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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Wednesday 19 december 2018
            Book reflects on Rock Hudson's stardom, closeted love life

            By DOUGLASS K. DANIEL        at the Winnetka movie the-                                                             zine  image  of  the  happy
            Associated Press             ater was a must for the boy                                                            if  lonely  bachelor  trying  to
            "All  That  Heaven  Allows:  A  with an overprotective and                                                          find the right woman when
            Biography of Rock Hudson"  domineering mother, a fa-                                                                he  was  actually  trying  to
            (Harper), by Mark Griffin    ther who walked out on the                                                             find  the  right  man.  Promis-
            Had Rock Hudson not died  family,  and  a  stepfather                                                               cuity as well as meaningful
            of  AIDS  in  1985,  he  might  who  beat  him.  Childhood                                                          relationships marked his pri-
            be  best  remembered  as  friends  remembered  Roy                                                                  vate life. Had Hudson been
            the  most  successful  of  the  for many of the same quali-                                                         a  straight  star,  he  may
            postwar  male  stars  who  ties that made him a favor-                                                              have been married several
            got  into  the  movies  solely  ite  with  fellow  actors  and                                                      times  and  envied  as  a  la-
            on their looks. He remained  film  crews:  diligence,  gen-                                                         dies'  man.  Griffin  suggests
            on the screen for decades  erosity,  easygoing  charm                                                               that  Hudson's  better  per-
            because of a likability that  and fun-loving spirit.                                                                formances — the paranoia
            can't be learned or manu-    Living  a  closeted  life  and                                                         classic "Seconds" (1966) be-
            factured.                    trying to make it as an ac-                                                            ing one example — came
            Instead,  Hudson  became  tor  only  added  to  his  inse-                                                          with roles in which he could
            the  first  celebrity  to  ac-  curities. With his new name,                                                        identify  with  a  character's
            knowledge  that  he  suf-    Hudson appeared in more                                                                internal  turmoil.  Wisely,  the
            fered  from  the  mysterious  than two dozen films under                                                            writer  explores  Hudson's
            disease that seemed to tar-  contract  to  Universal  be-                                                           films and TV shows without
            get  gay  men.  The  poten-  tween  1948  and  1954.  Ea-                                                           trying  to  make  them  more
            tially  career-ending  sexual  ger to learn, he blossomed                                                           than  what  they  were  —
            secret  he  had  protected  under  the  direction  of                                                               generally  average  enter-
            was all but confirmed in the  Douglas Sirk, whose roman-                                                            tainments  punctuated  by
            last months of his life.     tic  tearjerkers  "Magnificent                                                         occasional  hits  and  many,
            Mark  Griffin's  perceptive  Obsession"  (1954)  and  "All                                                          many  misses.  (TV's  "McMil-
            and  sympathetic  biogra-    That Heaven Allows" (1955)                                                             lan  &  Wife"  resuscitated
            phy  "All  That  Heaven  Al-  turned Hudson into a heart-                                                           his  flagging  career  in  the
            lows"  gives  Hudson,  both  throb at 30.                                                                           1970s.) Like most other ag-
            the  movie  star  and  the  With  the  hugely  successful                                                           ing stars, Hudson struggled
            man,  the  kind  of  reassess-  epic  "Giant"  (1956),  Hud-                                                        to  find  good  roles  as  the
            ment  only  time  can  allow.  son  was  an  Oscar-nomi-                                                            wrinkles appeared. Alcohol
            He  improved  as  an  actor  nated actor and soon Hol-                                                              and  cigarettes  took  a  toll
            yet never lost the fear that  lywood's most popular star.   This cover image released by Harper shows "All That Heaven Al-  on  his  health  long  before
            moviegoers would discover  Routine  dramas  followed      lows: A Biography of Rock Hudson," by Mark Griffin.       the AIDS diagnosis.
            that their ideal leading man  until 1959's "Pillow Talk" with                                      Associated Press  Given  his  generation's  in-
            was only playing a role.     Doris  Day  revealed  Hud-                                                             tense  homophobia  and
            While he needed time and  son's  knack  for  light  com-  Universal  followed  through  and  loved  on  the  down-  the 1950s communist witch
            experience  to  hone  his  edy.  He  remained  an  au-    on  its  original  plan  to  cast  low.  A  sham  marriage  hunt  that  ruined  so  many
            craft,  pretending  for  the  dience  favorite  for  several  Hudson  as  lawyer  Atticus  around the time of "Giant"  careers,  it's  understand-
            cameras  came  easy  to  more  years  despite  undis-     Finch in "To Kill a Mocking-  quelled  the  gossip  for  a  able  that  Hudson  didn't
            handsome, Illinois-born Roy  tinguished movies. Imagine  bird."                        time.  Publicly,  he  played  want to risk everything as a
            Fitzgerald.  Escaping  reality  what might have been had  All  the  while  Hudson  lived  along  with  the  fan  maga-  gay-rights pioneer. q

            Actress and director Penny Marshall dies at age 75

            By JAKE COYLE                                                                          "Laverne  &  Shirley"  before  That, too, crossed $100 mil-
            Associated Press                                                                       making her feature film di-  lion,  making  $107.5  million
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Penny                                                              rectorial  debut  in  "Jumpin'  domestically.
            Marshall,  who  starred  in                                                            Jack Flash," the 1986 com-   A  Bronx  native,  Marshall
            "Laverne  &  Shirley"  before                                                          edy  starring  Whoopi  Gold-  became  a  dedicated  Los
            becoming one of the top-                                                               berg.                        Angeles  Lakers  fan,  and
            grossing female directors in                                                           Her next film made Marshall  a  courtside  regular.  Her
            Hollywood,  has  died.  She                                                            the  first  woman  to  direct  brother   Garry   Marshall,
            was 75.                                                                                a  film  that  grossed  more  who died in 2016, was also
            Marshall's publicist, Michelle                                                         than $100 million. Her 1988  one  of  Hollywood's  top
            Bega, said Marshall died in                                                            hit  comedy  "Big,"  starring  comedy  directors.  Penny
            her  Los  Angeles  home  on                                                            Tom  Hanks,  was  about  a  Marshall was married to Mi-
            Monday due to complica-                                                                12-year-old boy who wakes  chael Henry for two years in
            tions  from  diabetes.  "Our                                                           up in the body of a 30-year-  the 1960s and to the direc-
            family  is  heartbroken,"  the                                                         old New York City man. The  tor  Rob  Reiner  from  1971-
            Marshall  family  said  in  a                                                          film earned Hanks an Oscar  1981.  Their  daughter  Tracy
            statement.                   In this Feb. 15, 2015 file photo, actress and director Penny Mar-  nomination.         Reiner is an actress; one of
            Marshall starred as Laverne   shall attends the SNL 40th Anniversary Special in New York.  Marshall  reteamed  with  her first roles was a brief ap-
            DeFazio,  the  Milwaukee                                              Associated Press  Hanks for "A League of Their  pearance  in  her  mother's
            brewery  worker,  alongside                                                            Own,"  the  1992  comedy  "Jumpin' Jack Flash."
            Cindy  Williams  in  the  hit  aired  from  1976  to  1983,  It  also  gave  Marshall  her  about  the  women's  pro-  Marshall is also survived by
            ABC  comedy  "Laverne  &  was among the biggest hits  start as a filmmaker. She di-    fessional  baseball  league  her older sister, Ronny, and
            Shirley."  The  series,  which  of its era.               rected several episodes of  begun during World War II.  three grandchildren.q
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