P. 9
WORLD NEWS Tuesday 25 June 2019
Europe cool on Iran coalition talk, seeks de-escalation
By GEIR MOULSON “exclusively diplomatic
Associated Press routes are needed to re-
BERLIN (AP) — European of- solve differences. The EU is
ficials appear cool toward ready to work with partners
U.S. talk of building a global to take this forward.”
coalition against Iran, say- She added that “the lat-
ing that their top priority is est developments under-
to de-escalate tensions in line the urgent need for
the region as they cling to restraint, for open channels
hopes of salvaging the nu- of dialogue and for imme-
clear deal with Tehran. diate de-escalation.”
The split over Iran comes Foreign Secretary Jeremy
amid deepening divisions Hunt — who is also cam-
between the United States paigning to lead the Con-
and its European allies over servative Party and be-
foreign policy and trade, come the new prime min-
with the allies appearing to ister— told the Daily Mail
talk past each other on a newspaper at the week-
matter that both view as a end that “we will stand by
crucial security issue. the United States as our
U.S. Secretary of State Mike strongest ally but of course
Pompeo said Sunday as he French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, left, and his German counterpart Heiko Maas arrives for we have to consider any
headed for a visit to Middle a media conference after the cabinet meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, Wednesday, requests for military support
Eastern allies Saudi Arabia June 19, 2019. on a case-by-case basis.”
and the United Arab Emir- Associated Press He said that “we want to
ates that he would discuss at various levels with the duce nuclear weapons, he told ZDF television. “So de-escalate the situation
“how we can build out a U.S. and noting that various also helps keep open lines the strategy of maximum but we are of course ex-
global coalition” against representatives of the three of communication with pressure can’t be the right tremely worried.”
Tehran that also includes European countries have Tehran to address other one, because one of the The Europeans’ diplomatic
Asia and Europe, describ- recently been in Tehran. concerns about its behav- consequences is that we balancing act faces severe
ing Iran as “the world’s larg- European trio Germany, ior in the Middle East. are all talking about how pressure from the Iranian
est state sponsor of terror.” France and Britain, as well Germany’s foreign minis- serious the situation is, and side as well.
German Foreign Minis- as Russia and China, re- ter, Heiko Maas, on Sunday that there is a danger of On Friday, officials from Iran
try spokesman Christofer main part of the nuclear doubled down on criticism war.” and the remaining parties
Burger said Monday that deal that U.S. President of the Trump administra- He added that “this is the to the nuclear deal are due
Berlin had “taken note via Donald Trump’s administra- tion’s strategy of “maxi- time for diplomacy” — a to hold a regular meeting in
the media” of Pompeo’s tion abandoned last year. mum pressure” against point echoed Monday by Vienna, with Tehran saying
comments on a coalition, a The 2015 agreement aimed Tehran, which is weighing the spokeswoman for Euro- that it expects to exceed
formulation that indicated at curbing Iran’s nuclear heavily on Iran’s economy. pean Union foreign policy the uranium stockpile limit
Berlin had yet to be asked ambitions in exchange for “It is having an economic chief Federica Mogherini, set by the agreement this
to join directly. relief from economic sanc- effect, but it is also having one of the guarantors of week.
He added that “our top tions. an effect in other ways, the 2015 agreement. Iran also has set a July 7
aim is and remains a de-es- Germany argues that the and we see that in what is Asked about the U.S. call deadline for Europe to
calation of the serious situ- agreement, beyond ensur- going on in the Middle East: for a coalition against Iran, come up with better terms
ation,” pointing to contacts ing that Iran doesn’t pro- the danger of war is rising,” Maja Kocijancic said that for it to stay in the accord.q