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October 4, 2018
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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Walkout teachers now in a drive to win U.S. statehouse posts
Associated Press
Last September, school
speech therapist Kathy
Hoffman was settling into
the new academic year,
working with youngsters in
her small classroom behind
a playground at Sahuaro
Ranch Elementary School
in a blue-collar neighbor-
hood outside Phoenix.
This year, the political nov-
ice is gone from her class-
room and on the cam-
paign trail across Arizona
full-time as the Democrats’
choice in the race to be-
come superintendent of
public education, oversee-
ing the state’s schools. The
job is typically held by ca-
ers running for office, peo- EXTRA
reer politicians or political
“My tipping point was real-
izing we need more teach-
ple who understand what
it’s like in the classroom, CREDIT
who have seen the effect
of having the lack of re-
sources from our lawmak-
ers,” Hoffman said.
Hundreds of current and
former educators, most of In this April 26, 2018 file photo participants in #RedForEd protest march in Yuma, Ariz. Associated Press
them Democrats like Hoff- the Democratic primary, funding have shaken up that drew support from par- the country, some edu-
man, are on general elec- the 32-year-old Hoffman November midterm elec- ents and school children in cators have already won
tion ballots from school beat a former state sen- tions around the U.S. Arizona, Colorado, Ken- primary races against the
board to governor — far ate minority leader, illus- She and the other teacher tucky, Oklahoma and West incumbent state legisla-
exceeding educator can- trating how much a surge candidates represent a Virginia and also focused tors they blamed for public
didacies prior to this year’s in teacher activism center- wild-card political move- on outdated textbooks, school spending cutbacks.
#RedForEd protests. ing on higher teacher pay ment following the teach- crowded classrooms and
In her first campaign during and increased educational er-driven #RedForEd effort teacher shortages. Across Continued on Page 3