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             Wednesday 19 december 2018
            'Transformers' gets a great savior in 'Bumblebee'

            By MARK KENNEDY                                                                                                     and  her  distracted  mom
            Associated Press                                                                                                    and  stepdad.  If  the  film
            The  "Transformers"  movie                                                                                          seems  to  have  that  kid-
            universe  has  lately  been                                                                                         sized,  wistful  '80s  Steven
            leaky  and  rusted  out.  It's                                                                                      Spielberg  feel,  it  might  be
            become shorthand for bad                                                                                            because  Spielberg  serves
            blockbuster  moviemaking                                                                                            as an executive producer.
            —  male-driven,  mindless                                                                                           (Franchise  helmer  Michael
            spectaculars  with  sopho-                                                                                          Bay  has  been  exiled  from
            moric  humor.  How  can  it                                                                                         the  director's  chair  to  the
            be  saved?  Just  hand  the                                                                                         executive suite.)
            keys over to some talented                                                                                          Hodson  is  the  first  woman
            women.                                                                                                              to  originate  and  write  a
            "Bumblebee,"  the  sixth  film                                                                                      film in the $4.3-billion "Trans-
            in  the  series,  is  a  stand-                                                                                     formers"  franchise  and  she
            alone  origin  story  written                                                                                       proves  extremely  capable
            with disarming skill by Chris-                                                                                      of  blending  loud  action
            tina  Hodson  and  starring                                                                                         with human pathos, not to
            the gifted Hailee Steinfeld.   This image released by Paramount Pictures shows Hailee Steinfeld as Charlie and Bumblebee in   mention  tart  with  sweet,
            It's  a  charming  tale  of  a   a scene from "Bumblebee."                                                          though  she  gets  danger-
            girl  and  her  adorable  car-                                                                     Associated Press  ously  close  to  maudlin
            robot,  flipping  the  script                                                                                       when it comes to Charlie's
            on  the  tired,  bloated  fran-  LaBeouf at the start of the  and listening to The Smiths.  municate  using  word  snip-  dad. "I can't lose you, too,"
            chise. While hard-core fan-  first  film.)  Badly  hurt  while  She  is  still  mourning  her  pets he hears on the radio.  the  young  woman  tells
            boys may complain it's too  battling  two  evil  tracking  dead dad and feels gener-   She  warns  that  bad  guys  the  yellow  robot.  Steinfeld
            soft,  this  film  may  turn  out  Decepticons,  he  loses  his  ally  unheard.  For  her  18th  are sure to come and take  nails  teen  alienation  but
            to  be  the  perfect  way  to  voice and memories. Then  birthday,  Charlie  drives  off  him away, but she will pro-  also  can  turn  on  empathy
            save  "Transformers."  Could  he  disguises  himself  as  a  with  the  junked  VW  that  tect  him.  "People  can  be  beautifully  and  has  a  win-
            Bumblebee  rescue  Opti-     vintage  Volkswagen  Bug  has  a  whole  bunch  of  se-   terrible  about  things  they  ning  cockiness.  Plus,  she
            mus Prime this time?         and  waits  for  deliverance  cret options.               don't understand," she tells  sings  the  movie's  signature
            "Bumblebee  "  is  set  out-  in  a  salvage  yard  (not  un-  Despite  discovering  that  him.                     song  (Talk  about  a  trans-
            side San Francisco in 1987,  like the entire "Transformers"  the car is, in fact, an alien,  Thus starts a sort of "E.T." for  former).  Hodson  and  di-
            where the loyal B-127 Auto-  universe).                   she  feels  a  kinship  to  this  2018, in which Charlie and  rector  Travis  Knight  ("Kubo
            bot  has  been  sent  to  pro-  He's  discovered  by  goth-y  mute  metal  giant  with  ex-  Bumblebee outfox another  and  the  Two  Strings")  take
            tect Earth and prepare the  misfit Charlie Watson (Stein-  pressive  eyes,  calling  him  pair  of  Decepticons,  the  full advantage of the film's
            groundwork  for  the  fran-  feld),  who  is  fond  of  car  Bumblebee. He, too, is un-  entire  U.S.  Army  (led  by  a  late-1980s setting to give us
            chise  (He'll  befriend  Shia  repair,  Motorhead  T-shirts  heard,  but  learns  to  com-  mechanical  John  Cena)  visual and audio jokes.q

                                                                      1947 best-picture Oscar sells for nearly

                                                                      $500,000 at auction

                                                                                                   over $200,000 in a rare auc-  $192,000,  a  hover  board
                                                                                                   tion  of  Oscars  that  ended  Marty  McFly  rode  in  "Back
                                                                                                   Friday in Los Angeles.       to  the  Future  II"  that  sold
                                                                                                   A  best-picture  Oscar  for  for $102,000, and a golden
                                                                                                   "Gentleman's  Agreement,"  ticket  from  "Willy  Wonka
                                                                                                   the 1947 film starring Greg-  &  the  Chocolate  Factory"
                                                                                                   ory Peck that took on anti-  that brought in $48,000.
                                                                                                   Semitism, sold for $492,000.  The "Mutiny on the Bounty"
                                                                                                   A best picture statuette for  Oscar  price  came  close
                                                                                                   1935's "Mutiny on the Boun-  to  auction-house  projec-
                                                                                                   ty" fetched $240,000.        tions, but the "Gentleman's
                                                                                                   Both were outpaced by an  Agreement"          statuette
                                                                                                   archive  of  papers  on  the  brought in more than twice
                                                                                                   origin  and  development  what  was  expected,  for
                                                                                                   of  "The  Wizard  of  Oz"  that  reasons that are not clear.
                                                                                                   brought in $1.2 million.     The  buyers  of  both  Oscars
                                                                                                   Auction  house  Profiles  in  and  "The  Wizard  of  Oz"
                                                                      This  undated  file  image  pro-  History  announced  the  re-  document chose to remain
                                                                      vided  by  Profiles  in  History   sults after four days of bid-  anonymous.
                                                                      shows the best picture Acad-
                                                                      emy  Award  for  "Gentleman's   ding on Hollywood memo-   Auctions  of  Oscar  statu-
                                                                      Agreement."                  rabilia that brought in more  ettes  are  very  uncommon
                                                                                  Associated Press  than $8 million in total.   because winners from 1951
                                                                                                   Other items sold include a  onward have had to agree
                                                                      Associated Press             TIE  fighter  helmet  from  the  that they or their heirs must
                                                                      LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  One  original  "Star  Wars"  that  offer  it  back  to  the  Acad-
                                                                      Academy  Award  trophy  went for $240,000, a Phaser  emy of Motion Picture Arts
                                                                      sold  for  nearly  $500,000  pistol from the original "Star  and Sciences for $1 before
                                                                      and  the  second  for  well  Trek" TV series that fetched  selling it elsewhere. q
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