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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 4 OcTOber 2018

            Missouri down to 1 abortion clinic amid legal battle

             Associated Press
            JEFFERSON  CITY,  Mo.  (AP)
            —  Missouri  is  down  to  one
            clinic  providing  abortions
            Wednesday, after the only
            other clinic in the state that
            performs  the  procedure
            failed  to  adhere  to  new
            state  requirements  and  its
            license expired.
            Federal    appeals    court
            judges also ruled last month
            that Missouri can enforce a
            requirement  that  doctors
            must  have  admitting  privi-
            leges  at  nearby  hospitals
            before  they  can  perform
            abortions.  The  judges  is-
            sued  a  mandate  Monday
            for that rule to officially take
            The Columbia Planned Par-
            enthood  clinic  has  been
            unable to secure physician
            privileges  or  find  a  doctor
            with  those  privileges  after
            a panel of medical staff at
            University of Missouri Health    In this Dec. 12, 2016, file photo, protesters hold anti-abortion signs outside the Planned Parenthood Columbia Health Center on in
            Care voted to stop offering   Columbia, Mo.
            those  privileges  altogether                                                                                                   Associated Press
            in 2015 amid a Republican-   tions  can  be  performed  request. If Wimes does de-     as  ensuring  that  women  and bodily fluid.”
            led  legislative  investigation   — or travel to neighboring  cide to grant a temporary  have  access  to  a  treating  Miller said Planned Parent-
            on abortion in the state.    states,  she  said.  Planned  restraining order on the law,  physician,  ensuring  conti-  hood  takes  issue  with  that
            Miller  said  the  clinic  can-  Parenthood  has  argued  in  abortions  could  resume  at  nuity of care, reducing the  description,  and  said  the
            celled abortions scheduled   court  filings  that  the  addi-  the clinic if it also receives  likelihood  of  unnecessary  tubing  has  been  replaced
            for  Wednesday  in  Colum-   tional distance women will  another license.              treatment,  and  providing  and  other  concerns  raised
            bia,  which  would  have     need to travel to the clinic  Planned  Parenthood  af-    women and the State with  in  the  Sept.  26  inspection
            been  the  first  since  the   on the far eastern border of  filiates  with  Missouri  health  greater, more accurate in-  have been addressed.
            mandate  was  issued.  The   the  state  to  receive  abor-  centers  filed  the  underly-  formation.”  Attorneys  with  U.S  District  Judge  Howard
            clinic  continues  to  provide   tions  will  be  burdensome  ing  lawsuit  to  block  state  the  attorney  general  also  Sachs in May 2017 issued a
            other health care services.  and could make the proce-    requirements  on  admitting  wrote  that  the  require-   temporary restraining order
            “We are unable to provide    dure inaccessible to some.   privileges  and  mandates  ment  “is  strongly  justified  to block the admitting privi-
            abortion  services  now,  so   Miller  said  they’re  hoping  that  clinics  meet  hospital-  by Missouri-specific circum-  leges  rule.  But  his  action
            we’ve  been  working  with   the  state  will  issue  another  like  standards  for  outpa-  stances, such as the deeply  was  undone  in  September
            patients  who  were  on  the   abortion license soon.     tient  surgery.  The  U.S.  Su-  troubling health-and-safety  by  judges  on  the  8th  U.S.
            schedule  for  today  for    Planned  Parenthood  at-     preme Court in 2016 struck  record of Missouri abortion  Circuit  Court  of  Appeals,
            abortion  appointments  to   torneys  also  had  asked  down similar rules in Texas.   facilities and their long, fla-  who  argued  Sachs  didn’t
            let them know what their al-  U.S.  Western  District  Court  The Missouri Attorney Gen-  grant  violation  of  statutory  do  enough  to  weigh  the
            ternatives are,” Miller said.  Judge Brian Wimes to tem-  eral’s  Office,  which  is  de-  reporting requirements.”  cost  benefits  of  Missouri’s
            Women  seeking  abortions    porarily exempt the Colum-   fending  the  regulations,  in  The  office  cited  a  Sept.  rules  and  sent  the  case
            can  go  to  Planned  Par-   bia clinic from the hospital  court  documents  argued  26  health  inspection  that  back to the lower court.
            enthood’s  St.  Louis  clinic   privileges  requirement  be-  that the admitting privileg-  found  the  clinic  was  using  The  underlying  challenge
            — which is now the only fa-  fore  Wednesday.  Wimes  es  requirement  “provides  equipment with tubing that  to the Missouri abortion reg-
            cility in Missouri where abor-  hasn’t  yet  ruled  on  that  substantial  benefits,  such  contained  “black  mold  ulations is still pending.q
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