P. 37
marks 49th Anniversary
HAMILTON, ON - During a recent visit to Canada, Hamiltonian Peter Mulin with Mico Jovanovic
George Lukic saw his Kumovi Peter and Jelena (SNF photographer) and George Lukic, all former
Mulin of Florida USA and asked if Jelena brought along her camera. folklore dancers.
“Now that is a funny question since I believe my camera is attached
to my hip,” said Jelena, who proceeded to capture photographs of
the 49th anniversary concert festivities hosted by the folklore en-
semble “KOLO.”
Some of the Kolo sisters who were
in charge of the delicious food “The hall was packed with people to see the performances, many of
during the evening. Jelena said, the dancers worked in various areas during the evening event, Kolo
“This is a shout out to all Kolo sisters prepared a variety of food for guests to enjoy, and wonder-
sisters who work tirelessly at all ful songs and dances from various regions of Serbia delighted the
churches around the country.” crowd,” said Jelena. “The kolo dancing afterwards was so much fun
even I couldn’t help but join in a couple of the dances.”
The Serbian Folklore Ensemble KOLO was formed in 1969 in Ham-
ilton as an integral part of St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church on Our photographer Jelena with her
Barton Street with the objective of instilling the true spirit and skill Kuma Milka Lukic
of Serbian folklore into its members. The Ensemble’s primary goal
remains to present Serbian folklore in as original a form as possible
in the context of the Canadian cultural mosaic. It prides itself on the
perpetuation of authentic choreography and costume design, and
most importantly, on the preservation of its ethnic heritage.
As KOLO prepares for their 50th anniversary scheduled for Novem-
ber 9-10, 2019, KOLO proudly looks back on the many years of its ex-
istence and success, doing over 1500 performances in diverse venues
across North America, from shows at Southern Ontario communi-
ties to professional theatre performances with hundreds of attend-
ees including dignitaries and members of royalty. Notable perfor-
mances include: The Commonwealth Games (Edmonton), Lincoln
Center (New York), and numerous festivals in Boston, Chicago, St. SNF members Rajko and Angie
Louis (Serb-Fest), Pittsburgh, Gary, Milwaukee, San Diego, Toronto Djurdjevic, Rajko is president of
(CNE), Windsor (Carousel), to name a few. St. Nicholas Church and they are a
100% SNF family for generations
In 2005 and 2008, KOLO achieved one of its long awaited goals: a
concert series in Serbia. The most memorable highlight was an audi-
ence with His Holiness Patriarch Pavle. KOLO’s most recent achieve-
ment has been the participation with the Toronto Raptors /NBA
during Serbian Heritage Night, where they had the privilege to be
the half-time show entertainment, over the last seven years, and will
be again on Jan 22, 2019. This opportunity has given KOLO an even
bigger scale to showcase their talents and Serbian traditions through
Vasa Lukic a former “Kolo” dancer dance.
selling tickets. Past and present
members of the “Kolo” group all Recorded performances on YouTube have exceeded 1 million com-
pitch in to help wherever needed.
bined views by people worldwide:
• Dancers working during the eve-
ning, everyone does their part
George Lukic says, “Everyone is invited to join KOLO next Novem-
ber as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary.”
After the crowd watched
the amazing dances during the Serbian Folklore group from
concert they couldn’t wait to get Mississauga, Ontario “Oplenac”
up on the floor and do their own performing “Dances from
kolo dancing. “Crnorecje”