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P. 24
Wednesday 19 december 2018
U.S. surgeon general warns of teen risks from e-cigarettes
By MATTHEW PERRONE to adult smokers as a less- cially formulated to give
AP Health Writer harmful alternative to ciga- a smoother, more potent
WASHINGTON (AP) — The rettes, though there's been nicotine buzz. That effect
government's top doctor little research on the long- poses special risks for young
is taking aim at the best- term health effects or on people, Adams says.
selling electronic cigarette whether they help people "We do know that these
brand in the U.S., urging quit. Even more worrisome, newer products, such as
swift action to prevent Juul a growing body of research Juul, can promote depen-
and similar vaping brands suggests that teens who dence in just a few uses,"
from addicting millions of vape are more likely to try Adams said.
teenagers. regular cigarettes. Juul said in a statement
In an advisory Tuesday, Sur- Adams singled out Silicon that it shares the surgeon
geon General Jerome Ad- Valley startup Juul. The general's goal: "We are
ams said parents, teachers, In this April 10, 2018, file photo, a high school principal displays company leapfrogged committed to preventing
health professionals and vaping devices that were confiscated from students in such over its larger competitors youth access of Juul prod-
government officials must places as restrooms or hallways at the school in Massachusetts. with online promotions por- ucts."
take "aggressive steps" to Associated Press traying their small device as Last month, San Francisco-
keep children from using e- the latest high-tech gadget based Juul shut down its
cigarettes. Federal law bars bling to reverse a recent ex- leased Monday showed for hip, attractive young Facebook and Instagram
the sale of e-cigarettes to plosion in teen vaping that twice as many high school people. Analysts now esti- accounts and halted in-
those under 18. public health officials fear students used e-cigarettes mate the company con- store sales of its flavored
For young people, "nico- could undermine decades this year compared to last trols more than 75 percent pods. The flavors remain
tine is dangerous and it of declines in tobacco use. year. of the U.S. e-cigarette mar- available via age-restrict-
can have negative health An estimated 3.6 million E-cigarettes and other vap- ket. ed online sales. That vol-
effects," Adams said in an U.S. teens are now using ing devices have been sold The surgeon general's ad- untary action came days
interview. "It can impact e-cigarettes, representing in the U.S. since 2007, grow- visory notes that each Juul before the Food and Drug
learning, attention and 1 in 5 high school students ing into a $6.6 billion busi- cartridge, or pod, contains Administration proposed
memory, and it can prime and 1 in 20 middle school- ness. Most devices heat a as much nicotine as a pack industrywide restrictions on
the youth brain for addic- ers, according to the latest flavored nicotine solution of cigarettes. Additionally, online and convenience
tion." federal figures. into an inhalable vapor. Adams states that Juul's liq- store sales of e-cigarettes
Federal officials are scram- Separate survey results re- They have been pitched uid nicotine mixture is spe- to deter use by kids.q
Health and Beauty Sleep
In the middle of the Holiday season, there is al- to care-for ourselves, our community, our visi-
ways so much activity and personal business to tors and patients. All of us at the Viana Healing
attend to that it is easy to forget what we are re- Center are committed to providing you with a
ally celebrating. Over the years and by many high-quality natural health care choice, based
different beliefs the holiday season which in- on continuing scientific study, proven natural
cludes among it, the winter solstice on the Dec. therapies and integrative partnerships through
21st, Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Light, Hanuk- our holistic protocol, Biocompatible Medicine.
kah, and Christmas, has been celebrated in In the coming year, we welcome the oppor-
many ways. However, the worldwide message tunity to bring more guidance and care to all
is about bringing light and hope, from darkness who seek, in their quest for higher levels of physi-
and ignorance. This is reflected today in our cal, mental and emotional vitality.
elaborate and bright holiday trimmings. Thank you, our readers, colleagues, patients,
An unknown writer explains our feeling about friends and fans for your confidence in our abil-
light: “An empty lantern provides no light. Self- ity to serve you. We wish you all a safe, healthy
care is the fuel that allows your light to shine Holiday Season and may the Healing Spirit Bless
By: Dr. Carlos Viana brightly.” you in the coming New Year, allowing your light
We are grateful to have had the opportunity to shine bright.