P. 39



         ARILJE, SERBIA - The church  ing here we  brought in all
         of St. Achillius, Bishop of  our previous experience and
         Larissa, Greece, a staunch  knowledge, but we are aware
         opponent of the Arian her-     that coming out of this trip
         esy and a participant of the  we will be enriched with new
         First Council of Nicaea in 325  ones,” said one participant.
         AD, located in a small city of
         Arilje,  western  Serbia,  was  After the work day, the eve-
         the destination of the June  ning goes well as we spent
         2018 BLAGO expedition. It  most of the time chatting
         is a foundation of the king  with the clergy taking care of
         Dragutin Nemanjic built in  the church and the people of
         the Raska style and a mas-     Arilje. As a rule, every day of
         terpiece of Serbian medieval  our trip had a morning coffee
         fresco painting.               break with Father Dragan,
                                        the main priest of the church
         There are many things done  in Arilje, and his colleagues.
         in advance of every BLA-       Participants expressed grat-
         GO expedition, including  itude for all the time and
         obtaining appropriate per-     support  the  clergy  offered
         mits, blessings from the lo-   during.
         cal church and the Bishop,
         lodging  reservations,  secure  Work included mounting
         transportation, and more.  scaffolding in the church altar
         BLAGO’s Serbian coordinator  area for the purpose of taking
         Gordana Kelic, an art histori-  high-resolution pictures of
         an, started working on these  the fresco paintings. One of
         many months in advance to  the workers said, “As many
         complete all prerequisites.    times before, everybody is in-
                                        volved, and each piece of the
         The trip from Belgrade starts  equipment passes through
         at dawn on June 7th, driving  many hands before reach-
         to the town of Jagodina, the  es Meda, our technical lead,
         main starting point of ev-     for  its  final  place  in  the  tall,
         ery  BLAGO expedition.  All  six levels scaffolding. We are
         equipment in storage includ-   joined by a friend living in
         ing  scaffolding,  tools,  photo  Germany,  Mihajlo,  who  was
         equipment, lights, and more  staying in the same house we
         is cleaned up and loaded on  rented during the stay in Aril-
         the trailer.                   je…After our work is done in
                                        the  altar  area,  scaffolding  is
         The trip itself through the  brought down, and piece by
         heart of Serbia is uneventful  piece taken to the nave under
         but, everyone is excited upon  the main dome of the church.
         our arrival as the town of  This  time,  the  scaffolding  is
         Arilje, the surrounding land-  extended to the full height (45
         scape, and the church are  feet) as we need to reach the
         beaming  of  tranquility  and  dome of the church. Photog-
         peacefulness.                  raphy is an art, but photogra-
                                        phy at the top of the shaking
         The church, located on the  and moving scaffolding is al-
         hill in the center of Arilje,  most acrobatic.”
         dominates the view and it is
         obvious that its attraction cre-  Since 1998, BLAGO Fund
         ated the city and surrounding  has been collecting and pro-
         villages, farms, and orchards.  moting Serbian heritage and
         The holy place is surrounded  cultural/spiritual treasures.
         by a deep green lawn and the  To  help  them  continue  their
         final  resting  places  of  many  work donations may be made
         well-known individuals from  to BLAGO Fund, a non-prof-
         Serbian history.               it USA and Serbia based or-
                                        ganization. A full version of
         The    surroundings,     un-   this newsletter on the 2018
         touched for centuries, is  a  trip to Arlije and a video of
         constant reminder and incen-   the expedition are available
         tive that the work of BLAGO  at
         has meaning and records and  where you can also make a
         promotes some of the most  donation to the effort.
         precious treasures of Serbian
         culture and heritage. “Com-
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