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             Wednesday 19 december 2018
            Trump signs order to create U.S. Space Command

            By LOLITA C. BALDOR                                                                    meet  the  president's  vision  and  destructive"  anti-sat-
             Associated Press                                                                      for a space force.           ellite weapons for use dur-
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —                                                             The first steps next year will  ing a future war. And there
            President  Donald  Trump                                                               be to nominate top leaders  are  growing  worries  about
            launched  the  Pentagon's                                                              for  Space  Command,  in-    cyberattacks  that  could
            new    Space    Command                                                                cluding a four-star general  target satellite technology,
            Tuesday, an effort to better                                                           and  a  deputy.  The  com-   potentially leaving troops in
            organize and advance the                                                               mand  would  likely  at  least  combat without electronic
            military's  vast  operations  in                                                       begin  to  take  form  in  Col-  communications  or  navi-
            space  that  could  cost  as                                                           orado,  where  the  current  gation abilities.
            much  as  $800  million  over                                                          Joint  Functional  Compo-    A  U.S.  Space  Command
            the next five years.                                                                   nent Command for Space  existed  from  1985  to  2002,
            Trump  signed  a  one-page                                                             is  already  located.  But  but  was  disbanded  in  the
            memorandum         Tuesday                                                             there has been no final de-  aftermath  of  the  9/11  ter-
            authorizing  the  Defense                                                              cision on a location for the  rorist  attacks  so  that  U.S.
            Department  to  create  the                                                            new command.                 Northern  Command  could
            new  command.  Speak-                                                                  Funding  for  the  command  be established, focusing on
            ing at the Kennedy Space                                                               will be included in the bud-  defense of the homeland.
            Center in Florida, Vice Pres-                                                          get  for  fiscal  year  2020,  Although   Space   Com-
            ident  Mike  Pence  said,  "a                                                          which  will  be  unveiled  in  mand went away, its func-
            new  era  of  American  na-                                                            February.                    tions  remained  and  were
            tional security in space be-                                                           Trump's  order  accelerates  absorbed by U.S. Strategic
            gins today."                                                                           what has been a decades-     Command.  The  Air  Force
            The goal is to set up a com-                                                           long  effort  to  reorganize  retained  its  lead  role  in
            mand  to  oversee  and  or-                                                            and  improve  the  military's  space  through  Air  Force
            ganize  space  operations,    In this Dec. 3, 2018, file photo, In this photo provided by the U.S.   technological advances in  Space  Command.  That
            accelerate  technical  ad-   Air Force, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, carrying the Spaceflight   space,  which  at  times  has  existing  space  command
                                         SSO-A:  SmallSat  Express,  launches  from  Space  Launch  Com-
            vances  and  find  more  ef-  plex-4E at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.             gotten less attention as the  will be a key component of
            fective ways to defend U.S.                                           Associated Press   Air  Force  has  focused  on  the new joint entity, raising
            assets  in  space,  including                                                          warplanes and other com-     space to the same status as
            the  vast  constellations  of  partment begins to pull to-  tion of anonymity to discuss  bat priorities.           other headquarters such as
            satellites  that  American  gether  various  space  units  internal  deliberations  not  The  military's  role  in  space  U.S. Cyber Command, Spe-
            forces  rely  on  for  naviga-  from across the military ser-  yet announced.          has  been  under  scrutiny  cial Operations Command
            tion,  communications  and  vices  into  a  more  coordi-  Army  Lt.  Col.    Joe  Bucci-  because the United States  or Strategic Command.
            surveillance.   The   move  nated,  independent  orga-    no,  spokesman  for  Deputy  is increasingly reliant on or-  The new Space Command
            comes amid growing con-      nization.                    Defense  Secretary  Patrick  biting satellites that are dif-  will  also  pull  from  existing
            cerns  that  China  and  Rus-  According to one U.S. offi-  Shanahan, said that estab-  ficult  to  protect.  Satellites  units  in  the  other  services,
            sia are working on ways to  cial,  the  command  would  lishing Space Command is  provide  communications,  such  as  the  Army  Space
            disrupt, disable or even de-  pull about 600 staff from ex-  "a critical step in accelerat-  navigation,   intelligence  and Missile Command and
            stroy U.S. satellites.       isting military space offices,  ing  our  space  capabilities  and  other  services  vital  to  the Navy's Space and Na-
            The  new  order  is  separate  and then add at least an-  and posture to defend our  the military and the nation-   val  Warfare  Systems  Com-
            from  the  president's  much  other  1,000  over  the  com-  vital  national  interests  and  al economy.           mand.
            touted  goal  of  creating  a  ing years. The roughly $800  deter  our  adversaries.  This  Over  the  past  year,  the  is-  Officials  said  the  process
            "Space  Force"  as  an  inde-  million would mainly cover  combatant  command  will  sue  gained  urgency  amid  of  breaking  away  parts  of
            pendent  armed  service  the  additional  staff.  The  lead space operations and  growing  competition  and  other  organizations  and
            branch,  but  is  considered  costs  for  the  existing  staff  develop space warfighting  threats from adversary  na-  molding  them  all  into  a
            a  first  step  in  that  direc-  would  just  transfer  to  the  doctrine, tactics, and tech-  tions.              new  command  will  be
            tion.  The  memo  provides  new  command,  but  that  niques."                         U.S.  intelligence  agencies  done  carefully,  to  ensure
            little detail on what will be  total  was  not  immediately  He  added  that the Penta-  reported  earlier  this  year  it's  done  correctly  without
            a  long  and  complicated  available.                     gon will continue to devel-  that Russia and China were  jeopardizing  any  ongoing
            process as the Defense De-   The official spoke on condi-  op a legislative proposal to  pursuing   "nondestructive  operations or activities.q

            Huge barrier isn't trapping plastic waste in Pacific Ocean

            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  A  any plastic waste — but the  launched        the    Pacific  Tuesday  and  will  work  for  ed  to  act  like  a  coastline,
            floating device sent to cor-  young  innovator  behind  Ocean  cleanup  project,  the next few weeks to wid-        trapping  some  of  the  1.8
            ral a swirling island of trash  the  project  said  Monday  said the speed of the solar-  en its span so that it catch-  trillion pieces of plastic that
            between  California  and  that a fix was in the works.    powered barrier isn't allow-  es more wind and waves to  scientists estimate are swirl-
            Hawaii  has  not  swept  up  Boyan    Slat,   24,   who  ing it to hold on to the plas-  help it go faster, he said.  ing  in  the  patch  while  al-
                                                                      tic it catches.              A ship towed the 2,000-foot-  lowing marine life to safely
                                                                      "Sometimes the system ac-    long  (600-meter-long)  bar-  swim beneath it.
                                                                      tually  moves  slightly  slower  rier in September from San  Fitted  with  solar-powered
                                                                      than  the  plastic,  which  of  Francisco to the Great Pa-  lights, cameras, sensors and
                                                                      course you don't want be-    cific Garbage Patch — an  satellite  antennas,  the  de-
                                                                      cause  then  you  have  a  island  of  trash  twice  the  vice  intends  to  communi-
                                                                      chance of losing the plastic  size of Texas. It has been in  cate its position at all times,
                                                                      again," Slat said in an inter-  place since the end of Oc-  allowing a support vessel to
                                                                      view  with  The  Associated  tober, Slat said.            fish out the collected plas-
                                                                      Press.                       The plastic barrier with a ta-  tic  every  few  months  and
                                                                      A  crew  of  engineers  will  pered 10-foot-deep (3-me-   transport  it  to  dry  land  for
                                                                      reach the U-shaped boom  ter-deep)  screen  is  intend-   recycling.q
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