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BUSINESS                 Wednesday 19 december 2018

            Gift Guide: Some tech gadgets that actually fill a real need

            By ANICK JESDANUN                                                                                                   need to — leave your main
            Associated Press                                                                                                    phone behind.
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Some-                                                                                           The  company  says  you
            times  you  can  sense  that                                                                                        can  rely  on  just  the  Palm
            tech  products  are  striv-                                                                                         as  you  attend  a  kid's  soc-
            ing  to  solve  problems  that                                                                                      cer  game  or  meet  friends
            are manufactured by their                                                                                           at  a  bar.  You're  still  con-
            manufacturers.       Smart-                                                                                         nected,  on  your  terms,  to
            watches,    for   instance,                                                                                         pay  someone  back  with
            have  long  been  a  nifty                                                                                          Venmo or request a ride on
            idea — but they've offered                                                                                          Lyft.  Verizon,  the  exclusive
            few  tangible  benefits  for                                                                                        seller  of  this  phone  in  the
            anyone but health and fit-                                                                                          U.S., syncs phone numbers,
            ness enthusiasts.                                                                                                   so  calls  and  texts  to  your
            That's why it's notable when                                                                                        main  phone  automatically
            a  particular  gadget  finally                                                                                      reaches this mini phone.q
            breaks  through.  The  latest
            Apple Watch, for instance,
            has  heart-monitoring  fea-
            tures  that  will  appeal  to
            those  who  aren't  active.
            Likewise, an Amazon digital
            video  recorder  makes  ca-  In this Sept. 21, 2018, file photo customers look at new Apple watches including the Series 4 at an
            ble  cord-cutting  far  more   Apple store in New York.
            practical.                                                                                         Associated Press
            Others  remain  hanging  in
            not-quite-there  limbo.  A  latory clearance.             vice  ($40  and  up)  for  full  Before  smartphones,  there
            miniature smartphone from  The  new  watch  can  also  functionality.  Among  the  was Palm and its hand-held
            the revived brand Palm has  tell  if  you  take  a  hard  fall  limitations: You can't delete  digital  assistants,  which  of-
            the  germ  of  a  good  idea,  — and it will call 911 if you  shows through the app. The  fered  emails,  calendars,
            though it can still leave you  can't get up. If someone on  Recast  itself  is  $230  for  75  notepads  and  many  of
            feeling perplexed.           your  gift  list  is  elderly,  you  hours  of  storage  and  two  the functions seen in apps
            If  you're  still  considering  might enjoy greater peace  simultaneous   recordings,  today.  Under  new  owners,
            tech  gifts  in  your  last-min-  of mind.                $280 for double the storage  Palm  is  back  with  a  mini
            ute holiday shopping, bear  The  Series  4  watch  starts  and  simultaneous  record-  smartphone  designed,  it
            these  items  in  mind.  And  at  $399  and  requires  an  ings.                       says, to let you leave your
            when looking at other prod-  iPhone.  The  EKG  feature  is  TiVo,  the  gold  standard  bigger  phone  at  home
            ucts,  ask  yourself  if  they're  for U.S. customers only.  in  DVRs,  has  easier  ways  and  enjoy  the  moment  —
            really ready for prime time  AMAZON'S DVR                 to  skip  commercials  and  without  cutting  yourself  off
            or  destined  to  gather  dust  DVRs  have  lost  their  allure  more flexible options to re-  completely.
            somewhere.                   in the streaming age, when  cord. But TiVo also gets ex-  The  new  phone,  simply
            APPLE'S SMARTWATCH           entire  TV  seasons  drop  at  pensive. A model aimed at  called  Palm,  is  about  the
            The  newest  features  in  once  on  Netflix.  Still,  some  cord-cutters,  the  Bolt  OTA,  size  of  a  credit  card,  but
            the  Series  4  Apple  Watch  broadcast  shows  aren't  costs $250 — but then you  nearly as thick as a regular
            are  actually  anything  but  available  for  streaming  at  have  to  pay  either  a  re-  phone. It's meant as a stop-
            flashy. But they could save  all,  or  without  a  significant  curring  fee  of  at  least  $70  gap  for  when  your  main
            lives.                       delay.  If  you've  dropped  a  year  or  another  $250  a  iPhone  or  Android  phone
            With a built-in EKG feature,  cable  TV  service,  you  can  single  time  to  get  the  pro-  isn't  with  you,  so  battery
            you  can  share  detailed  still  watch  those  shows  for  gram guide. Recast doesn't  and  speeds  are  just  good
            heart  readings  with  your  free  with  an  old-fashioned  carry ongoing fees.        enough. It's great for the es-
            doctor  without  visiting  a  TV  antenna  —  but  then  Amazon  collects  data  on  sentials, such as maps, Yelp
            clinic. Doctors get a PDF file  you're  back  to  watching  the  shows  you  watch  to  lookups  or  texts  to  coordi-
            showing the peaks and val-   only when they air.          personalize  and  improve  nate meetups with friends.
            leys  of  your  heart  rhythm,  Enter  Amazon's  Fire  TV  Re-  its services. If you find that  The  water-resistant  phone
            just  as  they  would  with  an  cast  DVR.  It  will  record  creepy, Recast won't be for  fits  in  running  shorts  during
            EKG on paper.                over-the-air  programs  and  you.                         workouts.
            Apple's  EKG  sensors  take  let  you  watch  on  your  TV,  PALM'S CONNECTED COM-     The  Palm  is  premised  on
            measurements     only   on  Amazon's Echo Show or an  PANION                           the idea that you can — or
            your wrist and finger, while  app on the go.
            EKG  machines  in  clinics  You  need  to  buy  an  an-
            typically measure 12 points.  tenna, which could be the
            That  means  the  watch  rabbit-ear kind or an indoor
            can't detect heart attacks  one you stick on your win-
            and  other  conditions.  But  dow.  Thanks  to  Wi-Fi,  the
            Apple  says  it  can  provide  Recast  can  be  near  that
            early  detection  of  atrial  fi-  window  rather  than  your
            brillation, an irregular heart  TV.
            rhythm  that  increases  the  While  the  Recast  can
            risk of stroke and heart fail-  technically  work  with  just
            ure.  The  company  tested  a  phone  app  or  the  Echo
            the  watch  against  stan-   Show,  you  need  a  sepa-
            dard EKGs to win U.S. regu-  rate  Fire  TV  streaming  de-
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