P. 42



         BELGRADE - Earlier this year the United  simovic said that Serbia has been en-
         States Government and the Government  gaged in EU accession negotiations and
         of Serbia signed agreements under which  that “to reach its strategic goal, Serbia will
         the United States will provide $22 million  focus all of its available resources toward
         in assistance to Serbia. These funds will  adopting and implementing the EU aquis
         be used to help make Serbia’s economy  and attaining standards that will make it
         more competitive, strengthen the rule of  an equal member state. On this path, fi-
         law, bolster government operations, im-  nancial support and future collaboration
         prove the media regulatory environment,  with the United States as a partner in
         and combat corruption.                development, is of utmost importance to
         “Since 2001, the United States has pro-
         vided nearly $1 billion in assistance to  United States Government support to
         Serbia,“ said United States Ambassador  Serbia has made obtaining construction
         Kyle Scott. “I want to stress that our as-  permits and  complying with business
         sistance is a partnership. We work di-  inspections easier and more transpar-                                                Source:
         rectly with the government of Serbia, the  ent—increasing construction activity and
         Serbian private sector, and civil society  moving  companies  out  of  the  shadow   operations through case management  bians to change their official residences
         to identify the challenges facing Serbia.  economy;                        systems and electronic registries—gen-  and to register marriages and births; and
         More importantly we turn to Serbians to  helped communities affected by the mi-  erating more than 100 million euros for  helped  Serbia  draft  and  implement  its
         identify the solutions.”              grant crisis repair and improve infrastruc-  Serbia’s budget and reducing case back-  first whistle-blower protection law – mak-
                                               ture;  renovated  misdemeanor  courts   logs by up to 80 percent in some courts;  ing it easier and safer to report corruption
         Minister for EU Integration Jadranka Jok-  throughout  Serbia  and  improved  court   introduced e-governance solutions in 83  and fraud.
                                                                                    municipalities – making it easier for Ser-

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                                                                                       NEXT ISSUE
                                                                                   December 19th


                                                                                     December 7th
   37   38   39   40   41   42