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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 4 OcTOber 2018

            Syria hopes to jumpstart rebuilding despite massive hurdles

            By ZEINA KARAM                                                                                                      to  normalize  relations  with
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Syria under Assad.
            DAMASCUS,  Syria  (AP)  —                                                                                           But  Nasri  Khoury,  who
            With  back-to-back  trade                                                                                           heads the Syrian-Lebanese
            fairs  held  in  Damascus  this                                                                                     Supreme Council, an orga-
            month,  Syria  is  hoping  to                                                                                       nization set up in the early
            jumpstart reconstruction of                                                                                         1990s  to  support  bilateral
            its  devastated  cities  by  in-                                                                                    cooperation, said it is “high
            viting international investors                                                                                      time for the Lebanese gov-
            to take part in lucrative op-                                                                                       ernment  to  reconsider  its
            portunities.                                                                                                        existing  policy  if  wants  to
            But  the  absence  of  signifi-                                                                                     play  a  principle  role  in  re-
            cant  Western  participants,                                                                                        building Syria.”
            the  challenges  posed  by                                                                                          Although  38  Russian  com-
            international sanctions and                                                                                         panies took part in the Da-
            the lack of a political solu-                                                                                       mascus  International  Fair
            tion  to  the  seven-year-old                                                                                       last month, only one made
            conflict  point  to  massive                                                                                        it  to  Tuesday’s  opening.
            hurdles ahead.                                                                                                      Russia is a key ally of Presi-
            The  government  says  it                                                                                           dent Assad, and its military
            will  only  award  contracts                                                                                        support,  starting  in  2015,
            to    “friendly   countries”                                                                                        has helped turn the tide in
            that  have  supported  Syria   In  this  Tuesday,  Oct.  2,  2018  photo,  Iranian  Ambassador  in  Syria  Javad  Turk-Abadi  speaks  to   his  favor.  Russian  President
            throughout the civil war. In   The Associated Press during the opening of the Syria rebuilding exhibition at the fair grounds in   Vladimir Putin has been lob-
            an address to the U.N. Gen-  Damascus, Syria.                                                                       bying for Western aid fund-
            eral  Assembly  last  week,                                                                        Assocaited Press  ing, while helping the Syrian
            Syria’s foreign minister said  within  Syria  —  and  entire  Arnous said 270 companies  and  others  with  their  top  government prepare for an
            Western  countries  that  set  cities lay in ruins, their infra-  from  29  countries  are  tak-  floors  collapsed  could  be  offensive to retake the last
            political  conditions  before  structure decimated.       ing  part  in  this  year’s  exhi-  seen  on  each  side  of  the  rebel stronghold of Idlib, in
            committing  reconstruction  Syrian officials say that with  bition despite the sanctions  highway  leading  to  the  northwestern Syria.
            funds  are  “neither  invited  the  government’s  military  imposed on Syrian.         fair  —  testimony  to  the  fe-  Valeriy   Anisimov,   who
            nor welcome to help.”        gains  over  the  past  year,  “I don’t hope that the West  rocious fighting that raged  works  for  the  Russian  pet-
            But  the  relatively  small-  it’s now time to focus on re-  will come here, because it  there for years.           rochemical  firm  JSC  Prom-
            scale    participation   of  building.                    had a big hand in the war  At the opening of the con-     catalys,  says  it  hopes  to
            companies     from   Syria’s  The government now holds  against Syria,” said Youssef  vention on Tuesday, Syrian  tap  into  the  underserved
            allies,  Russia  and  Iran  —  just over 60 percent of Syr-  Alousi  ,  sales  manager  at  officials, journalists and visi-  market but has yet to find a
            both  under  U.S.  sanctions  ia’s territory, with the north  Balkis  Ceramics,  a  Syrian  tors walked among stalls for  way around the sanctions.
            —  can  hardly  even  begin  largely  controlled  by  U.S.-  tile  manufacturer  which  construction  materials,  in-  He  said  he  was  hoping  to
            to  cover  the  enormous  re-  backed  and  Kurdish-led  was  showcasing,  among  dustrial  supplies,  and  even  speak  with  other  business
            construction  costs  in  Syria,  forces,  opposition  fighters  other  designs,  a  picture  an  Iranian  maritime  com-  people  at  the  conference
            estimated to be anywhere  allied  with  Turkey,  and  in-  of  Syrian  President  Bashar  pany  with  intricate  model  about  transferring  money
            between  $250  billion  and  surgent groups.              Assad printed on tiles. “Syr-  ships.                     into and out of Syria.
            $400 billion. A U.N. agency  “The process of eradicating  ia  will  be  rebuilding  Syria,”  Syria’s tiny neighbor, Leba-  “There are many problems
            estimates the war has cost  terrorism has reached its fi-  he added.                   non, had the second high-    with Syria industry because
            $388  billion,  and  Syria  says  nal stages, and the recon-  The  exhibition  is  being  est number of participants,  of  U.S.  sanctions,  and  our
            it  needs  $48  billion  in  short  struction phase is knocking  held  at  the  Damascus  In-  with 35 companies exhibit-  company  is  ready  to  pro-
            term  investments  for  the  on the doors,” Public Works  ternational    Fairgrounds  ing their products Tuesday.  vide all the catalysts, all the
            housing sector alone.        and  Housing  Minister  Hus-  near  the  airport,  not  far  Lebanese  companies  are  technologies  that  Syrian
            Around  half  of  Syria’s  pre-  sein  Arnous  said  Tuesday,  from wrecked former rebel  anxious  to  get  a  piece  of  customers  cannot  get  be-
            war population of 23 million  after a ribbon-cutting cere-  strongholds.  Israel  struck  the  reconstruction  cake,  cause  of  these  sanctions,”
            has been uprooted - nearly  mony inaugurating the 4th  targets near the airport last  but  the  Lebanese  govern-   he  said,  adding  that  his
            6 million fled abroad, while  International  Trade  Exhibi-  month.                    ment is split, with Prime Min-  company is in talks with two
            6.6  million  are  displaced  tion for Rebuilding Syria.  Buildings with gaping holes  ister  Saad  Hariri  reluctant  oil refineries in Syria.q
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