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Sassy Sandwiches
                                                                                                                           & Super Salads
                                                                                         October 4, 2018
                                                                                         T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

                                                                                                                         Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            Walkout teachers now in a drive to win U.S. statehouse posts

            By CAROLYN THOMPSO
             Associated Press
            Last  September,  school
            speech  therapist  Kathy
            Hoffman  was  settling  into
            the  new  academic  year,
            working  with  youngsters  in
            her small classroom behind
            a  playground  at  Sahuaro
            Ranch  Elementary  School
            in  a  blue-collar  neighbor-
            hood outside Phoenix.
            This year, the political nov-
            ice is gone from her class-
            room  and  on  the  cam-
            paign  trail  across  Arizona
            full-time as the Democrats’
            choice  in  the  race  to  be-
            come  superintendent  of
            public education, oversee-
            ing the state’s schools. The
            job is typically held by ca-
            ers running for office, peo- EXTRA
            reer  politicians  or  political
            “My tipping point was real-
            izing we need more teach-

            ple  who  understand  what
            it’s  like  in  the  classroom,   CREDIT
            who have seen the effect
            of  having  the  lack  of  re-
            sources  from  our  lawmak-
            ers,” Hoffman said.
            Hundreds  of  current  and
            former  educators,  most  of   In this April 26, 2018 file photo participants in #RedForEd protest march in Yuma, Ariz.                   Associated Press
            them  Democrats  like  Hoff-  the  Democratic  primary,  funding  have  shaken  up  that drew support from par-     the  country,  some  edu-
            man, are on general elec-    the  32-year-old  Hoffman  November  midterm  elec-       ents and school children in  cators  have  already  won
            tion  ballots  from  school   beat  a  former  state  sen-  tions around the U.S.      Arizona,  Colorado,  Ken-    primary  races  against  the
            board  to  governor  —  far   ate  minority  leader,  illus-  She and the other teacher  tucky, Oklahoma and West  incumbent  state  legisla-
            exceeding  educator  can-    trating  how  much  a  surge  candidates  represent  a  Virginia  and  also  focused  tors they blamed for public
            didacies prior to this year’s   in teacher activism center-  wild-card  political  move-  on  outdated  textbooks,  school spending cutbacks.
            #RedForEd protests.          ing on higher teacher pay  ment  following  the  teach-   crowded  classrooms  and
            In her first campaign during   and increased educational  er-driven  #RedForEd  effort  teacher  shortages.  Across         Continued on Page 3
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