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U.S. NEWS Tuesday 16 July 2019
Trump abortion restrictions effective immediately
By RICARDO ALONSO- in need of essential care," with other options. How-
ZALDIVAR Wen said. ever, that would no longer
Associated Press HHS said no judicial orders be required. The Ameri-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Tax- currently prevent it from can Medical Association
payer-funded family plan- enforcing the rule while the is among the professional
ning clinics must stop refer- litigation proceeds. groups opposed to the ad-
ring women for abortions Clare Coleman, president ministration's policy, saying
immediately, the Trump of the umbrella group Na- it could affect low-income
administration said Mon- tional Family Planning & Re- women's access to ba-
day, declaring it will begin productive Health Associa- sic medical care, includ-
enforcing a new regulation tion, said "the administra- ing birth control, cancer
hailed by religious conser- tion's actions show its intent screenings and testing and
vatives and denounced by is to further an ideological treatment for sexually trans-
medical organizations and agenda." mitted diseases. By law, the
women's rights groups. Abortion opponents wel- family planning program
The head of a national comed the administration's does not pay for abortions. In this June 28, 2019 file photo, Ashlyn Myers of the Coalition for
umbrella group represent- move. "Ending the connec- Religious conservatives see Life St. Louis, waves to a Planned Parenthood staff member in St.
ing the clinics said the ad- tion between abortion and the regulation as a means Louis, Mo.
ministration is following "an family planning is a victory to end what they call an Associated Press
ideological agenda" that for common-sense health indirect taxpayer subsidy of
could disrupt basic health care," Kristan Hawkins, pres- abortion providers. productive age in 1980 to to a recent scientific report.
care for many low-income ident of Students for Life, Although abortion remains about 15 in 2014. Better Polls show most Americans
women. said in a statement. politically divisive, the U.S. contraception, fewer unin- do not want the Supreme
Ahead of a planned con- Known as Title X, the family- abortion rate has dropped tended pregnancies and Court to overturn Roe v.
ference Tuesday with the planning program serves significantly, from about state restrictions may have Wade, the 1973 ruling that
clinics, the Health and Hu- about 4 million women an- 29 per 1,000 women of re- played a role, according legalized abortion.q
man Services Department nually through indepen-
formally notified them that dent clinics, many oper-
it will begin enforcing the ated by Planned Parent-
ban on abortion referrals, hood affiliates, which serve
along with a requirement about 40 percent of all cli-
that clinics maintain sepa- ents. The program provides
rate finances from facili- about $260 million a year in
ties that provide abortions. grants to clinics.
Another requirement that The family planning rule
both kinds of facilities can- is part of a series of Trump
not be under the same administration efforts to re-
roof would take effect next make government policy
year. on reproductive health.
The rule is widely seen as a Other regulations tangled
blow against Planned Par- up in court would allow
enthood, which provides employers to opt out of of-
taxpayer-funded family fering free birth control to
planning and basic health women workers on the ba-
care to low-income wom- sis of religious or moral ob-
en, as well as abortions jections, and grant health
that must be paid for sep- care professionals wider
arately. The organization leeway to opt out of pro-
is a mainstay of the feder- cedures that offend their
ally funded family planning religious or moral scruples.
program and it has threat- Abortion is a legal medi-
ened to quit over the issue. cal procedure, but federal
Planned Parenthood Presi- laws prohibit the use of
dent Leana Wen said in a taxpayer funds to pay for
statement that "our doors abortions except in cases
are still open" as her orga- of rape, incest, or to save
nization and other groups the life of the woman.
seek to overturn the regula- Under the administration's
tions in federal court. "We rule, clinic staff would still
will not stop fighting for all be permitted to discuss
those across the country abortion with clients, along