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                 Thursday 4 OcTOber 2018
             Luck, Colts hope to turn around recent fortunes vs. Patriots

            By KYLE HIGHTOWER                                                                                                   said.
             AP Sports Writer                                                                                                   "He's  been  a  great  player
            FOXBOROUGH,          Mass.                                                                                          for our team. I think every-
            (AP)  —  Beginning  in  the                                                                                         one's  excited  to  have  him
            early  2000s  and  lasting  for                                                                                     back,  and  anytime  you
            more  than  a  decade,  the                                                                                         add  great  players,  it's  go-
            matchups between Peyton                                                                                             ing to help what we're do-
            Manning's  Colts  and  Tom                                                                                          ing."
            Brady's  Patriots  were  must-                                                                                      Here  are  some  things  to
            watch matchups.                                                                                                     watch  for  in  Thursday's
            From their three AFC cham-                                                                                          game:
            pionship  games,  to  the                                                                                           FINAL CHAPTER?
            six   regular-season   MVP                                                                                          New  England  gave  kicker
            awards  Brady  and  Man-                                                                                            Adam Vinatieri his NFL start
            ning  captured  during  that                                                                                        back in 1996 when he beat
            span,  quarterback  play                                                                                            out  veteran  Matt  Bahr  for
            was the centerpiece of the                                                                                          the job.
            rivalry.                                                                                                            Thursday night could be his
            Manning's  departure  from                                                                                          final  appearance  in  Fox-
            Colts  and  Andrew  Luck's                                                                                          borough, Massachusetts.
            arrival  in  2012  ushered  in                                                                                      Though  he's  on  the  cusp
            a  new  era  in  Indianapolis.                                                                                      of breaking Morten Ander-
            But so far Luck hasn't been                                                                                         sen's career scoring record
            able  to  duplicate  the  suc-  At left, in a Sept. 9, 2018, file photo, New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady (12) runs out   and  has  shown  no  indica-
                                         of the pocket during the second half of an NFL football game against the Houston Texans, in
            cess  that  his  predecessor   Foxborough, Mass. At right, in a Sept. 30, 2018,l file photo, Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew   tion he's slowing down, the
            had against the Patriots.    Luck (12) runs during the second half of an NFL football game against the Houston Texans, in   reality is the 45-year-old Vi-
            In  five  starts  against  New   Indianapolis.                                                                      natieri  signed  a  one-year
            England,  Luck  has  yet  to                                                                       Associated Press  contract during the offsea-
            notch his first victory against  remember  some  of  those  much  talk  about  it,"  said  Colts  general  manager  son  and  there's  no  assur-
            Brady.                       great games, certainly that  Colts  coach  Frank  Reich,  Chris  Ballard  to  become  ance  the  Colts  could  be
            Luck  is  hoping  to  change  AFC  championship  game  who saw some of those big  Indianapolis'  new  head  heading back to New Eng-
            his  fortunes  on  Thursday  here.  So  yeah,  I  do  think  I  games  up  close  when  he  coach.                  land  any  time  soon.  Indy
            night, when his comeback  have  an  appreciation  for  started  his  coaching  ca-     "The rivalry is back on," Bal-  won't  play  another  round
            tour stops in New England.   it."                         reer.                        lard said as he left a news  robin with the AFC East until
            "Certainly  (in)  my  experi-  But on a team that has had  Perhaps  that's  because  conference  to  announce  2022.
            ence,  we  have  come  up  a significant change in the  Indy has lost seven straight  the  new  search  had  be-    Not that the four-time Super
            on the short end and that's  roster  over  the  past  two  games in the series.        gun.                         Bowl champion has given it
            not fun," he said.           seasons,  the  rivalry  hasn't  Things  heated  up  again  in  But  the  Colts  (1-3)  have  much thought.
            "Obviously,  we  would  like  been  exactly  the  hottest  February  when  Patriots  of-  started slowly since Luck re-  "It very well could be. I guess
            to  turn  that  around.  We  topic  around  the  locker  fensive  coordinator  Josh  turned to action after more  every game could be your
            would  like  to  flip  the  story  room.                  McDaniels  reneged  on  his  than a year away following  last  game  you  know,"  he
            in a sense. But growing up I  "A young roster, just not as  verbal   agreement   with  shoulder surgery.            said. "I just haven't thought
                                                                                                   The Patriots (2-2) also had a  that far ahead."
               Jets' Crowell fined $13K by NFL for TD                                              modest start to the season,  GRONK ON THE MEND
                                                                                                                                Patriots  TE  Rob  Gronkowski
                                                                                                   but  may  be  turning  a  cor-
               'wipe' celebration                                                                  ner coming off a dominat-    left  in  the  second  half  of
                                                                                                   ing 38-7 win over the Miami  New England's win over Mi-
                                                                                                   Dolphins .                   ami  after  aggravating  an
               By DENNIS WASZAK Jr.       "It   was   inexcusable,"  Crowell posted photos on      Thursday  is  expected  to  ankle injury.
                AP Pro Football Writer    Bowles  said  after  the  social  media  of  the  run-   mark  receiver  Julian  Edel-  He  did  not  participate  in
               NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Well,  game. "We talked about  ning  back  holding  boxes       man's  season  debut  after  the Patriots' first practice of
               that's  one  way  to  flush  it and it will never happen  of the wipes.             he  served  a  four-game  the  week  Tuesday.  Brady
               some money away.           again."  Crowell  insisted  "Thanks  to  @dudewipes  I   suspension   for   violating  has had trouble getting the
               New  York  Jets  running  he wasn't trying to send a  am now covered," Crow-        the  NFL's  policy  on  perfor-  ball  in  Gronk's  hands  over
               back  Isaiah  Crowell  was  message to the team for  ell  wrote  in  his  post  on   mance enhancers.            the past three games. He's
               fined  $13,369  by  the  NFL  which he played four sea-  Instagram  .  "Never  leave   It's  just  in  time  for  Brady,  had just 10 catches for 110
               on  Tuesday  for  his  crude  sons  before  signing  with  home without them."      who has struggled at times  yards  and  no  touchdowns
               touchdown  celebration  the  Jets  as  a  free  agent  Crowell  wasn't  the  only   this  season  without  a  de-  over  that  span.  Gronk  has
               in Cleveland.              in March. He said he was  player  to  get  a  big  fine   pendable receiver to go to  only  one  touchdown  re-
               After  scoring  against  his  just  having  fun,  but  felt  dumped on him.         on third down.               ception on the season.
               former team on Sept. 20,  bad  about  the  unsports-  Atlanta's Brian Poole was     Edelman,  who  has  been  MILESTONE WATCH
               Crowell  took  the  football  manlike conduct penalty  docked  $20,054  for  a      with the Patriots since 2009,  With  a  victory,  Brady  (225
               and  wiped  it  against  his  his celebration drew.   horse-collar  tackle  and     also  set  out  the  2017  sea-  wins) can tie Vinatieri (226)
               rear  end  before  firing  it  The news doesn't all stink  $20,054   for   roughing   son after tearing the ante-  for the most wins by a play-
               into  the  stands.  It  made  for Crowell, who actually  the  passer  for  a  total  of   rior cruciate ligament in his  er in NFL history.
               for  a  viral  moment  from  landed  a  promotional  $40,108;  and  Minnesota's     right knee in the preseason.  Brady  enters  the  game
               New  York's  21-17  loss  to  deal with Dude Wipes —  Anthony  Barr  was  fined     "I  think  we've  played  so  three  touchdowns  shy  of
               previously  winless  Cleve-  a  company  that  sells  a  $10,026  for  a  facemask   much  football  together,  I  500  regular-season  touch-
               land , and earned Crow-    toilet paper substitute for  call  and  $20,054  for  a   really have no doubt where  down passes. He trails only
               ell a scolding from coach  men.                       horse-collar  tackle  for  a   he's  going  to  be  at,  what  Manning  (539)  and  Brett
               Todd Bowles.               Both  the  company  and  total of $30,080.q              he's  capable  of,"  Brady  Favre (508).q
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