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             Wednesday 19 december 2018

             Ibrahimovic re-signs with LA Galaxy as designated player

             CARSON,  Calif.  (AP)  —                                                                                          goal against Toronto FC on
             Zlatan Ibrahimovic and the                                                                                        Sept. 15.
             LA Galaxy have put to rest                                                                                        "I  was  told  I  did  good  but
             any  rumors  about  his  fu-                                                                                      I  was  not  satisfied  about
             ture.                                                                                                             the outcome," Ibrahimovic
             The    team    announced                                                                                          said. "I know the opponents
             Tuesday  that  the  Swedish                                                                                       and  the  league  more.  I
             superstar has signed a new                                                                                        know my team more. Phys-
             contract  that  will  make                                                                                        ically I feel better."
             him one of the club's three                                                                                       Galaxy  general  manager
             designated  players.  Ma-                                                                                         Dennis te Kloese, who was
             jor  League  Soccer's  des-                                                                                       named  to  the  post  last
             ignated  player  rule  allows                                                                                     week,  still  has  to  make  a
             a club to sign up to three                                                                                        decision  about  a  head
             players  to  higher  salaries                                                                                     coach  for  the  upcoming
             that do not count against                                                                                         season,  which  begins  in
             the salary cap.                                                                                                   March.
             Ibrahimovic,  who  made                                                                                           The   Galaxy    also   an-
             $1.5  million  in  2018,  was                                                                                     nounced  on  Tuesday  that
             already  under  contract                                                                                          they have signed midfield-
             for  next  season,  but  there                                                                                    er  Juninho  after  acquiring
             were  some  rumors  about                                                                                         right  of  first  refusal  from
             whether he would return to   In this April 28, 2018, file photo, LA Galaxy forward Zlatan Ibrahimovic kicks the ball into the goal   Chicago  in  exchange  for
             Europe.                     during the second half of an MLS soccer match against the New York Red Bulls, in Carson, Calif.   $75,000  in  general  alloca-
             "There  were  a  lot  of  talks,                                                                                  tion money.
             rumors  and  whispers,  but                                                                                       The  Brazilian  was  with  the
             I  never  left.  I  have  stayed  and 10 assists in 27 games  He was also named to the  final day of the regular sea-  Galaxy  from  2010-15  and
             here and I'm not finished,"  this season. He was just the  league's Best XI team and  son to miss the postseason.  scored  17  goals  in  208
             Ibrahimovic said in a video  third  player  in  league  his-  won  the  league's  Goal  of  Ibrahimovic  joined  Cris-  games. He has spent three
             supplied by the club.        tory  to  record  a  20-goal,  the Year award.          tiano  Ronaldo  and  Lionel  years  with  Club  Tijuana  of
             Ibrahimovic  was  named  10-assist  season.  The  Gal-   The  Galaxy  surged  into  Messi  as  the  third  active  Mexico's Liga MX and was
             the MLS Newcomer of the  axy were 9-2-4 in matches  playoff  contention  late  in  player  to  score  500  goals  on  loan  for  a  year  with
             Year after scoring 22 goals  where  he  scored  a  goal.  the season, but lost on the  for club and country with a  Chicago.q

                                                                      Tour  victories,  he  and  wife  ment  to  the  depth  on  the  of  Champions,  which  he
                                                                      Ellie added a third child. A  PGA Tour, and how hard it  missed  last  year.  He  wants
                                                                      son, Arrow, was born in No-  is to win.                   to  start  well  again  and
                                                                      vember.                      Bryson DeChambeau went  make  up  ground.  The  big
                                                                      Dash  was  3  when  he  ran  from  No.  99  to  No.  5  on  test will be contending in a
                                                                      onto the green at Whistling  the  strength  of  four  wins.  major for the first time since
                                                                      Straits  in  2015  after  his  fa-  Woods  started  at  No.  656  his  runner-up  finish  in  the
                                                                      ther  won  the  PGA  Cham-   and winds up at No. 13. In  2016  PGA  Championship
                                                                      pionship,  and  Ellie  was  those cases, they were low  at Baltusrol.
                                                                      six  months  pregnant  with  enough to make up ground  More  than  anything,  he
                                                                      Lucy. The family is growing  in  a  hurry.  For  players  just  wants  to  see  if  he  can
                                                                      and Day invariably has felt  outside  the  top  10,  mak-  dedicate  himself  to  a  big
                                                                      a tug.                       ing up ground requires win-  year on the course and at
                                                                      He  has  talked  about  his  ning  and  having  a  steady  home.  "You  have  to  learn
                                                                      constant battle with desire  diet  of  chances.  Day  had  balance,"  he  said.  "If  you
             In this Jan. 26, 2017, file photo, Jason Day, of Australia, left, and   and  motivation,  and  now  only the two wins. He never  want to get to No. 1 in the
            Tiger Woods, right, reacts on the fifth hole during the first round   there is another challenge.  reached the 18th hole with  world, you have to be super
            of the Farmers Insurance Open golf tournament, at Torrey Pines
            Golf Course in San Diego.                                 "It takes desire, but it takes  an  opportunity  to  win  at  selfish. When that happens,
                                                     Associated Press  balance  in  life,"  Day  said.  any other tournament.   you're  sacrificing  family,
                                                                      "Right  now,  I'm  at  a  differ-  What  bothered  him  more  you're  sacrificing  friends,
            RETURN TO No. 1              brought  a  sobering  reality:  ent stage in my life just hav-  was  his  performance  in  you're  sacrificing  every-
            Continued from Page 18       Day started at No. 13 in the  ing my third child. It's hard.  the  majors.  His  best  finish  thing else other than golf."
            He  talked  that  day  about  world,  won  twice,  and  fin-  Tiger  made  it  look  so  easy  in the last two years was a  He  chuckled  and  said,  "I
            how his victory at Torrey in  ished at No. 14.            over the years. Being No. 1  tie for ninth in the 2017 PGA  wouldn't  mind  seeing  the
            2015  propelled  him  to  his  "I  wasn't  as  consistent  as  for  13  years  is  very  impres-  Championship.     divorce rate on No. 1 play-
            best season.                 I  should  have  been,"  Day  sive, but to be able to be a  "When  you  don't  play  well  ers in the world."
            "I'm hoping to do much of  said. "If you have a couple  dominant player, that's the  in  the  majors,  when  you  Day  has  known  only  one
            the  same  this  year,"  Day  of  wins,  finish  with  around  biggest  thing.  I  wanted  to  don't finish well in the FedEx  way to play his best golf —
            said.                        10  to  12  top  10s,  typically  be one of those guys."  Cup, that's disappointing to  with  a  relentless,  methodi-
            He won again in early May,  you're  in  the  top-five  re-  Winning  takes  care  of  ev-  me," he said. "I always gear  cal  work  ethic.  Now  he
            hitting a towering 7-iron that  gion.  That's  why  I  was  dis-  erything.  Woods  used  to  myself around playing well  wants to find his path with
            bounced off the pin on the  appointed about this year,  talk  about  that  when  he  in  the  majors,  and  the  last  a wife and three kids along
            treacherous  par-3  17th  at  even  though  I  had  two  was getting back to No. 1  couple of years have been  for the ride.
            Quail  Hollow  that  sent  him  wins."                    after a 2½-year absence.     pretty hard."                Even  if  that  means  giving
            to a two-shot victory in the  There's  one  other  part  of  Day   won   twice   and  He  starts  up  again  in  two  up a few hours of sleep.
            Wells Fargo Championship.    the equation.                dropped a spot in the rank-  weeks  at  Kapalua  for  "I don't sleep well, anyway,"
            The  end  of  the  year  Along with adding two PGA  ing.  Part  of  that  is  a  testa-  the   Sentry   Tournament  he said.q
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