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A6   U.S. NEWS
                 Thursday 4 OcTOber 2018
            California gas tax repeal campaign seeks federal inquiry

            By  SOPHIA  BOLLAG  and                                                                                             DeMaio  also  points  to  a
            JONATHAN J. COOPER                                                                                                  Sept.  25,  2017,  email  sent
             Associated Press                                                                                                   by  Kate  Breen,  the  gov-
            SACRAMENTO,  Calif.  (AP)                                                                                           ernment affairs director for
            — Leaders of a campaign                                                                                             the  San  Francisco  Munici-
            to  repeal  California’s  re-                                                                                       pal  Transit  Agency,  to  col-
            cent  gas  tax  increase                                                                                            leagues, in which she sum-
            asked  the  federal  govern-                                                                                        marizes  the  progress  of  ef-
            ment  this  week  to  investi-                                                                                      forts to repeal SB1.
            gate their claims that pub-                                                                                         Proposition  6  proponents
            lic  resources  have  been                                                                                          say the email indicates the
            used against them.                                                                                                  transit agency was interest-
            Their allegations are based                                                                                         ed in influencing the cam-
            on emails and other docu-                                                                                           paign.  It’s  not  clear  what
            ments that appear to show                                                                                           efforts  the  agency  did  to
            local  government  workers                                                                                          promote  the  gas  tax.  The
            discussing  the  repeal  ef-                                                                                        email  was  sent  before  the
            fort,  known  as  Proposition                                                                                       measure  qualified  for  the
            6.  In  one,  a  San  Francisco                                                                                     ballot  but  after  the  cam-
            official says in an email that                                                                                      paign had filed paperwork
            showing how gas tax funds    In this July 11, 2018 file photo, workers repave a street in Roseville, Calif., partially funded by a gas   to  begin  collecting  signa-
            benefit the city is important   tax hike passed by the Legislature in 2017.                                         tures.
            “to support the anti-repeal                                                                        Associated Press  “The  proposition  hadn’t
            campaign.”                   voters  about  how  damag-   ment of Transportation said  sit  Agency  asks  an  organi-  even qualified for the state-
            “It’s  damning,  it’s  unac-  ing  Prop  6  will  be  to  the  Wednesday  it  will  not  in-  zation  it  contracts  with  to  wide ballot,” Paul Rose, the
            ceptable,”  Proposition  6  safety  of  our  roads  and  clude  the  website  address  help  with  its  “educational  transit  agency’s  spokes-
            campaign leader Carl De-     bridges.”                    on  future  signs  after  fed-  campaign”  that  “related  man,  said  in  an  email.
            Maio  said  Tuesday.  “They  A  law  called  SB1  ,  passed  eral officials said it may not  to the gas tax repeal.”  “There  was  no  campaign
            are  using  taxpayer  dollars  by  California  lawmakers,  comply with rules that aim  Devra  Selenis,  a  spokes-  to work for or against. Since
            to influence an election.”   raised gasoline taxes by 12  to  ensure  road  signs  are  woman  for  the  agency,  that  time  the  measure
            Republican  Congressman  cents  a  gallon  starting  last  easy  to  read,  department  said the agency has never  has  become  real  and  we
            Ken  Calvert  requested  an  November and diesel taxes  spokesman  Matt  Rocco  told  people  how  to  vote.  have been very careful not
            investigation  by  the  U.S.  by  20  cents.  Diesel  sales  said.  The  change  will  not  On  behalf  of  RT,  the  con-  to  advocate  as  a  public
            Department  of  Transpor-    taxes also rose, and drivers  affect the cost, Rocco said.  tractor, Valley Vision, orga-  agency.”
            tation’s   inspector   gen-  are  paying  a  new  annual  DeMaio highlighted a news  nized  a  community  event  In  another  email  released
            eral,  saying  some  of  the  fee with their vehicle regis-  story  about  the  signs’  pos-  where various groups high-  by  the  Proposition  6  cam-
            agencies  involved  receive  tration, ranging from $25 to  sible  non-compliance  as  lighted the benefits of SB1,  paign,  the  California  Tran-
            some  federal  money.  De  $175 depending on the val-     further evidence of wrong-   she said.                    sit  Association,  a  lobbying
            Maio said he obtained the  ue of the vehicle. The taxes  doing.                        “We  are  allowed  to  edu-  organization,  sent  a  plan
            emails  through  public  re-  and fees all rise each year,  Proposition 6 would repeal  cate  on  benefits  of  what  to local government agen-
            cords requests and that he  based on inflation.           the  tax  and  fee  increases  SB1  covers  and  that’s  all  cies outlining campaigning
            also plans to file complaints  It’s  projected  to  increase  and  also  require  voter  ap-  we’ve  ever  done,”  Sele-  plans to oppose SB1 repeal.
            with local district attorneys.  about  $5  billion  a  year  to  proval  for  any  future  in-  nis  said.  “That  is  the  pub-  It’s not clear from the doc-
            He held a press conference  address  a  backlog  of  de-  creases in gas taxes or vehi-  lic’s right to know what we  uments  if  any  of  the  gov-
            Wednesday  outlining  the  ferred  maintenance  on  cle fees. Opponents of the  spend money on.”                    ernment  agencies  copied
            charges.                     state  and  local  roadways.  ballot measure say the tax  The  Proposition  6  cam-    on the email acted on the
            A spokeswoman for the an-    The  California  Department  increase benefits the state  paign  alleges  the  emails  plan  laid  out  by  the  asso-
            ti-Proposition  6  campaign  of  Transportation  highlights  and is needed to repair the  show  an  attempt  to  influ-  ciation.
            denied improper behavior.    projects funded by the tax  state’s crumbling roads.      ence  the  outcome  of  the  The  October  2017  email
            “The  No  on  Prop  6  cam-  increase  on  signs  around  In  one  email  exchange  ballot  measure  because  describes  efforts  to  per-
            paign follows all campaign  the  state  that  include  an  from June, a few days be-   the  education  campaign  suade  vulnerable  Republi-
            laws,”  Robin  Swanson  said  address to a website outlin-  fore  Proposition  6  officially  is  scheduled  through  the  can  members  of  Congress
            in  a  statement.  “We’re  ing how SB1 money is spent.    qualified for the ballot, the  election and is  “related to  to  avoid  backing  Proposi-
            working  hard  to  educate  The     California   Depart-  Sacramento Regional Tran-    the gas tax repeal.”         tion 6.q

            ATF: Hundreds of guns stolen in Memphis seized near Chicago

            MEMPHIS,  Tenn.  (AP)  —  activity in the southern Chi-   were taken by two men in  Turnbo  was  arrested  hours  es federal charges of being
            Most  of  the  roughly  400  cago suburb of Midlothian  a U-Haul truck. ATF spokes-    later  and  faces  federal  a  convicted  felon  illegally
            guns that were stolen from  on  Sunday  afternoon  —  man  Michael  Knight  said  charges  of  possessing  sto-     possessing firearms.
            a  United  Parcel  Service  about  12  hours  after  the  the  truck  was  recovered  len  firearms.  Court  docu-  Court  documents  indicat-
            facility  in  Tennessee  have  guns  were  taken  from  a  along with the guns.        ments  said  he  denied  tak-  ed that Turnbo told investi-
            been recovered in the Chi-   UPS  facility  in  Memphis,  a  Court   documents   said  ing part in the theft at the  gators he and Jackson had
            cago area, federal authori-  Bureau  of  Alcohol,  Tobac-  officers  found  the  truck  UPS facility.               sold  at  least  three  of  the
            ties said.                   co, Firearms and Explosives  at  a  store  parking  lot  in  On Wednesday, the ATF an-  guns for a total of $400.
            Authorities  seized  about  agent  said  in  court  docu-  Midlothian and questioned  nounced that Jackson had  The  estimate  of  400  stolen
            365  Ruger  .22-caliber  and  ments Tuesday.              24-year-old Roland Jackson  been  taken  into  custody.  firearms  makes  it  one  of
            .380-caliber  firearms  after  ATF had said the guns be-  of  Chicago  and  18-year-   A  spokeswoman  declined  the largest single gun thefts
            police  officers  responded  ing  shipped  from  a  Ruger  old Taveyan Turnbo before  to say where and when he  the  ATF  has  investigated,
            to  a  call  about  suspicious  factory  in  North  Carolina  they both ran away.      was arrested. Jackson fac-   Knight said.q
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