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                                                                                                       SPORTS Wednesday 19 december 2018

              Mayweather opponent looks

              for real fight not entertainment

              By YURI KAGEYAMA            ily's Teppen Gym in the To-  room.
               Associated Press           kyo suburb of Matsudo.      Despite  everything,  VIP
              MATSUDO,  Japan  (AP)  —  Except,  he  really  can't  seats are going for 100,000
              To  Floyd  Mayweather,  his  change  the  world.  There  yen ($1,000) each at Saita-
              three-round   match    on  will  be  no  judges  and  no  ma  Super  Arena,  on  the
              New Year's Eve in Japan is  official result.            northern outskirts of Tokyo.
              for entertainment only.     When     20-year-old   Na-  There's   little   Nasukawa
              To  opponent  Tenshin  Na-  sukawa's   people    were  has in common with May-
              sukawa,  the  "exhibition"  is  last  month  touting  a  real  weather,  apart  from  both
              as serious as a kick to the  bout, the 41-year-old May-  being  unbeaten.  Nasu-
              head.                       weather walked away. He  kawa  is  undefeated  as  a     Japanese kickboxer Tenshin Nasukawa warms up at his gym in
              Which is what he wishes he  hasn't  fought  since  beat-  kickboxer  at  27-0  and  un-  Matsudo, northwest of Tokyo Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2018. Nasukawa
                                                                                                   is  scheduled  to  face  Floyd  Mayweather  Jr.  in  a  three-round
              could do to Mayweather.     ing Conor McGregor more  defeated in mixed martial       exhibition boxing bout in Japan on New Year's Eve.
              But the rules of their match  than  a  year  ago  for  his  arts at 4-0.                                                    Associated Press
              prohibit  the  unheralded  50th win from 50 fights. He  He said he never was much
              kickboxer  from  kicking.  So  returned  to  this  matchup  of a Mayweather fan, usu-  him," he said.            "He is the best so I can't let
              he's  taken  a  crash  course  only after getting the rules  ally cheering for his oppo-  "He says such provocative  my  guard  down.  I'm  sure
              in boxing. Among his advis-  clarified  to  make  his  first  nents, such as Manny Pac-  stuff I feel like kicking him."  his punches are fast but I'm
              ers was three-weight world  bout in Japan more about  quiao.  And  when  he  met  Nasukawa said he can't al-     sure I can see them.
              champion Jorge Linares.     "entertainment."            him  in  person,  Nasukawa  low the taller and heavier  "I  feel  excited,  although
              "I  can  change  the  world  The  Rizin  Fighting  Federa-  said  he  was  a  little  disap-  Mayweather  to  land  a  some  days  I  still  feel
              with  my  fist,"  Nasukawa  tion  organizers  are  even  pointed  that  Mayweather  single punch in their three  afraid,"  Nasukawa  add-
              said  in  his  quiet  voice  on  willing  to  placate  May-  wasn't  as  charismatic  as  rounds. He plans to use his  ed.  "But  when  the  day
              Tuesday  after  a  demon-   weather  by  undertaking  he thought he was.             kickboxing  nous  to  avoid  comes, I want to fight with
              stration workout at his fam-  the  weigh-in  in  his  hotel  "I  sensed  no  aura  about  getting hit.           confidence."q

            Salt Lake City bids for 2nd Olympics in changed climate

            By BRADY McCOMBS             Games — decades sooner
             Associated Press            than  anyone  expected
            SALT  LAKE  CITY  (AP)  —  and despite that bid scan-
            When  Salt  Lake  City  pur-  dal.
            sued  the  Winter  Olympics  Utah's capital city is among
            more  than  two  decades  an increasingly small group
            ago,  competition  was  so  of  cities  worldwide  that
            fierce  that  lavishing  Inter-  has  the  venues  needed
            national  Olympic  Commit-   for  winter  sports  and  the
            tee members with gifts and  willingness  to  take  on  the
            favors  seemed  common-      costly task of hosting Olym-
            place.  Salt  Lake  City  got  pics that have lost some of
            caught  in  a  bribery  scan-  their cache. The U.S. Olym-
            dal that nearly derailed the  pic  Committee  last  week
            plans  for  the  2002  Winter  chose  Salt  Lake  City  over
            Olympics.                    Denver as a future bid city.
            Two  decades  later,  the  The IOC will choose a 2030
            script has flipped.          host by 2023 at the latest.
            The IOC is struggling to find  Jules Boykoff, a Pacific Uni-  Salt Lake City Council Chairwoman Erin Mendenhall, Fraser Bullock, chief operating officer of the
            cities willing to take on the  versity  professor  who  has   2002 Winter Games, Jeff Robbins, president and CEO of the Utah Sports Commission, Salt Lake
            financial  and  societal  bur-  written widely on the Olym-  City Mayor Jackie Biskupski, Gov. Gary Herbert, USA Olympic speed skater Catherine Rainey-
                                                                      Norman and Salt Lake County Councilman Jim Bradley raise their arms in celebration after the
            den  of  hosting  the  Winter  pics, said the bribery scan-  USOC choose Salt Lake over Denver to bid on behalf of the U.S. for future Winter Games, Friday,
            Olympics. The race to host  dal is "a pretty big stain on   Dec. 14, 2018 in Salt Lake City.
            the 2026 Winter Olympics is  the history of the games."                                                                        Associated Press
            down to just two cities after  "But  these  days,  the  Inter-
            several  dropped  out  over  national  Olympic  Commit-   knee  replacements,  violins  judge  halfway  through  a  scandal,  but  he  doesn't
            a  lack  of  local  support.  tee is not in a position to be  and housing and salary for  federal trial.            think it will impact their can-
            Beijing got the 2022 Winter  overly picky," Boykoff said.  children  of  IOC  members,  The IOC brought in outside  didacy.  The  Salt  Lake  City
            Olympics  by  attrition,  win-  The scandal broke in 1998,  according to report by an  experts to help reshape the  bribery  scandal  capped
            ning by four votes over Al-  three  years  after  Salt  Lake  ethics panel.            organization.  The  IOC  ap-  off  decades  of  cities  try-
            maty,  Kazakhstan,  after  a  City  was  chosen  over  cit-  It  led  to  the  expulsion  of  proved  a  50-point  reform  ing to win the favor of IOC
            half-dozen  European  bid-   ies  in  Canada,  Sweden  six  IOC  members,  the  res-   package  that  included  a  board  members  behind
            ders dropped out, discour-   and Switzerland. Salt Lake's  ignation  of  four  others  se-  ban on member visits to bid  the scenes.
            aged by soaring costs and  bid  committee  doled  out  vere  warnings  for  several  cities, creation of an inde-   "They  learned  from  the
            taxpayer backlash.           $1  million  in  cash,  scholar-  others though none faced  pendent ethics committee  corruption  of  other  cities
            That's  why  a  city  that,  for  ships,  medical  care,  gifts  criminal charges. U.S. pros-  and term limits.     that  beat  them  before,"
            a time, stood out as a pa-   and  other  favors  to  IOC  ecutors  brought  criminal  Olympic  historian  David  Wallechinsky  said.  "It's  not
            riah in the Olympic world is  members  and  their  fami-  charges  against  two  Salt  Wallechinsky said Salt Lake  like they invented the cor-
            a serious contender again,  lies.  That  included  ski  trips,  Lake bid leaders, but both  City's  current  bid  officials  ruption  .  .  .  they  just  got
            this time for the 2030 Winter  NBA tickets, plastic surgery,  men  were  acquitted  by  a  will have to talk about the  caught."q
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