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                      Tuesday 16 July 2019
            Scientists close in on blood test for Alzheimer's

                                                                                                                                to  commercialize  it,  Naka-
                                                                                                                                mura said.
                                                                                                                                Another  experimental  test
                                                                                                                                looks at neurofilament light,
                                                                                                                                a  protein  that's  a  marker
                                                                                                                                of  nerve  damage.  Abdul
                                                                                                                                Hye  of  King's  College  Lon-
                                                                                                                                don gave results of a study
                                                                                                                                comparing  blood  levels
                                                                                                                                of  it  in  2,300  people  with
                                                                                                                                various neurological condi-
                                                                                                                                tions  —  Alzheimer's,  other
                                                                                                                                dementias, Parkinson's, de-
                                                                                                                                pression,  multiple  sclerosis,
                                                                                                                                Lou Gehrig's disease — plus
                                                                                                                                healthy  folks  for  compari-
                                                                                                                                Levels  were  significantly
                                                                                                                                higher  in  eight  conditions,
                                                                                                                                and only 2% of healthy folks
                                                                                                                                were  above  a  threshold
                                                                                                                                they set for raising concern.
                                                                                                                                The  test  doesn't  reveal
                                                                                                                                which  disorder  someone
                                                                                                                                has,  but  it  may  help  rule
                                                                                                                                one  out  when  symptoms
                                                                                                                                may  be  psychological  or
                                                                                                                                due to other problems.
                                                                                                                                Later at the conference, Dr.
                                                                                                                                Randall Bateman of Wash-
                                                                                                                                ington  University  School
                                                                                                                                of Medicine in St. Louis will
            In this July 9, 2019 photo, Dr. Jori Fleisher, neurologist, examines Thomas Doyle, 66, at the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.
                                                                                                               Associated Press   give new results on a blood
                                                                                                                                test  he  helped  develop
            By MARILYNN MARCHIONE        id  tests  are  too  expensive  than any of us would have  Alzheimer's.                that the university has pat-
            AP Chief Medical Writer      or  impractical  for  regular  expected."                 A blood test — rather than   ented and licensed to C2N
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — Scien-    check-ups.                   It can't come too soon for  subjective   estimates   of   Diagnostics,  a  company
            tists are closing in on a long-  "We need something quick-  patients  like  Tom  Doyle,  a  thinking  skills  —  could  get   he  co-founded.  Like  the
            sought goal — a blood test  er  and  dirtier.  It  doesn't  66-year-old  former  univer-  the  right  people  into  stud-  Japanese test, it measures
            to  screen  people  for  pos-  have  to  be  perfect"  to  be  sity professor from Chicago  ies sooner.             the  abnormal  Alzheimer
            sible  signs  of  Alzheimer's  useful  for  screening,  said  who  has  had  two  spinal  One  of  the  experimental   protein, and the new results
            disease and other forms of  Maria Carrillo, the Alzheim-  fluid  tests  since  develop-  blood  tests  measures  ab-  will show how well the test
            dementia.                    er's  Association's  chief  sci-  ing  memory  problems  four  normal versions of the pro-  reflects  what  brain  scans
            On  Monday  at  the  Al-     ence officer.                years ago. First he was told  tein that forms the plaques   show on nearly 500 people.
            zheimer's  Association  Inter-  Dr.  Richard  Hodes,  direc-  he didn't have Alzheimer's,  in  the  brain  that  are  the   "Everyone's   finding   the
            national  Conference,  half  tor of the National Institute  then  that  he  did.  He  ulti-  hallmark of Alzheimer's. Last   same  thing  ...  the  results
            a  dozen  research  groups  on  Aging,  called  the  new  mately was diagnosed with  year,  Japanese  research-     are   remarkably    similar
            gave new results on various  results "very promising" and  different problems — Lewy  ers  published  a  study  of  it   across  countries,  across
            experimental  tests,  includ-  said blood tests soon will be  body dementia with Parkin-  and on Monday they gave   techniques," said Bateman,
            ing  one  that  seems  88%  used to choose and moni-      son's.                       results from validation test-  whose work is supported by
            accurate  at  indicating  Al-  tor  people  for  federally  "They probably could have  ing on 201 people with Al-   the  U.S.  government  and
            zheimer's risk.              funded  studies,  though  it  diagnosed  me  years  ago  zheimer's,  other  types  of   the Alzheimer's Association.
            Doctors  are  hoping  for  will take a little longer to es-  accurately if they had had  dementia, mild impairment   He  estimates  a  screening
            something  to  use  during  tablish their value in routine  a  blood  test,"  said  Doyle,  or no symptoms.         test  could  be  as  close  as
            routine exams, where most  medical care.                  who  represents  patients  The blood test results close-  three years away.
            dementia  symptoms  are  "In the past year we've seen  on the Alzheimer's Associa-     ly matched those from the    What  good  will  that  do
            evaluated,  to  gauge  who  a dramatic acceleration in  tion's board.                  top tests used now — three   without a cure?
            needs more extensive test-   progress" on these tests, he  About  50  million  people  types of brain scans and a   An Associated Press-NORC
            ing.  Current  tools  such  as  said.  "This  has  happened  worldwide have dementia,  mental  assessment  exam,    Center for Public Affairs Re-
            brain  scans  and  spinal  flu-  at a pace that is far faster  and Alzheimer's is the most  said  Dr.  Akinori  Nakamura   search poll last year found
                                                                      common  form.  There  is  no  of  the  National  Center  for   that most Americans would
                                                                      cure;  current  medicines  Geriatrics  and  Gerontol-     want to know if they carried
                                                                      just temporarily ease symp-  ogy in Obu, Japan. The test   a  gene  tied  to  a  disease
                                                                      toms.  Dozens  of  hoped-for  correctly  identified  92%  of   even if it was incurable.
                                                                      treatments  have  failed.  people  who  had  Alzheim-     "What people want most of
                                                                      Doctors  think  studies  may  er's and correctly ruled out   all  is  a  diagnosis"  if  they're
                                                                      have  enrolled  people  af-  85%  who  did  not  have  it,   having   symptoms,   said
                                                                      ter  too  much  brain  dam-  for an overall accuracy of   Jonathan Schott of Univer-
                                                                      age had occurred and in-     88%.                         sity College London. "What
                                                                      cluded  too  many  people  Shimadzu  Corp.  has  rights   we don't like is not knowing
                                                                      with  problems  other  than  to  the  test  and  is  working   what's going on."q
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