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                                                                                                       SPORTS Thursday 4 OcTOber 2018
            Caps winger Wilson banned 20 games for preseason hit

            By HOWARD FENDRICH                                                                     longest  in  the  NHL  for  on-  a vital part of the franchise,
             AP Sports Writer                                                                      ice  play  since  Raffi  Torres  and  general  manager  Bri-
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —                                                             of the San Jose Sharks was  an MacLellan signed him to
            Washington  Capitals  for-                                                             banned  for  41  games  in  a  $31  million,  six-year  con-
            ward  Tom  Wilson  was                                                                 2015,  also  for  a  preseason  tract this offseason.
            banned  20  games  by  the                                                             hit.                         Wilson  doubled  his  career
            NHL  on  Wednesday  for  a                                                             The league noted that Wil-   high with 14 goals and set
            blindside  hit  to  the  head                                                          son "is considered a repeat  a new mark with 35 points
            of an opponent during the                                                              offender"  —  and,  indeed,  last  season,  when  he  was
            preseason,  a  punishment                                                              this  is  hardly  the  first  time  the  only  NHL  forward  with
            reflecting what the league                                                             Wilson has been in trouble  30-plus  points  and  90-plus
            called an "unprecedented"                                                              for  the  way  he  has  taken  penalty  minutes,  finishing
            series of suspensions for the                                                          out an opposing player.      with 187 and a league-high
            physical player.                                                                       He  was  suspended  twice  41 minors. Then he contrib-
            Wilson's  fourth  ban  in  less                                                        because  of  preseason  hits  uted 15 points in 21 games
            than  13  months  will  cost                                                           a  year  ago,  then  had  to  during  Washington's  run  to
            him nearly a quarter of the   In this Sept. 30, 2018, file photo, Washington Capitals right wing   sit  out  three  games  during  its first championship.
            82-game  regular  season      Tom Wilson (43) is escorted by an official off the ice after he   the  playoffs  for  a  check  "There  are  certain  ways
            and $1.26 million in salary. It   checked St. Louis Blues center Oskar Sundqvist, on ice at back   to  the  head  that  broke  they are calling things. You
                                          center, during the second period of an NHL preseason hockey
            was  announced  just  hours   game, in Washington.                                     Pittsburgh  Penguins  cen-   need to be aware of how
            before  the  reigning  Stan-                                          Associated Press  ter Zach Aston-Reese's jaw  they're  making  their  calls
            ley Cup champion Capitals                                                              and caused a concussion.     on suspensions. He's a big,
            were to raise a banner and  riod of the teams' exhibition  Sundqvist's  head  the  main  "In  short,  including  pre-  strong  guy  who  skates  re-
            open their title defense by  game  on  Sunday.  Wilson  point  of  contact  on  a  hit  season  and  postseason  ally  well.  There  is  a  lot  of
            hosting the Boston Bruins.   had  an  in-person  hearing  where  such  head  contact  games  played,  this  is  Wil-  force  behind  his  contact,"
            The right winger, who plays  with the NHL's Department  was avoidable and causes  son's  fourth  suspension  in  MacLellan  said  Tuesday,
            on  Washington's  top  line  of Player Safety in New York  an  injury."  It  also  admon-  his  last  105  games,  an  un-  the day before the suspen-
            with  captain  Alex  Ovech-  on Wednesday.                ishes him for taking "a poor  precedented frequency of  sion was issued. "He needs
            kin, drew a 10-minute pen-   The  video  released  to  ex-  angle of approach."        suspensions in the history of  to be aware of how they're
            alty  for  the  hit  on  St.  Louis  plain  the  punishment  says:  Blues  coach  Mike  Yeo  the  Department  of  Player  determining  what's  legal
            Blues  center  Oskar  Sun-   "Wilson  delivers  a  high,  called the hit "predatory."  Safety," the NHL  video says.  and what's illegal from the
            dqvist  in  the  second  pe-  forceful  hit,  which  makes  Wilson's  suspension  is  the  The  Capitals  see  Wilson  as  league's standpoint."q
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