deep into all that fur.  not covered in solid cones   13 weeks remain 6 accelerated                          Taxi D.T.S.    587 2300
            A  team  of  mechanical  but  in  claw-shaped  hooks.     2 br WK # 47 room # 103                                   Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
                                                                                                                                A1 Taxi Serv.
                                                                                                                                               280 2828
            engineers   reported   the  They  lie  flat  and  rear-fac-  17 Full accelerated weeks                              Women in Difficulties
            findings  Monday,  and  say  ing,  out  of  the  way  until,   $6500                                                TRAVEL INFO
            they’re more than a curiosi-  with a twitch of the tongue   Call : 630-1307                                         Aruba Airport   524 2424
            ty. They could lead to inven-  muscle,  the  little  spines                                American Airlines 582 2700
            tions  for  pets  and  people.  spring  straight  up,  she  ex-                                                     Avianca       588 0059
            “Their tongue could help us  plained.  The  big  surprise:   Marriott Ocean Club                                    Aruba Airlines  583 8300
            apply  fluids,  or  clean  car-  Those spines contain hollow   1 br Gold ocean view $4500                           Jet Blue      588 2244
            pets,  or  apply  medicine”  scoops, Noel found. Turning   2 br Gold ocean view $7500                               Surinam       582 7896
            to  hairy  skin,  said  Geor-  to zoos and taxidermists for   2 br Gold ocean Front $14,000                         Venezolana    583 7674
            gia  Tech  lead  researcher  preserved  tongues  to  ex-  Call: 630-1307                                            Women in Difficulties
            Alexis Noel, who is seeking  amine, she found bobcats,                                    CRUISES
            a  patent  for  a  3D-printed,  cougars,  snow  leopards,
            tongue-inspired      brush.  even lions and tigers share   Marriott Surf Club
            Cats are fastidious, spend-  that trait.q                  2 br Gold Garden view $ 5000
                                                                       2 br Gold ocean  view $ 7500
                                                                       3 br Gold ocean  view $                                  November 20
                                                                      13,000                                                    marella explorer
                                                                      Call : 630-1307
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                AID FOUNDATIONS
                                                                      Halley Time Travel aruba
                                                                      own a Piece of The rock                                   FAVI- Visually Incapasitated
                                                                      real value real estate                                    Tel. 582 5051
                                                                      No Hurricanes , No Humidity,                              Alcoholics Anonymous
                                                                      33 years experience                                       Tel. 736 2952
                                                                      Call : 630-1307                                           Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                                                Tel. 583 8989
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583 5400
                                                                                                                                Centre for Diabetes
                                                                      FOR SALE                                                  Tel. 524 8888
                                                                      Renaissance Aruba                                         Child Abuse Prevention
                                                                      Week 17 unit 320 $3,000                                   Tel. 582 4433
                                                                      Week 23 unit 326 $2,750                                   Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
                                                                      Week 36 unit 315 $2,750                                   Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                General Info
                                                                      Call us at 737-3006
                                                                      _________________________________210425                   Phone Directory Tel. 118
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