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Thursday 4 OcTOber 2018
UN court orders US to lift some Iran sanctions
By MIKE CORDER stra, pointed that out in a
Associated Press tweet. “This is a meritless
THE HAGUE, Netherlands case over which the court
(AP) — The United Nations’ has no jurisdiction,” the am-
highest court on Wednes- bassador tweeted. “Even
day ordered the United so, it is worth noting that the
States to lift sanctions on Court declined today to
Iran that affect imports of grant the sweeping mea-
humanitarian goods and sures requested by Iran.
products and services Instead, the Court issued a
linked to civil aviation safe- narrow decision on a very
ty. limited range of sectors.”
The ruling by the Interna- While imposing the so-
tional Court of Justice is called provisional mea-
legally binding, but the sures, the court’s president,
Trump administration said Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf,
the U.S. was terminating a stressed that the case will
decades-old treaty that continue and the United
Iran used as the basis for its States could still challenge
case. the court’s jurisdiction.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Iranian Foreign Minister
Pompeo said withdrawing Mohammad Javad Zarif
from the 1955 Treaty of Am- praised the court ruling on
ity was long overdue and Judges enter the International Court of Justice, or World Court, in The Hague, Netherlands, Twitter, calling it “another
followed Iran “groundless- Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2018, where they ruled on an Iranian request to order Washington to suspend failure for sanctions-addict-
ly” bringing the complaint U.S. sanctions against Tehran. ed” U.S. and a “victory for
to the U.N. court. Associated Press rule of law.” He added that
Pompeo said the adminis- said the administration cord with world powers. food and agricultural com- it is imperative for the in-
tration would proceed with also was pulling out of an Iran challenged the sanc- modities and spare parts ternational community “to
sanctions enforcement amendment to the Vienna tions in a case filed in July and equipment necessary collectively counter malign
with existing exceptions Convention on Diplomatic at the International Court to ensure the safety of civil US unilateralism.”
for humanitarian and flight Relations that Iran or others, of Justice. aviation. Iranian state television
safety transactions. notably the Palestinians, In a preliminary ruling, the By limiting the order to trumpeted the court’s de-
“The United States has could use to sue the U.S. at court said that Washington sanctions covering human- cision in a scrolling graphic
been actively engaged on The Hague-based tribunal. must “remove, by means itarian goods and the civil at the bottom of TV screens:
these issues without regard President Donald Trump of its choosing, any impedi- aviation industry, the ruling “The victory of Tehran over
to any proceeding before moved to restore tough ments arising from” the re- did not go as far as Iran Washington by the Hague
the ICJ,” he said. U.S. sanctions against Iran imposition of sanctions to had requested. Court.” No date has been
Meanwhile, U.S. national in May after withdrawing the export to Iran of medi- The U.S. ambassador to the set for further hearings in
security adviser John Bolton from Tehran’s nuclear ac- cine and medical devices, Netherlands, Peter Hoek- the case.q
Germany celebrates 28th anniversary of its reunification
Associated Press have added to concerns.
BERLIN (AP) — Germany “We won’t let ourselves be
on Wednesday celebrat- divided, and that is not a
ed the 28th anniversary of question of east and west
the reunification of east — it is not that simple,” Ber-
and west, a process that lin Mayor Michael Mueller
Chancellor Angela Merkel told the main reunification
said still isn’t complete. The ceremony at the capital’s
country’s leaders voiced Staatsoper opera house.
concern about divisions in “We in Germany also are
society and the rise of pop- seeing the populist pre-
ulism. sumption of positioning the
Germany was reunited on ‘people’ against political
Oct. 3, 1990, following more opponents, against sup-
than four decades of Cold posed and actual minori-
War division, and less than ties, against those elected
a year after communist by the people,” said parlia-
East Germany opened its Visitors walk in front of the Brandenburg Gate during the Unification Day public festival in Berlin, mentary speaker Wolfgang
heavily fortified border. Germany, Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2018. Schaeuble, who helped
While much progress has Associated Press negotiate German reunifi-
been made since then, day’s anniversary reflected “German unity is not com- again and again to listen to cation. “But no one has the
economic and other dif- concern about new divi- plete” and still poses chal- each other,” she said. right to say that he alone
ferences between the west sions and polarization in lenges today. Violent right-wing protests represents the people.”
and the less prosperous German society — by no “Twenty-eight years later, a month ago following the He advocated a “contem-
east still persist. German means all along east-west we know that what we call killing of a German man, al- porary patriotism” marked
leaders’ remarks at a cer- lines. Merkel, who grew up German unity is a process, legedly by migrants, in the by “self-confidence, calm
emony marking Wednes- in East Germany, said that a long road, that calls on us eastern city of Chemnitz, and optimism.”q