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                                                                                                       SPORTS Thursday 4 OcTOber 2018
            NHL is moving forward with Seattle expansion bid

             By STEPHEN WHYNO             we  need  from  the  NHL
              AP Hockey Writer            and the team and stick to
             NEW YORK (AP) — The NHL  the  schedule  so  we  have
             is  moving  forward  with  hockey  in  2020,"  Durkan
             plans to expand to Seattle.  said.  "They  know  we  want
             Commissioner  Gary  Bet-     it  in  2020  and  (the  league
             tman  said  Tuesday  the  would)  like  to  have  it  in
             Board  of  Governors'  ex-   2020,  too,  if  we  get  the
             ecutive  committee  rec-     team."
             ommended       proceeding  When the board next meets
             with  Seattle's  expansion  Dec. 3-4, Bettman expects
             application,  with  an  eye  a  full  report  on  Seattle  ex-
             on  voting  to  approve  the  pansion and said the goal
             league's  32nd  franchise  is  to  for  the  governors  to
             in  December.  The  recom-   vote  at  that  time,  with  24
             mendation  came  a  few  of 32 needed for approval.
             hours  after  key  stakehold-  It's conceivable the board
             ers presented their case to  votes  to  give  Seattle  the
             the committee and hit it off  green light for 2020 contin-
             enough that Seattle could  gent on the arena with the
             be  awarded  a  team  two  option to push things back
             months from now.             to 2021 if necessary.
             "The  notion  is  have  the  Approval seems assured at
             board vote on expansion,"  this point. Bettman said the   Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, left, walks with Seattle Hockey Partners David Wright, center, David
             Bettman said. "And assum-    endorsement  by  the  nine-  Bonderman, second from right, and Tim Leiweke as they leave a meeting at National Hockey
                                                                      League headquarters, Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2018, in New York.
             ing, as I think everybody is,  owner  executive  commit-                                                                       Associated Press
             that it would be approved  tee  "speaks  volumes,"  and
             —  I  don't  want  to  be  pre-  it seems unlikely the board  over  an  hour,  Durkan,  Se-  a facility that will get built,  deposits in 12 minutes, and
             sumptuous  of  the  board's  will turn down a $650 million  attle Hockey Partners Presi-  a  partnership  with  the  city  team officials say they now
             prerogative  —  but  every-  expansion  fee  for  the  op-  dent and CEO Tod Leiweke,  and away we go," Bonder-    have 32,000 as excitement
             thing seems to be on track."  portunity to expand to the  majority owner David Bon-   man said. "All we need is a  builds  for  the  return  of  a
             It  was  the  best  possible  U.S. Pacific Northwest, pro-  derman did not want to do  franchise."                 major  professional  winter
             news  that  could  have  vide a natural geographic  a victory lap yet.                The  NHL  had  been  at  30  sports  team  in  the  biggest
             come out of the meetings  rival  for  the  Vancouver  "It's been a long time com-     teams  since  2000  when  it  U.S. market without one.
             for  proponents  of  the  NHL  Canucks and balance the  ing  and  we  can  be  pa-    decided in 2016 to expand  The ticket numbers, a plan
             in Seattle. Bettman agreed  Eastern  and  Western  con-  tient," Leiweke said.        to Las Vegas.                to renovate KeyArena and
             with  Seattle  Mayor  Jenny  ferences at 16 teams each.  Tod's  brother,  Tim,  Hol-  The Golden Knights began  a  video  showcasing  the
             Durkan that the preference  "It looks good," Vancouver  lywood     producer    Jerry  play a year ago and made  benefits  of  Seattle  expan-
             is for the team to begin play  owner  Francesco  Aquilini  Bruckheimer  and  fellow  a stirring run to the Stanley  sion  were  all  part  of  the
             in the 2020-21 season, and  said. "It's exciting. We want  minor  owner  David  Wright  Cup Final in their inaugural  presentation at the league
             that's still a very real possi-  a team in Seattle. It's great  were also part of the con-  season.                office. What did not come
             bility as long as renovations  for Vancouver. It's great for  tingent  that  made  what  That  process  began  with  up in that meeting was the
             to  KeyArena  in  downtown  the  league.  It's  eventually  Bettman  called  an  "excel-  a  season-ticket  drive  the  status of the collective bar-
             Seattle proceed as sched-    going  to  happen.  KeyAre-  lent" presentation.         league  approved  in  the  gaining  agreement,  which
             uled.                        na is going to be built. So I  "With  the  mayor's  help,  winter of 2014 to see if Las  the owners or players could
             "I'm  very  confident  we're  think it's imminent."      what we tried to get across  Vegas  would  be  a  viable  choose in September 2019
             going to be able to move  After  meeting  with  the  ex-  was  Seattle  is  ready  for  a  hockey  market.  Seattle  to terminate effective Sept.
             forward  and  get  what  ecutive committee for well  team,  we  got  potentially  sold  10,000  season-ticket  15, 2020.q

             NASCAR to remove restrictor

             plates at Daytona and Talladega

             DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (AP)  on  the  engines,  NASCAR  rations  that  combine  the
             — NASCAR will use two pri-   will  now  use  a  thicker  ta-  restrictor  plate  with  a  ta-
             mary  rules  packages  next  pered spacer with tapered  pered spacer. NASCAR will
             season and race at Dayto-    holes  aimed  to  restrict  air  go to just a spacer at Day-
             na and Talladega without  flow.                          tona  and  Talladega  after
             restrictor plates for the first  NASCAR  next  year  wants  the 500.
             time since 1987.             to lower the horsepower in  NASCAR  believes  the  ad-
             The  rules  packages  re-    Cup cars at 21 races, all on  justments will create more
             vealed  Tuesday  will  be  ovals larger than 1.2 miles,  passing, more drafting and
             tailored  to  specific  tracks  from 750hp to 550hp.  The  afford  a  better  throttle
             and designed to slow Cup  14  races  on  tracks  shorter  response  for  the  drivers.
             Series cars to create more  than 1.2 miles in length will  NASCAR  executive  vice
             passing  for  the  lead.  At  use the same sized spacers  president  Steve  O'Donnell   In this photo shot with a fisheye lens the field take the green
             Daytona  and  Talladega,  from this season.              insisted  the  idea  is  not  to   flag to start the NASCAR Cup series auto race at Charlotte
             the  two  fastest  tracks  in  The  season-opening  Day-  create pack racing at ev-   Motor Speedway in Concord, N.C., Sunday, Sept. 30, 2018.
             NASCAR  were  horsepow-      tona 500 next year will be  ery track, but instead tight-                                        Associated Press
             er-sapping plates are used  run under current configu-   er competition.q
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