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             Wednesday 19 december 2018
            Prosecco's bubble shows no sign of bursting

            By COLLEEN BARRY                                                                                                    wider  Veneto  region  and
            Associated Press                                                                                                    four  in  neighboring  Friuli
            ASOLO, Italy (AP) — Prosec-                                                                                         Venezia  Giulia,  right  up  to
            co, the fruity sparkling wine                                                                                       the  Slovenian  border.  That
            made  in  the  northeastern                                                                                         change,  made  in  2009,
            hills  of  Italy  is  gaining  in                                                                                   has helped producers bet-
            global  popularity  —  and                                                                                          ter control quality and fight
            producers of Champagne,                                                                                             against counterfeiters.
            for  so  long  the  dominant                                                                                        The most renowned of the
            bubbly  wine,  are  taking                                                                                          three  consortiums,  Coneg-
            note.                                                                                                               liano Valdobbiadene, is try-
            Prosecco has become the                                                                                             ing to get the territory rec-
            best-selling  sparkling  wine                                                                                       ognized  by  UNESCO  as  a
            in  the  world  by  volume,                                                                                         world heritage site, a label
            and experts say it is eroding                                                                                       that  experience  in  other
            the market share of Cham-                                                                                           regions  shows  boosts  both
            pagne,  the  French  wine                                                                                           tourism  and  the  value  of
            that  is  synonymous  with                                                                                          the  product.  Champagne
            celebration but also comes                                                                                          received its UNESCO status
            with a heftier price tag. The                                                                                       in 2015.
            Italian  wine's  production                                                                                         Prosecco  makers  are  bet-
            eclipsed Champagne's five    In this image taken on Monday, Oct. 15, 2018, wine grower Adelino Pizzobon checks a bunch of   ting  future  success  on
            years  ago  and  is  now  75   grapes in a Prosecco vineyard at the Case Paolin farm, in Volpago del Montello, Italy.  higher  quality,  and  higher-
            percent  higher  at  544  mil-                                                                     Associated Press  priced  vintages.  The  best
            lion bottles.                                                                                                       Valdobbiadene  can  cost
            Champagne still claims the  The Italian bubbly's success  tion of Champagne's aver-    producers) perhaps."         up to 30 euros ($34).
            revenues  crown,  cashing  is  attributed  to  its  lower  age  10.24  euros  ($11.63),  Prosecco's  growing  popu-  Sebastiano  Bonomo,  ex-
            in a record 4.9 billion euros  price  and  its  profile  as  an  Prosecco  can  be  pur-  larity,  and  the  proliferation  port manager at the Giusti
            ($5.6  billion)  last  year  on  anytime libation, making it  chased  at  a  price  that  of sparkling wines in gener-  Dal Col winery near Treviso,
            307 million bottles, 2.8 billion  popular in Great Britain, the  makes  it  easier  to  buy  as  al fueled by younger drink-  said  he  can  imagine  one
            euros of that in exports. But  United  States  and  Germa-  an after-work drink or for a  ers, is forcing Champagne  day  high-end  restaurants
            Prosecco's  bubble  shows  ny,  markets  where  Cham-     casual  gathering,  without  makers to up their game.     keeping a Prosecco list, like
            no sign of bursting: exports  pagne has long flourished.  pomp and circumstance.       "The quality of Champagne  they  do  for  Champagne,
            this year are trending up 16  Jowin  Lepper  Carberry,  The  lower  price  is  in  part  at  the  moment  has  never  based  on  geographic  de-
            percent over last year's 804  a  consultant  for  a  medi-  made possible by a simpler  been higher because it has  nominations and zones.
            million-euro  ($913  million)  cal  devices  company  in  production  method.  It  has  to  be.  The  danger  is  the  "That is the plan we should
            high. Adding insult to injury,  Baltimore,  Maryland,  tried  two  processes  of  fermen-  competition, so it has to be  go for, being able to bring
            sales are surging 40 percent  Prosecco  at  the  beach  tation,  both  in  large  tanks,  better," said Edwards.    knowledge  about  our  ter-
            in   Champagne's     home  four years ago, and liked it  whereas       Champagne's  At the same time, the three  ritory,  just  like  the  knowl-
            country, France, according  so  much  she  started  mak-  second  fermentation  pe-    consortiums   that   make  edge off Champagne was
            to one estimate. And those  ing frozen smoothies with it  riod is done while the wine  Prosecco have taken some  spread to the entire world,"
            figures don't reflect the sea-  for friends at her pool. She  is bottled. That requires stor-  hints from the Champagne  Bonomo said.
            sonal Christmas sales bump  moved on to making cock-      ing  the  Champagne  bot-    playbook.                    Asolo is the smallest of the
            of 20 percent.               tails  for  dinner  parties  and  tles at an angle and turning  They successfully lobbied to  three   consortia   making
            Michael  Edwards,  an  ex-   has used Prosecco instead  them  slightly  every  day  by  have Prosecco as a brand  Prosecco,  but  it  has  ex-
            pert who has been a wine  of Champagne for the past  hand  to  help  the  fermen-      with   protected     status  panded  its  vineyards  by
            judge for Decanter maga-     four New Year's Eves.        tation  —  expensive  man-   switched  from  the  grape  86  percent  from  2011  to
            zine  and  wrote  the  book  "My  initial  reason  for  trying  ual  labor  when  done  over  once  known  as  Prosecco,  2017. That has given much
            "The Finest Wines of Cham-   it at the beach is because  thousands of bottles.         and  now  Glera,  to  a  hilly  needed economic stimulus
            pagne,"  says  consumers  it  was  less  expensive  than  Prosecco  producers  them-   territory  in  northeastern  It-  to a region that suffered a
            are  increasingly  interested  Champagne.  Now  I  use  selves  are  taken  aback  aly.  It  is  based  around the  blow with the failure of two
            in sparkling wines.          it  because  I  prefer  it  to  by  their  wine's  success,  city of Treviso and encom-  regional  banks  that  de-
            "Prosecco  capitalizes  on  Champagne," she said.         and  mindful  not  to  squan-  passes five provinces in the  voured billions in savings.q
            the  desire  to  drink  spar-  With  an  average  produc-  der it. They are up against
            kling  wine,  not  necessarily  tion  cost  of  3.70  euros  not  only  imitators,  but  also
            Champagne," he says.         ($4.20)  per  bottle,  a  frac-  other  sparkling  wines,  like
                                                                      Spain's  Cava,  which  still
                                                                      does  not  rival  Prosecco  in
                                                                      terms  of  global  sales,  and
                                                                      Germany's  Sekt,  which  ex-
                                                                      perts  say  has  improved  in
                                                                      "As the old innkeepers used
                                                                      to  say,  even  the  fountain
                                                                      outside  the  bar  is  compe-
                                                                      tition,"  said  Armando  Ser-
                                                                      ena the head of the Asolo
                                                                      Consortium  of  Prosecco
            In  this  image  taken  on  Monday,  Oct.  15,  2018,  wine  grower   makers.  "But  it  is  certainly   In  this  image  taken  on  Monday,  Oct.  15,  2018,  wine  grower
            Adelino  Pizzobon  inspects  a  Prosecco  vineyard  at  the  Case                      Adelino Pizzobon opens a container of Prosecco wine, at the
            Paolin farm, in Volpago del Montello, Italy.              not  a  phenomenon  that     Case Paolin farm, in Volpago del Montello, Italy.
                                                     Associated Press  we expected. It is cause for                                         Associated Press
                                                                      reflection for (Champagne
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