P. 5
U.S. NEWS Tuesday 25 June 2019
Missouri judge
allows abortions to
continue, for now
By SUMMER BALLENTINE ing affirms the state’s con-
Associated Press tention that the licensing
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) dispute should be heard by
— A Missouri judge on Mon- the commission.
day ruled that the state’s “We look forward to try-
lone abortion clinic can ing the merits of this case
continue performing abor- in front of the AHC in our
tions through Friday but ongoing effort to ensure
kicked the clinic’s lawsuit Planned Parenthood is fol-
out of court. lowing our state’s health
St. Louis Circuit Judge Mi- laws which are necessary
chael Stelzer extended a to protect women’s safe-
preliminary injunction he ty,” he said in a statement.
previously issued in order Cases before the commis-
to give a Planned Parent- sion can be appealed in
hood affiliate in St. Louis court.
time to take a licensing The fate of the clinic has
fight before an administra- drawn national attention
tive panel. because Missouri would
Stelzer ruled the clinic has become the first state since
not yet exhausted its op- 1974, the year after the U.S.
tions outside of court to Supreme Court’s landmark
handle the dispute over its Roe v. Wade decision le-
license to perform abor- galizing abortion nation-
tions. wide, without a functioning
The state health depart- abortion clinic if it closes.
ment on Friday declined to The battle also comes as
renew the clinic’s abortion abortion rights supporters
license. raise concerns that con-
The judge directed Planned servative-led states are at-
Parenthood to take the tempting to end abortion In this June 21, 2019 file photo, an anti-abortion advocate attempts to solicit a motorist entering
issue up with the Admin- through tough new laws the parking lot of the Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri, the
istrative Hearing Commis- and tighter regulation. state’s last operating abortion clinic in St. Louis.
sion, a panel that typically The state has said concerns Associated Press
handles disputes between about the clinic arose preme Court, to pass new getting abortions in Kansas state line.
state agencies and busi- from inspections in March. restrictions on abortions than in Missouri. Informa- The nearest clinic to St. Lou-
nesses or individuals. Among the problems Mis- in the hope that the high tion from the state of Kan- is is in Granite City, Illinois,
“We will continue this fight souri Department of Health court will eventually over- sas shows that about 3,300 less than 10 miles (16 kilo-
in the Administrative Hear- and Senior Services inves- turn Roe v. Wade. of the 7,000 abortions per- meters) away.
ing Commission, and we tigators have cited were Parson signed legislation on formed there last year in- Illinois does not track the
won’t stop until every per- three “failed abortions” May 24 to ban abortions at volved Missouri residents. home states of women
son can access the care requiring additional surger- or beyond eight weeks of Kansas has an abortion seeking abortions so it’s un-
they need when and ies and another that led to pregnancy, with excep- clinic in Overland Park, a known how many Missouri
where they need it,” said life-threatening complica- tions for medical emergen- Kansas City suburb just 2 residents have been treat-
Dr. Colleen McNicholas, an tions for the mother, The As- cies but not for rape or in- miles (3 kilometers) from the ed there.q
OB-GYN at Reproductive sociated Press reported last cest.
Health Services at Planned week, citing a now-sealed The number of abortions CAR RENTAL 5616944
Parenthood of the St. Louis court filing. performed in Missouri has Address: Paramira #30 (Oranjestad) - Email: - Website:
Region. Planned Parenthood has declined every year for the
She said in a statement that said Missouri is using the past decade, reaching a We Rent:
if the commission doesn’t licensing process as a low of 2,910 last year. Of Cars- Vans - SUV
act by Friday, “abortion weapon aimed at halting those, an estimated 1,210
access in the state of Mis- abortions. occurred at eight weeks or
souri will be gone.” Missouri is among several less of pregnancy, accord-
Republican Gov. Mike Par- conservative states, em- ing to health department
son’s spokesman Steele boldened by new conser- data.
Shippy said the judge’s rul- vative justices on the Su- More Missouri women are