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                 Monday 19 noveMber 2018

            Central Bank of Aruba publishes Operational Report 2017

            ORANJESTAD  —  Today  the                                                                                           was  also  strengthened  fur-
            Centrale  Bank  van  Aruba                                                                                          ther,  inter  alia,  with  the  in-
            (CBA)  published  its  —Op-                                                                                         troduction  of  a  new  and/
            erational  Report  2017.  This                                                                                      or  revised  legislation  and
            publication provides a syn-                                                                                         supervisory  directives  and
            opsis  of  CBA’s  mandate                                                                                           guidelines.
            and  key  policy  objectives
            as laid down in the Central                                                                                         •      The  CBA’s  financial
            Bank Ordinance, as well as                                                                                          position  remained  solid.  Its
            its  strategic  framework  in                                                                                       primary source of revenue,
            place to implement its stra-                                                                                        i.e.,  the  proceeds  from  its
            tegic  plan  “Bela  yen:  Nos                                                                                       foreign  exchange  invest-
            Plan  Strategico  2016-2020”                                                                                        ment  portfolio,  strength-
            (Bela Yen). It also highlights                                                                                      ened  significantly,  reflect-
            the  main  developments  in                                                                                         ing  the  positive  develop-
            the  monetary  sector,  the                                                                                         ments  in  the  global  finan-
            financial  system,  and  the                                                                                        cial  markets.  A  prudent
            payment  system,  along                                                                                             investment  policy  is  exe-
            with  the  prime  operational                                                                                       cuted, primarily geared to-
            activities  carried  out  by                                                                                        wards providing adequate
            the CBA in 2017. In the last                                                                                        foreign  exchange  liquidity
            chapter  of  this  report,  the                                                                                     for  the  domestic  banking
            financial  highlights  of  the                                                                                      sector, and for the govern-
            CBA’s  operations  is  pre-  tions  and  intended  results  struments, if economic de-  reserves stayed above the   ment of Aruba, as well as to
            sented.                      are set for the period up to  velopments  required  such  targeted levels, supporting   preserve  its  invested  capi-
                                         2020.                        an action. During its meet-  the fixed exchange rate re-  tal. On the other hand, the
            Below an overview of some                                 ings,  the  MPC  kept  mon-  gime  of  the  florin  with  the   increase  in  the  CBA’s  ex-
            of  the  primary  develop-   •      In conducting mon-    etary  policy  unchanged  US dollar.                      penses  remained  moder-
            ments  that  took  place  in   etary policy, the Monetary  with  the  reserve  require-                             ate thanks to its strict moni-
            2017:                        Policy Committee (MPC) of  ment rate at 11.0 percent,  •         The  strict  and  con-  toring thereof.
                                         the  CBA  met  seven  times  as  it  was  concluded  that  sistent  enforcement  of  the
            •       A key achievement    during  that  year  to  review  mentioned  economic  indi-  laws  and  regulations  over   The  OPERATIONAL  REPORT
            for  the  CBA  included  the   and  analyze  several  mon-  cators  were  at  adequate  the  years  contributed  to   2017  is  available  on  the
            formal  roll-out  of  its  stra-  etary  and  economic  indi-  levels throughout the year.  maintaining a stable, liquid,   website  of  the  CBA  www.
            tegic  plan  “Bela  Yen”,  in   cators to evaluate the ad-                             and sound financial system.  as  from  to-
            which  its  strategic  ambi-  justments of its monetary in-  •   The    international  The  regulatory  framework   day. q

            Father and Son release new CD “Celebrate Christmas with Father and Son”

                                                                      ORANJESTAD  —  The  well-
                                                                      known, young, local violin-
                                                                      ist Omar Kock together with
                                                                      his  father  Ricky  Kock  re-
                                                                      leased a new CD with clas-
                                                                      sic  instrumental  Christmas
                                                                      songs played on the violin.

                                                                      The CD consists of 13 tracks
                                                                      that  will  delight  you  with
                                                                      the  beautiful  sphere  and
                                                                      harmony  that  Christmas
                                                                      brings. The 2 musicians put
                                                                      all their heart and soul into
                                                                      this  incredible  Christmas
                                                                      On  the  back  cover  of  the
                                                                      CD  you  will  see  a  picture
                                                                      of Omar when he was only  his  hand.  This  truly  shows  information  you  can  call:
                                                                      1  year  old  sitting  in  his  fa-  the  love  they  both  have  +297 660-7387/ 568-8655 or
                                                                      ther’s  lap  with  the  violin  in  for this instrument. For more  565-0744.q
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