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A22     sports
                 Thursday 4 OcTOber 2018

            Reed’s passion                                                                                                      after  the  Americans  won

                                                                                                                                two  years  ago  in  a  home
            Continued from Page 17       been a whole team on the                                                               game  at  Hazeltine.  If  any-
                                         golf course every session.”                                                            thing, Europe was having a
            “The  issue’s  obviously  with  But  the  passion  of  Reed                                                         transition year in the Ryder
            Jordan not wanting to play  came off as poison with his                                                             Cup  with  six  rookies,  none
            with  me,”  Reed  told  the  remarks to the Times.                                                                  of whom qualified or were
            Times.  “I  don’t  have  any  He made it clear that he is                                                           picked for this team.
            issue  with  Jordan.  When  one of 12 only if he gets his                                                           Yes, the Americans have a
            it comes right down to it, I  way.                                                                                  problem in the Ryder Cup:
            don’t care if I like the per-  Reed didn’t get to play with                                                         They have to play Europe.
            son I’m paired with or if the  Spieth, the only partner he                                                          And  now  they  have  an-
            person likes me as long as  has  had  in  two  previous                                                             other  one.  Steve  Stricker  is
            it  works  and  it  sets  up  the  appearances.  He  said  he                                                       the likely choice to be the
            team  for  success.  He  and  was  blindsided  when  Spi-                                                           next U.S. captain when the
            I know how to make each  eth  was  paired  with  Justin                                                             Ryder  Cup  goes  to  Whis-
            other better. We know how  Thomas,  a  longtime  friend                                                             tling  Straits,  about  an  hour
            to get the job done.”        making  his  Ryder  Cup  de-                                                           from  where  he  grew  up  in
            Reed  doesn’t  care  about  but  before  a  European                                                                Wisconsin.  What  does  he
            relationships  forged  during  crowd.                                                                               do with a player who pub-
            the week.                    Read  between  the  lines                                                              licly  puts  his  own  interests
            He  cares  only  about  win-  of his rant and Reed com-                                                             ahead of the team?
            ning.                        plained   about    getting                                                             Not  that  Reed  cares  what
            That’s  the  European  way.  stuck with Tiger Woods, his                                                            he says.
            That’s    what    America  idol.                                                                                    He caused a buzz in Boston
            needs.                       “Any time you get to tee it                                                            when he took to Twitter af-
            Sam  Torrance,  who  won  up with Big Cat, it’s always                                                              ter going to Fenway Park to
            the clinching match in 1985  fun,”  Reed  said  when  the   Patrick Reed of the US tosses his putter into the air after missing   sarcastically thank the PGA
            when  Europe  won  for  the  pairings came out.           a shot during a fourball match on the second day of the 42nd   Tour for free tickets that put
            first  time  since  1957,  said  Except when you lose.    Ryder  Cup  at  Le  Golf  National  in  Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines,   him,  his  wife  and  her  sister
            in  one  of  the  inspirational  They  were  3  up  through   outside Paris, France, Saturday, Sept. 29, 2018.      in  the  “line  drive  section.”
            videos  for  Team  Europe  10  holes  when  Francesco                                              Associated Press  Reed, who earned just short
            leading up to the matches:  Molinari and Tommy Fleet-     not  have  provided  much  fault. All a captain can do  of  $5  million  this  year,  said
            “It’s not about taking part.  wood  made  five  birdies   help in alternate shot Satur-  is get players in position to  he  paid  $650  to  upgrade
            It’s about winning. Nothing  over the last seven holes to   day afternoon.             perform.  The  performance  the  tickets  and  ended  up
            else.”                       win  on  the  17th  hole.  The   “For somebody as success-  is  up  to  them.  Three  of  his  in the same section as the
            They win as one. They don’t  next  morning  against  the   ful in the Ryder Cup as I am,  wild-card  picks  —  Woods,  rest of the PGA Tour at the
            lose very often.             same  European  jugger-      I don’t think it’s smart to sit  DeChambeau   and   Phil  game.
            European  captain  Thomas  naut, Reed was in the wa-      me twice,” Reed said.        Mickelson  —  combined  to  He took a dig at Spieth this
            Bjorn  said  poignantly  af-  ter, constantly in the rough,   Looking back, maybe he’s  go 0-9.                     year at Bay Hill while asking
            ter Europe built a 10-6 ad-  out-of-bounds  and  usually   right. Furyk should have sat  No  one  was  complaining  for  relief  from  a  palmetto
            vantage going into singles:  in  his  pocket.  The  match   him three times.           about his picks on the way  bush. When denied free re-
            “This  is  12  players,  and  we  lasted  14  holes.  Woods   That  “Captain  America”  to Paris.                   lief, Reed said, “I guess my
            do  this  together.  We’ve  went back out with Bryson     nickname  is  going  to  be  They  should  call  this  the  name needs to be Jordan
            been  playing  with  eight  in  DeChambeau.  Reed  sat    hard for Reed to earn back,  Hindsight Cup.               Spieth.”  He  then  asked  for
            every session, but it’s about  again.  His  performance   if he ever does.             No  one  mentioned  prob-    a third opinion “from an un-
            12,  and  we  felt  like  we’ve  Saturday  morning  would   The  loss  was  not  Furyk’s  lems  with  the  U.S.  system  biased source.”q

            Del Potro qualifies for ATP Finals, reaches Beijing quarters

                                                                                                   season-ending tournament  second set at the National
                                                                                                   for the top eight players in  Tennis Stadium before win-
                                                                                                   the world in 2013.           ning  four  games  in  a  row,
                                                                                                   Del Potro will next meet Filip  has  lost  in  the  third  round
                                                                                                   Krajinovic  in  the  quarterfi-  the last two years in Beijing.
                                                                                                   nals in Beijing. Krajinovic de-  She will next play local wild-
                                                                                                   feated Feliciano Lopez 7-6  card entry Wang Qiang.
                                                                                                   (5),  6-3.  Also,  third-seeded  Second-seeded   Caroline
                                                                                                   Grigor Dimitrov was beaten  Wozniacki earned the final
                                                                                                   by  Dusan  Lajovic  6-4,  2-6,  spot in the third round with
                                                                                                   6-4.  Lajovic  will  next  face  a 7-5, 6-3 victory over Petra
                                                                                                   fifth-seeded  Kyle  Edmund,  Martic. “I was just trying to
                                                                                                   who    defeated    qualifier  stay  focused  and  tried  to
                                                                                                   Matteo  Berrettini  7-5,  6-7  run a lot of balls down, try
                                                                                                   (2), 7-5.                    to mix up the pace, be ag-
                                                                                                   In  women’s  play,  Karolina  gressive when I could,” said
            Juan Martin Del Potro of Argentina hits a return shot between his legs while competing against   Pliskova  advanced  to  the  Wozniacki,  who  will  next
            Karen Khachanov of Russia in their second round men’s singles match in the China Open at the   third  round  for  the  third  play Anett Kontaveit.
            National Tennis Stadium in Beijing, Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2018.                           consecutive year by beat-    Anastasija  Sevastova  be-
                                                                                  Associated Press  ing  Aliaksandra  Sasnovich  came  the  first  player  to
            BEIJING (AP) — Juan Martin  by beating Karen Khacha-      Del  Potro,  who  reached  6-3, 6-4.                      reach  the  quarterfinals  by
            del  Potro  qualified  for  the  nov 6-4, 7-6 (4) Wednesday  the  U.S.  Open  final  this  The  seventh-seeded  Plis-  beating  Donna  Vekic  6-3,
            ATP  Finals  for  the  fifth  time  at the China Open.    year,  last  qualified  for  the  kova, who trailed 2-0 in the  6-2.q
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