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P. 15
CLASSIFIED Tuesday 16 July 2019
of trafficking DOCTOR ON DUTY
sharks kept in Halley Time Travel ASSOCIATED REALTORS Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
For Sale
Tel. 527 4000
his basement Ambassador wings CDM $4 K Commercial property close to San Nicolas
1 BR WK # 28 Ground Floor the new Container Port in IMSAN 24 Hours
Barcadera, build-up 424 m2,
Associated Press la Cabana Beach and Casino Tel.524 8833
LAGRANGEVILLE, N.Y. (AP) studio wk 29/30 land 2400 m2 for $337,078. Women in Difficulties
— A man who kept sharks second floor Pool/Ocean For more details PHARMACY ON DUTY
in a pool in his upstate New saturday $3500 each contact Mito at 593 6318 Oranjestad:
York basement has been _________________________________211527 Sta. Cruz Tel. 585 6890
convicted of trafficking Marriott Ocean Club ASSOCIATED REALTORS San Nicolas:
wildlife. Goldseason For Sale San Lucas Tel. 584 5119
The state Department of 1BR Oceanview $5K Gorgeous two story house on a Women in Difficulties
Environmental Conserva- 2BR Oceanview $8K hill with ocean/country view in OTHER
tion and the attorney gen- 2BR Oceanfront $12K Paradera, 3 bedrooms/ Dental Clinic 587 9850
eral's office say Friday that aruba divi Phoenix 3 bathrooms with pool for Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
Joshua Seguine, of LaGran- studio WK27 frontvillas $470,000 Urgent Care 586 0448
Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
geville, pleaded guilty to il- Grondfloor 17weeks $6K Call Mito at 593 6318 +297 588 0539
legal commercialization of 1BR WK30 building6 for more details Women in Difficulties
wildlife. He'll be sentenced 3rdflooor 32weeks $8,5K _________________________________211527 EMERGENCY
in September. ASSOCIATED REALTORS Police 100
The 38-year-old Seguine Marriott Ocean Club For Sale Oranjestad 527 3140
was stopped by authori- Platinumseason spacious House in Ruby/Noord Noord 527 3200
ties in Georgia in July 2017 1BR Oceanview $12K 3 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, Sta. Cruz 527 2900
when he was transporting 1BR Oceanfront $18K pool, build-up 320 m2 and for San Nicolas 584 5000
five live sharks in the back 2BR Oceanview $18K $446,000 including furnitures Police Tipline 11141
of his truck. Investigators 2BR Oceanfront $28K and appliances Fire Dept. 115
found Seguine had offered Aruba Divi Phoenix Contact Mito at 593 6318 Red Cross 582 2219
sharks for sale online under 1BR WK27 _________________________________211527
the name Aquatic Apex studio WK27/28 FOR SALE TAXI SERVICES
Life. 30weeks $8,5K 1BR Time share weeks #30 & 31 Taxi Tas 587 5900
Investigators searched studio $7K (superior R.M) at a.B.C. Resort Prof. Taxi 588 0035
Seguine's home and on the ground floor facing Casa Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
found an 18-foot-diameter Marriott Surf Club del Mar garden and swimming Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
A1 Taxi Serv.
280 2828
(5.7-meter-diameter) pool Platinum season pool.
containing seven 2- to 2 BR Gardenview $15K For information call 584 7598 or Women in Difficulties
4-foot-long (half-meter- to 2 BR Oceanview $17K cel. 563 2885
1.2-meter-long) sandbar 2 BR Oceanside $18K Aruba Airport 524 2424
sharks, a protected spe- 2 BR Oceanfront $27K _________________________________211525 American Airlines 582 2700
cies. They also found three 3 BR Oceanview $28K SALE TIME SHARE Avianca 588 0059
dead sharks. Divi Dutch Village Jet Blue 588 2244
The rescued sharks are now Marriott Surf Club studio wk27 7/6 room13 Surinam 582 7896
at the New York Aquarium Gold season Wk35 8/11 $2850 Women in Difficulties
in Coney Island.q CdM aMB 1BR WK21, 5/25
2 BR Gardenview $7K $999 & WK29, 7/20 $2850 CRUISES
2 BR Oceanview $8K 508-651-016
2 BR Oceanside $9K local 6/15 565-9394
2 BR Oceanfront $12K
3 BR Oceanview $15K _________________________________211371
Call: 630 1307 Paradise Beach Villas week 29, 2 bedrooms July 16 $6,000 sat-sat Freedom of the seas
July 17
week 30 1 bedroom Monarch
$5,000 sat-sat Women in Difficulties
Pls call: 742 2576 AID FOUNDATIONS
e-mail: FAVI- Visually Impaired Tel. 582 5051
Alcoholics Anonymous
Tel. 736 2952
Narcotics Anonymous
Tel. 583 8989
Women in Difficulties
Tel. 583 5400
Centre for Diabetes
Tel. 524 8888
Child Abuse Prevention
Tel. 582 4433
Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
General Info
Phone Directory Tel. 118