P. 6
Tuesday 25 June 2019
4 border deaths in Texas could be a preview of the summer
By DAVID WARREN and CE- be diverted to other duties,
DAR ATTANASIO such as transporting, hospi-
Associated Press tal escorts ... there are not
Two babies, a toddler and a lot of agents readily avail-
a woman were found dead able to hear these cries,”
near the U.S.-Mexican bor- he said in a statement. The
der, overcome by the swel- Trump administration is also
tering heat in a glimpse of under siege from critics
what could lie ahead this who believe it is taking too
summer as record numbers hard a line toward humani-
of migrant families try to tarian volunteers who help
get into the United States. border crossers by leaving
Authorities believe the four jugs of water in the desert
may have been dead and providing medical as-
for days before the bod- sistance.
ies were discovered on The Justice Department
Sunday in the Rio Grande prosecuted a volunteer
Valley. No details were re- with the aid group No More
leased on the victims’ rela- Deaths on conspiracy
tionship. charges for providing two
It was the latest grim dis- migrants with water, food
covery of migrants who This June 13, 2019, photo shows a sign that reads “Many people have died trying to swim to the and lodging last year. He
died while trying to cross other side,” posted in a church sheltering Central American migrants in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. faced up to 20 years in pris-
the perilous desert and the Associated Press on, but the case ended in
swollen Rio Grande. tained at the border since into the U.S., according to the Mexican newspaper a mistrial earlier this month
A law enforcement official the start of the year, re- a shelter official who met La Jornada reported. The when the jury deadlocked.
close to the investigation sulting in dangerous over- the family. mother told the paper she The immigrants who make it
told The Associated Press crowding in U.S. holding A 6-year-old immigrant watched her husband across the border and turn
the four were overcome by centers. from India was found dead and child disappear in the themselves in to authorities
the heat after fording the A total of 283 migrant in the triple-digit heat in Ari- strong current. are experiencing their own
river. The official was not deaths were recorded zona this month, and seven Border Patrol spokesman problems and safety risks
authorized to discuss the along the 2,000-mile border people believed to be mi- Ramiro Cordero said that in government detention.
matter publicly and spoke last year. The death toll so grants died in June alone in past years, agents would Five children have died af-
on condition of anonymity. far this year was not imme- in irrigation canals that run be posted near canals and ter being detained by the
Migrant families have been diately released. alongside border barri- hear the cries of help from government since late last
coming over the border in Three children and an ers near El Paso. The total migrants. But they are do- year, and dozens of young-
unprecedented numbers in adult from Honduras are last year for such deaths in ing other duties this year sters were found last week
recent months, reaching a believed to have died after those canals was 11. with so many immigrants in unsanitary conditions in-
peak in May, when 84,000 their raft overturned on the And the bodies of a fa- showing up, some in poor side a Border Patrol station
adults and children travel- Rio Grande in April. They ther and nearly 2-year-old health. near El Paso. The govern-
ing together were appre- had considered seeking daughter from El Salvador “Unfortunately, because ment had transferred the
hended. Nearly 500,000 asylum but were daunted were recovered from the of the large influx of illegal majority of the children out
immigrants have been de- by a long wait list to get Rio Grande on Monday, aliens and agents having to of the facility by Monday.q
Bookmaker gives $50K from copyright suit to writing class
By WAYNE PARRY Meadowlands Racetrack move William Hill’s name
Associated Press a month later, the lawsuit from text it allegedly cut
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) claimed. and pasted into its own
— A bookmaker that ac- Court documents outlined guide, according to the
cused a rival of copying its instances of entire blocks lawsuit.
sports betting guide almost of text from the William Hill William Hill and FanDuel
word for word is, in a sar- guide appearing verbatim are among the major play-
castic jab, donating part of in the FanDuel version, al- ers vying for dominance in
a lawsuit settlement involv- though in a different type- New Jersey’s rapidly grow-
ing the matter to a New face. ing sports betting market.
Jersey college for creative The suit also claimed Fan- The lawsuit was an exam-
writing courses. Duel copied diagrams il- ple of how important the
William Hill settled a lawsuit lustrating possible bets and nascent U.S. market is to
in January it had brought odds. For instance, a chart both companies, and how
against rival bookmaker involving a 1:05 p.m. base- zealously competitors in the
FanDuel that alleged that ball game between the industry will fight to protect
FanDuel had copied Wil- Chicago Cubs and the Phil- their brands and market
liam Hill’s own betting This June 21, 2019 photo shows a video screen listing betting adelphia Phillies listing both share with legal sports bet-
guide. odds at a William Hill sports book inside the Ocean Casino starting pitchers and three ting in its infancy in Ameri-
On Thursday, William Hill will Resort in Atlantic City, N.J. different ways to bet on the ca.
donate $50,000 to Rutgers Associated Press game appeared identical- New Jersey took its first
University-Newark’s master infringement suit in Octo- ing sports betting at Mon- ly in both publications. sports bets last June. Since
of fine arts program in cre- ber in federal court. mouth Park Racetrack. The most telling instance then, the state’s casinos
ative writing. It produced its guide last FanDuel circulated a virtu- involved a page in which and racetracks have taken
William Hill filed a copyright June when it began offer- ally identical guide at the FanDuel neglected to re- in at least $2.94 billion.q