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                 Thursday 4 OcTOber 2018

            Have astronomers found 1st moon outside our solar system?

            By MARCIA DUNN                                                                                                     rule  out  other  possibilities,"
             AP Aerospace Writer                                                                                               Kipping told reporters. "But
            CAPE    CANAVERAL,     Fla.                                                                                        we  were  unable  to  find
            (AP)  —  Astronomers  may                                                                                          any other single hypothesis
            have  found  the  first  moon                                                                                      which can explain all of the
            outside our solar system, a                                                                                        data we have."
            gas  behemoth  the  size  of                                                                                       Their  findings  were  pub-
            Neptune.                                                                                                           lished  in  the  journal  Sci-
            Plenty  of  planets  exist  be-                                                                                    ence Advances.
            yond  our  solar  system,  but                                                                                     The journal's deputy editor,
            a  moon  around  one  of                                                                                           Kip Hodges, praised the re-
            those worlds has yet to be                                                                                         searchers for their cautious
            confirmed.  Two  Colum-                                                                                            tone,  given  the  difficult
            bia  University  researchers                                                                                       and  complicated  process
            presented  their  tantaliz-                                                                                        of identifying an exomoon.
            ing  evidence  for  a  moon                                                                                        "If this finding stands up to
            Wednesday.                                                                                                         further  observational  scru-
            The potential moon would                                                                                           tiny,  it  represents  a  major
            be    considerably   larger   This illustration provided by Dan Durda shows the exoplanet Kepler-1625b with a hypothesized   milestone in the field of as-
            than Earth — about the size   moon.                                                                                tronomy," Hodges said.
            of  Neptune  or  Uranus.  The                                                                     Associated Press   The Columbia astronomers
            planet  it  orbits  is  as  big  as   —  "like  a  dog  following  its   could completely shake up  appear  from  far  away.   said  they  may  be  able  to
            mammoth Jupiter. This ap-    owner  on  a  leash,"  as  Kip-  our  understanding  of  how  This  particular  planet  —  or   clinch this as early as next
            parent super-size pairing of   ping put it. The observation   moons  are  formed  and  exoplanet  —  is  about  the   year,  with  more  Hubble
            a gaseous moon and plan-     period,  however,  ended     what  they  can  be  made  same distance from its star   viewing.  In  the  meantime,
            et is 8,000 light-years away.  before  the  moon  could   of," NASA's science mission  as Earth is to the sun.     they're  encouraging  other
            Researchers  Alex  Teachey   complete its transit.        chief  Thomas  Zurbuchen  Another       planet   could   scientists to join in and em-
            and  David  Kipping  evalu-  That's  why  the  astrono-   said in a statement.         cause  the  same  gravita-  bracing  the  scrutiny  that's
            ated  284  planets  outside   mers  need  another  look   According to the research-   tional nudge, the research-  sure to come.
            our  solar  system  that  had   with Hubble, hopefully next   ers,  another  compelling  ers noted, although Kepler   Whether confirmed or not,
            already  been  discovered    spring.                      piece of evidence in favor  observations  have  come     the  subject  offers  insight
            by  NASA's  Kepler  Space    Despite   the    evidence,   of a moon is that the plan-  up  empty  in  that  regard.   into  how  rare  —  or  how
            Telescope.  Only  one  plan-  Teachey  stressed  "we  are   et passed in front of its star  Kepler-1625b  is  the  only   common  —  our  own  solar
            et held promise for hosting   urging caution here."       more  than  an  hour  earlier  planet found so far around   system might be.
            a  moon,  one  around  the   "The  first  exomoon  is  ob-  than predicted.            this star.                  Moons  are  abundant  in
            star known as Kepler-1625,   viously  an  extraordinary   A  moon  could  cause  that  For  Teachey  and  Kipping,   our  own  solar  system,  with
            which  is  about  the  size  of   claim  and  it  requires  ex-  kind of an uncertain, wob-  the  best  and  simplest  ex-  close to 200.
            our sun but older.           traordinary     evidence,"   bly path, they noted.        planation  is  that  Kepler-  Of the eight planets in our
            So last October, the pair di-  Teachey said.              Kipping said that's how the  1625b has a moon.           solar  system,  only  Mercury
            rected  the  Hubble  Space   "Furthermore, the size we've   Earth  and  moon  would  "We've  tried  our  best  to   and Venus have none.q
            Telescope at the star in an   calculated  for  this  moon,
            attempt to verify — or rule   about the size of Neptune,
            out  —  the  possibility  of  a   has hardly been anticipat-  In South Africa, endangered frogs get
            moon  orbiting  the  planet   ed and so that, too, is rea-
            Kepler-1625b.  They  were    son to be careful here."       another chance
            on  the  lookout  for  a  sec-  He  added:  "We're  not
            ond  temporary  dimming      cracking    open    Cham-      JOHANNESBURG         (AP)
            of starlight. The main dip in   pagne  bottles  just  yet  on   —  Conservationists  are
            stellar brightness would be   this one."                    monitoring  some  200  en-
            the planet itself crossing in   If indeed a moon, it would   dangered frogs that were
            front of its star. Another dip   be about 2 million miles (3   released along South Afri-
            could  well  be  a  moon  —   million  kilometers)  from  its   ca's coastline after a cap-
            known as an exomoon out-     planet  and  appear  twice     tive-breeding  program  at
            side our solar system.       as big in its sky, as the moon   the Johannesburg Zoo.
            The  more  powerful  and     does in ours.                  The  release  last  month  of
            precise  Hubble  telescope   The  astronomers  are  un-     the  Pickersgill's  reed  frogs
            detected  a  second  and     certain  how  this  potential   happened  in  KwaZulu-
            smaller decrease in starlight   moon might have formed,     Natal province, where the
            3  ½  hours  after  the  planet   given its size.           species'  wetland  habitat
            passed  in  front  of  the  star   "If  confirmed,  this  finding   along  the  Indian  Ocean
                                                                        coast has come under se-
                                                                        vere pressure from human
                                                                        development.               In this photo taken Thursday, Sept. 13, 2018, a Pickersgill's reed
                                                                        The   Endangered     Wild-  frog  during  a  captive  breeding  period  at  the  Johannesburg
                                                                        life  Trust,  a  South  African   Zoo.                             Associated Press
                                                                        group, will follow the prog-
                                                                        ress  of  the  frogs,  which   The  Pickersgill's  reed  frog  The  species  was  among
                                                                        were transported in plastic   is about 2.5-3 centimeters  those  earmarked  for  help
                                                                        jars  by  road  to  their  new   (1-1.2  inches)  long.  The  after a fungus killed many
                                                                        homes  near  the  city  of   males are smaller than the  amphibian    populations
                                                                        Durban.                     females.                    around  the  world  in  the
                                                                                                                                early 2000s.q
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