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                 Thursday 4 OcTOber 2018

            7-year-old toy reviewer on YouTube becomes a toy himself

            By JOSEPH PISANI                                                                                                    Last  month,  Walmart  start-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ed  selling  Ryan's  World
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Seven-                                                                                          bright-colored   slime   for
            year-old Ryan drew millions                                                                                         $4,  5-inch  Ryan  action  fig-
            of  views  reviewing  toys  on                                                                                      ures  for  $9  and  french  fry-
            YouTube.  Now,  he's  be-                                                                                           shaped squishy toys for $18.
            come a toy himself.                                                                                                 The retailer is the exclusive
            Walmart  is  selling  action                                                                                        seller of some of the line, in-
            figures in his likeness, putty                                                                                      cluding  T-shirts  and  stuffed
            with his face on the pack-                                                                                          animals.
            aging and other toys under                                                                                          Whether kids will want them
            the Ryan's World brand. It's                                                                                        "all  comes  down  to  the
            a  bet  that  kids,  who  are                                                                                       toy," says Silver, adding that
            spending  more  time  tap-                                                                                          hits  are  made  in  the  play-
            ping tablets, will recognize                                                                                        ground,  where  youngsters
            Ryan  from  YouTube  and                                                                                            show off their toys and tell
            want the toys he's hawking.                                                                                         others about it.
            The new line may also help                                                                                          What Ryan does have is a
            Walmart  lure  former  Toys                                                                                         built-in  audience.  A  video
            R  Us  shoppers,  as  many                                                                                          of him searching the aisles
            chains  make  a  play  for                                                                                          of Walmart for Ryan's World
            those  customers  ahead  of                                                                                         toys  has  nearly  10  million
            the  holiday  shopping  sea-                                                                                        views  in  a  month,  and  his
            son.                                                                                                                YouTube  page  has  more
            The first-grader, who's been   In this July 11, 2018, photo Ryan's World toys, from Bonkers Toys, are displayed at the The Toy   than  16  million  subscribers.
            making YouTube videos for    Insider Sweet Suite show, in New York.                                                 Anne  Marie  Kehoe,  who
            three  years,  has  become                                                                         Associated Press  oversees Walmart's toy de-
            a  major  influencer  in  the  says  Jim  Silver,  editor  of  nel  brought  in  $11  million  started  last  year  when  his  partment, says a couple of
            toy  industry.  The  clips  typi-  toy  review  site  last  year,  but  his  parents,  parents  signed  with  Pock-  thousand  people  showed
            cally  show  him  unboxing  "Ryan  is  a  celebrity,"  he  Shion and Loann, declined,  a  two-year-old  up  to  a  recent  appear-
            a  toy,  playing  with  it  and  says. "Kids watch his videos.  to  confirm  that  number  or  company  that  works  with  ance at an Arkansas store
            then  waving  goodbye  to  He's entertaining."            give  any  financial  details  several  YouTube  personali-  just  to  see  a  kid  "jumping
            viewers.  His  most  watched  So  much  so  that  toy  mak-  about  Ryan's  deals.  They  ties  to  get  their  names  on  around and acting crazy."
            video, in which Ryan hunts  ers  have  paid  Ryan  and  also  do  not  give  their  last  clothing,  books  and  other  Ryan, in a phone interview,
            for  large  plastic  eggs,  has  his  parents  to  feature  their  name  or  say  where  they  products.  Ryan  is  the  first  says  a  lot  of  those  people
            more than 1.5 billion views.  products. Forbes magazine  live  for  privcy  and  safety  with  a  product  line  be-  wanted  his  picture.  He
            Toys featured in the videos  estimated  that  the  Ryan  reasons.Ryan's  path  from  cause  of  his  large  audi-   then left the phone call to
            can  see  a  spike  in  sales,  ToysReview YouTube chan-  reviewer  to  tiny  toy  mogul  ence, says.  play.q

                                                                      Biography of playwright, activist Larry

                                                                      Kramer in the works

                                                                      By MARK KENNEDY
                                                                      Associated Press
                                                                      NEW YORK (AP) — The first
                                                                      biography  of  playwright
                                                                      and  gay  activist  Larry
                                                                      Kramer will be written with
                                                                      the full support of the sub-
                                                                      ject himself.
                                                                      Bill  Goldstein  has  been
                                                                      tapped to write the autho-
                                                                      rized  biography  by  Henry
                                                                      Holt  and  Co.  The  book,
                                                                      not yet titled, will draw on
                                                                      interviews  with  Kramer;  his
                                                                      husband  David  Webster;     In this Dec. 10, 2014 file photo, playwright Larry Kramer attends
                                                                      friends and foes; as well as   Acria's 19th Annual Holiday Dinner Benefit in New York.
                                                                      papers in Kramer's archives                                           Associated Press
                                                                      at Yale University. Goldstein   with  AIDS.  He  co-founded  people  don't  often  under-
                                                                      will  have  complete  edito-  the Gay Men's Health Crisis  stand his humor or how be-
                                                                      rial freedom.                and founded Act Up, which  loved  he  is  by  his  friends,"
                                                                      Kramer, now 83, wrote "The   has  provided  a  model  for  Goldstein  said  in  an  inter-
                                                                      Normal Heart" for the stage   liberation  movements,  in-  view  Wednesday.  "And
                                                                      and the screenplay for the   cluding  Black  Lives  Matter  then there are people who
                                                                      film  "Women  in  Love."  He   and #MeToo.                were his enemies — some-
                                                                      is  best  known  for  his  pub-  "Larry,  in  private,  as  with  times they're the same per-
                                                                      lic  fight to secure medical   many people, is often very  son.  So  I  hope  to  capture
                                                                      treatment,    acceptance     different from what his pub-  all of that. No one is neutral
                                                                      and  civil  rights  for  people   lic  persona  is  and  I  think  about Larry Kramer."q
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