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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 4 OcTOber 2018
            Walkout teachers now in a drive to win U.S. statehouse posts

            Continued from Front         Experts say it’s too soon to   practices at the local, state
                                         say  what  sort  impact  the   and  federal  level,”  Riggs
            “It’s about standing up for  teacher  candidates  may     said. “And to be a credible
            what’s  right  and  bringing  have  on  policy  if  elected.   advocate  as  our  state’s
            that teacher’s voice to that  Republican  State  Leader-  chief K-12 officer, it requires
            position,”  Hoffman  said.  “I  ship  Committee  commu-   a degree of legislative and
            felt it should come straight  nications  director  David   political  expertise,  which
            from the classroom.”         James  accused  teacher      I certainly feel I have as a
            After years of dense educa-  unions  of  fielding  Demo-  former  member  of  Con-
            tion debates over teacher  cratic    candidates    who    gress.”
            evaluations  and  the  Com-  would use “their education   Hoffman  said  getting  her
            mon  Core  learning  stan-   platforms to defend a Bol-   campaign  going  was  like
            dards,  the  new  teacher  shevik monopoly, that turns    starting  a  new  company.
            candidates’ simplified mes-  to  the  Prussian  model  of   Her  campaign  workers  in
            sage  for  higher  pay  and  classroom teaching, rather   the primary were all under
            more  funding  for  schools  than new innovative tech-    40 and one was an Arizona
            represent  “talking  points  niques.”                     #RedForEd  protest  leader.
            (that) are resonating,” said  He  also  said  “Republicans   She  had  to  learn  about
            Frederick  Hess,  director  of  have  a  sizable  force  of   branding,  logos,  messag-
            education  policy  at  the  educators that will win this   ing  and  hone  her  public
            conservative American En-    cycle.”                      speaking  and  networking
            terprise Institute public poli-  Hoffman said she decided   skills.
            cy think tank.               to run out of a feeling that   “Every  little  piece  of  that
            “What we might be seeing  too many education deci-        had to come together, and    In this Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018 photo, Kathy Hoffman, a public
            is the emergence of a num-   sion-makers  don’t  under-   I know I’ve grown so much    school speech therapist, is a Democratic candidate running for
            ber  of  individuals  who  will  stand  how  public  schools   professionally  and  person-  superintendent of public education, in Phoenix.
            be an elected mainstream  work.  She  was  dismayed       ally  from  this  experience,”                                        Associated Press
            set of advocates for these  with the confirmation hear-   she said.                    as a key issue in November  in  these  states,  these  can-
            teacher issues,” he said.    ing  of  U.S.  Education  Sec-  But  candidates  like  Hoff-  —  months  after  the  #Red-  didates  for  the  most  part,
            In  the  state  senate  races  retary  Betsy  DeVos,  who   man  in  states  like  Arizona  ForEd  protests  demonstra-  are  still  going  to  have  to
            in  Maine  and  Minnesota,  stumbled  over  questions     that lean Republican must  tions captured national at-    overcome the partisan dis-
            teacher  candidates  could  about  students  with  dis-   not  only  get  votes  from  tention.                     advantage that they face
            help  flip  state  legislatures  abilities.  Hoffman  became   Democrats,  but  also  Re-  “Even if the moment is ripe  at  the  ballot  box,”  said
            to   Democratic    control,  more politicized after Arizo-  publicans or independents.  and  even  if  the  message  Patrick  McGuinn,  a  politi-
            according  to  Mara  Sloan,  na state lawmakers refused   And  they  are  dependent  resonates,  and  even  if  cal science and education
            spokeswoman      for   the  to  grant  the  same  20  per-  on voters who are still think-  there is concern about the  professor at Drew University
            Democratic       Legislative  cent  raises  Arizona  teach-  ing about public education  state  of  public  education  in New Jersey.q
            Campaign       Committee.  ers  got  to  school  support
            She  said  her  group  knows  staff and a decision by the
            of  650  educators  running  state’s outgoing education
            for state legislative positions  chief,  Diane  Douglas,  to
            across the country this year  support  an  ethnic  studies
            and that more than 450 are  ban  that  a  federal  judge
            Democrats.                   ruled  was  discriminatory.
            In  Kentucky,  at  least  34  Douglas ended up finishing
            current  and  former  teach-  third in a five-way Republi-
            ers are on the ballot in the  can primary.
            general election for seats in  Riggs  is  a  three-term  Re-
            the  state  legislature,  29  of  publican  California  U.S.
            them  Democrats.  In  Con-   congressman who was the
            necticut,  former  National  CEO  of  a  nonprofit  com-
            Teacher of the Year Jaha-    pany  that  helps  charter
            na  Hayes  won  the  Demo-   schools with financing and
            cratic  primary  for  a  U.S.  is  the  founding  president
            House seat. The Oklahoma  of  an  online  K-12  Arizona
            Education Association said  charter school.
            55 educators are running in  He  has  criticized  Hoffman
            the general election for the  for  being  “inexperienced
            state legislature.           and extreme” and has said
            As  for  the  Republicans,  she  holds  “radical  views.”
            Oklahoma  City  assistant  In an interview, the 68-year-
            school   principal   Sherrie  old  Riggs  called  Hoffman
            Conley  upset  three-term  “a very nice young person”
            incumbent state lawmaker  who  is  dedicated  to  edu-
            Bobby  Cleveland  in  a  pri-  cation but said she has lim-
            mary runoff election. Cleve-  ited  teaching  experience
            land  is  one  of  six  Republi-  and no leadership creden-
            can  state  House  members  tials.
            in Oklahoma who lost their  “The job involves high-level
            jobs  after  voting  against  executive leadership. It re-
            a  tax  hike  used  to  fund  a  quires  a  deep  knowledge
            teacher pay raise.           of  education  policies  and
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