P. 41


           Our Relationship with Jesus Christ

         by Father Rodney Torbic               tions. Many individuals in the world blas-  Holy Mysteries, in Baptism, Chrismation,  The Lord’s Prayer and our thoughts re-
                                               pheme and do not proclaim Jesus Christ  Confession  and  Communion,  Marriage  garding Jesus Christ, all deserve careful
           This is the time to consider Jesus Christ  with great glory. At times, the conclusion  and Ordination, in Holy Unction….these  attention.
         and  our  relationship  with  Him.  Jesus  can be drawn a war is being waged to  are times when changes noticeably oc-  In the Creed, we refer to the judgment
         Christ is ever present with us. At times  denounce and subdue any references to  cur in human beings. Participation in the  that will take place when Christ returns.
         we  will  clearly  sense  His  presence.  At  Jesus Christ in public places.  Holy Mysteries is a turning point of life.  The Gospel of St. Matthew in the Twenty
         other times, we will feel distant and have   We  must  be  certain  of  our  faith.  Our   There is a subtlety to Jesus Christ. He  Fifth Chapter is an additional point of ref-
         thoughts dwelling other than on Christ. It  perspective must be clear. Through  acts in ways which defy total comprehen-  erence to the Last Judgment.
         is  important  that  we  always  repent  and  prayer, continual prayer without ceasing,  sion  and  challenges  the  best  of  minds.   Our relationship to Jesus Christ is
         return to Jesus Christ.               we can come to know Christ as we have  Jesus Christ became man without giv-  not to be stagnant. We should look to
           Our relationship with Jesus Christ is  never known Him. The barriers to our re-  ing up His divinity. He entered the world  St. Apostle Paul who said Jesus Christ
         more than intellectual. It is intensely and  lationship with Jesus Christ exist within  through humble surroundings. We have  would be magnified in his body whether
         uniquely personal. Though all Christians  us.                              no record of His being educated in insti-  by life or by death. For St. Paul, to live is
         are united with and identify with Christ,   Each of us exerts control over our per-  tutions of higher learning but His teach-  Christ and to die is gain.(Phil. 1:26-27).
         each person feels a special relationship  sonal prayer life. Each of us exerts con-  ings interest the world’s best scholars.  Everyday is a new opportunity to renew
         with Christ, a one to One relationship.  trol  over  our  use  of  time.  Our  thoughts   Records  exist  of  healing  by  Jesus  our relationship with Jesus Christ. Every
           A special bond exists among Chris-  are subject to personal control. We must  Christ.  These  miracles  are  sources  of  moment is an opportunity to say: “Lord
         tians which they share with each other  be sensitive to the word “discipline” and  hope and inspiration for the sick and suf-  Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on
         and with Christ. This bond transcends  how it emanates from the word “disciple”.  fering of the world. They are objects of  me a sinner.”
         language and territory to link together in  To be disciples of Christ, He must ever  scholarly research and close scrutiny.   Throughout our lives, Jesus Christ is
         spirit and love,  people  who have  never  be present in our prayers, thoughts and  More importantly, the miracles of Christ  ever-present.  He  is  wherever  we  may
         met personally.                       mind. Jesus Christ must be our consum-  serve to manifest the faith of Christians  go. If we  travel to another country, He is
           The physical birth of Jesus Christ took  ing interest.                   everywhere. Christ offers hope!       there. If we work in a factory or hospital or
         place centuries ago. As Orthodox Chris-  The Orthodox Church is a Trinitarian   People  of  all  ages  have  relationships  office, Jesus Christ is present. Airplanes
         tians, we celebrate Christ’s nativity each  Church. In the Creed, we proclaim our  with  Jesus  Christ.  We  know  from  the  and rockets do not reach heights which
         year as a present day reality. We proclaim  belief in One God, the Father Almighty,  Gospel of St. Matthew that Jesus want-  exceed the grasp and presence of Christ.
         with joy each year that “God is with us!”  maker of heaven and earth. We proclaim  ed the little children to come to Him.  We do not have to search to find Christ.
           It is likely that we do not spend suffi-  our belief in the Son of God, of one es-  (MT.19:14).  From personal observation,  We do not have to travel far. Our chal-
         cient time being amazed at the passage  sence with the Father. In the Creed, we  we can attest that men and women of all  lenge is to open our hearts to Him and
         of centuries and the enduring presence  assert  our  belief  in  the  Holy  Spirit,  the  ages find a bond with Jesus Christ.  to keep them open. Our challenge is to
         of Christ. Each year at the Divine Litur-  giver of life, who with the Father and Son   For  many,  the  relationship  with  Jesus  keep our minds on Christ. We must open
         gy on Pascha we read from the Gospel  is worshipped and glorified. Our beliefs  Christ begins at infant Baptism and grows  our  eyes  and  be  sensitive  to  Christ’s
         of  St.  John  that  Jesus  existed  at  what  give rise to our actions and they define us  throughout life. Other individuals may ex-  presence wherever we are.
         is referred to as “the beginning.”(Jn.1:2).  as human beings.              perience unity with Christ at later stages   Now is the time to consider our relation-
         St. John states that all things were made   We are members of the Holy Orthodox  in life. The relationships may mature at  ship with Jesus Christ. It is always time to
         through Him, and without Him nothing  Church. Our religious teachings and ser-  different rates and in different ways.  With  consider our relationship with Him. Time
         was made that was made.”(Jn. 1:3).    vices proclaim Christ as God and enable  certainty, we know the  relationships with  is measured according to Christ’s birth. It
           Jesus Christ is central to our Faith.  us to learn more about Him. Through the  Christ are not limited by age, sex, race or  behooves us to measure each moment
         We take our identity from Him. We place  Holy Mysteries, we experience Christ in  national origin.               of time as a golden opportunity to be with
         our hope in Him. He is our salvation, the  diverse ways in which He wonderfully im-  Jesus Christ is identified with the King-  Jesus Christ.
         source for the remission of sins.     pacts our lives.                     dom of God. In the Creed, we refer to His
           As Christians, we live in a busy and   The Holy Mysteries are turning points  Second Coming. In the Lord’s Prayer, we
         diverse world. There are many distrac-  in human lives. We meet Christ in the  pray, “Thy Kingdom come…” The Creed,

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