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                                                                                                                           Thursday 4 OcTOber 2018

            Starbucks has a New Menu:

            A Tasty Meeting Point

            ORANJESTAD      -   Michele  are  here  now  for  all  of  it:
            Roth,   District   Manager  breakfast, lunch, afternoon
            Aruba  and  Curacao,  and  bite”, says Michele. Families,
            Executive  Sous  Chef  of  youngsters,          business
            the   Renaissance    Aruba  people,  friends  …  they  all
            Bhumi      Raj    Upadhya  find  their  way  already  to
            enthusiastically  present  a  Starbucks  but  now  they
            new  menu  at  Starbucks  can actually combine their
            Aruba. Now you can enjoy  coffee with a healthy salad
            a  super  variety  of  salads  or sandwich.
            and     sandwich     items,
            together  with  your  fav  Sassy  Sandwiches,  Super
            coffee. Of course, they also  Salads
            still have the sweet bites in  “Recently   Michele   and
            the  assortment.  Starbucks  I  came  up  with  some
            already is a meeting point  ideas  to  implement  these
            for  many  generations  and  new  items  at  Starbucks
            types  of  people,  now  they  to  offer  more  variety  and
            really  make  connection  healthy options”, says Chef
            tasty.                       Upadhya  What  to  think
                                         of  an  organic  avocado  vegetarian.  Or  maybe  go  papaya         and    cilantro.”  our  newest  Cold  Foam
            “Starbucks  is  defined  for  in  a  spinach  wrap,  a  very  for  the  Cobb  salad,  an  A  real  hit  on  the  menu  is  Cappuccino with no fat milk
            having  a  coffee  in  the  healthy  and  low  calorie  all-American  salad  with  the       Pastrami   Sandwich  or skinned milk and espresso
            morning    together    with  choice, with a home –made  mixed      greens,   bacon,  which  is  absolutely  to  die  shots  if  desired.  The  foam
            something  sweet,  but  we  dressing.  Ideal  also  for  the  eggs,  onions,  blue  cheese  for:  prepared  with  very  makes  the  difference,  it  is
                                                                      and    organic   avocado.  soft  tender  beef,  melted  creamy,  cold  and  tasty”,
                                                                      Topped  with  a  delicious  cheese  and  caramelized  says Michele. “We noticed
                                                                      balsamic  vinaigrette.  “A  onions. Simply delicious!     that we covered the needs
                                                                      Mediterranean        touch                                of  the  customers  in  the
                                                                      comes  from  our  Greek  Fair      Trade,   Organic   &  morning  and  afternoon,
                                                                      salad  with  arugula,  mixed  Professional                but  not  necessarily  during
                                                                      lettuces,  feta  cheese  and  Starbucks  is  more  than  lunch time. That is history as
                                                                      quinoa  combined  with  a  a     meeting    point.   You  now we offer these healthy
                                                                      passion   fruit   vinaigrette  as  a  customer  choose  choices and also important:
                                                                      that   gives   this   sweet  for   a   company     that  the options are available to
                                                                      and  sour  mix”,  the  Chef  chooses  for  Fair  Trade,  all as prices are good. Our
                                                                      explains.  Lovers  of  tuna  organic  ingredients  and  highest priced salad is $ 9,
                                                                      cannot go wrong with  the  professional  staff  as  all  50.”
                                                                      tuna  sandwich  prepared  Starbucks staff were trained
                                                                      on  Pumpernickel  bread  to  be  a  barista.  “Not  only  Stay  connected,  like  us
                                                                      and  with  organic  tuna.  for the food items, but also  on
                                                                      “It  is  a  special  recipe  for the coffees we have a  starbucksaruba/
                                                                      with  a  local  touch  of  wonderful  healthy  choice:
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