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                 Thursday 4 OcTOber 2018

            Transgender candidates in Brazil push to have voices heard

            By PETER PRENGAMAN                                                                                                  many  transgender  people
            MARCELO SILVA DE SOUSA                                                                                              face, though she considers
            Associated Press                                                                                                    herself  luckier  than  most.
            RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Bar-                                                                                          Born male into an evangeli-
            bara  Aires,  who  was  born                                                                                        cal family, at 17 Benevides
            male, says she spent much                                                                                           joined  the  navy  and  offi-
            of  her  childhood  on  the                                                                                         cially is still part of the institu-
            streets because her father,                                                                                         tion as a sergeant. Howev-
            in the military and from the                                                                                        er, inside, Benevides always
            conservative state of Minas                                                                                         felt like a woman, and four
            Gerais,  refused  to  accept                                                                                        years ago decided to stop
            her sexuality.                                                                                                      dressing as a man for work.
            By her late teenage years,                                                                                          She  says  the  navy  then
            Aires was taking hormones                                                                                           prohibited  her  from  work-
            to  transition  to  a  woman                                                                                        ing  and  put  her  on  leave.
            and, because she couldn’t                                                                                           She has since sued and her
            find  other  employment,                                                                                            case is pending.
            working  as  a  prostitute                                                                                          Despite  widespread  dis-
            —  the  fate  of  many  trans-                                                                                      crimination  and  grim  sta-
            gender  people  who  are                                                                                            tistics  —  LGBT  groups  esti-
            shunned by much of Brazil-                                                                                          mate that 35 is the life ex-
            ian society.                                                                                                        pectancy  of  transgender
            Today,  Aires  is  running  to                                                                                      Brazilians — there are signs
            be  a  state  representative   In  this  Sept.  20,  2018  photo,  Barbara  Aires,  35,  poses  for  a  photo  next  to  a  mural  of  slain   of change.
            in Rio de Janeiro, aiming to   councilwoman Marielle Franco, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.                             Earlier  this  year,  Brazil’s  su-
            help transsexuals avoid the                                                                        Associated Press  preme  court  ruled  that
            same fate she suffered and  that is also one of the most  cession in decades and the  a  gay  son  —  both  invokes  people could change their
            be  a  voice  for  other  mar-  dangerous in the world for  political  class  has  largely  fear  and  stands  as  poten-  name and gender on their
            ginalized people.            transsexuals. Last year, 179  been  discredited  amid  a  tial  galvanizer  to  get  peo-  identity cards by simply ask-
            “When  all  you  have  are  were  killed  compared  to  massive corruption scandal  ple out to the polls.           ing to do so. Previously, any
            rich,  white  men  discussing  144  in  2016,  according  to  involving billions of dollars in  Bolsonaro  “represents  a  legal  change  required  sex
            policies,  things  will  never  Brazil’s National Association  kickbacks to politicians.  step backward and we are  reassignment  surgery  and
            improve  for  the  majority  of  Transvestites  and  Trans-  The presidential poll leader,  very  worried,”  said  Bruna  court filings.
            of  people,”  said  Aires,  35,  sexuals. So far this year, 122  far-right  congressman  Jair  Benevides,  from  the  Na-  Also this  year, drag queen
            a  freelance  television  pro-  have been killed.         Bolsonaro,  has  a  long  his-  tional  Association  of  Trans-  and  singer  Pabllo  Vittar
            ducer  who  is  part  of  the  The  boom  in  transgender  tory of offensive comments  vestites  and  Transsexuals.  headlined  the  parade  of
            left-leaning  Socialism  and  candidacies — there were  about  gays,  transsexuals,  “But being transgender has  one  of  Rio  de  Janeiro’s
            Liberty Party.               only 5 during the last gen-  women and minorities.        never been easy. We have  most storied samba schools
            Aires is one of 53 transgen-  eral  election  in  2014,  and  For   transgender   candi-  always  been  fighting  (for  during  Carnival.  Last  year,
            der candidates running for  none  were  successful  —  dates,  Bolsonaro’s  can-       acceptance)  and  will  just  Tiffany  Abreu,  a  transgen-
            state and federal offices in  comes  as  Latin  America’s  didacy  —  the  candidate  continue to fight.”           der athlete, began playing
            Brazil,  a  deeply  conserva-  largest  nation  struggles  to  has said it would be better  Benevides’  life  encapsu-  with a team in the top wom-
            tive  and  religious  country  emerge  from  its  worst  re-  to  have  a  dead  son  than  lates  the  struggles  that  en’s volleyball league.q

            Peru court overturns pardon of ex-leader Fujimori

                                                                      Pablo  Kuczynski  pardoned  ful.  The  presiding  magis-  Some  Peruvians  laud  him
                                                                      Fujimori  on  humanitarian  trate  in  the  case  ordered  for  defeating  the  Mao-
                                                                      grounds  last  Christmas  Eve  the 80-year-old Fujimori be  ist  Shining  Path  guerrilla
                                                                      in  what  was  widely  seen  captured  immediately  so  movement,  while  others
                                                                      as an attempt to stave off  he  can  serve  out  the  re-  loathe him for human rights
                                                                      impeachment  by  courting  maining  14  years  of  a  25-  violations carried out under
                                                                      favor  with  Fujimori’s  allies  year  sentence  for  his  role  his  government.  A  former
                                                                      in  Congress.  Kuczynski  re-  in the killing of several civil-  mathematics professor, Fu-
                                                                      signed five months later.    ians,  including  an  8-year-  jimori was a political outsid-
                                                                      Almost  from  the  outset,  old  boy,  during  raids  by  er when he emerged from
                                                                      the  ruling  was  slammed  an  anti-communist  army  obscurity to win Peru’s 1990
                                                                      by human rights groups as  unit created by his govern-    presidential  election  over
                                                                      a  “pact  of  impunity”  that  ment. “Today is one of the  writer Mario Vargas Llosa.
                                                                      was illegal because Fujimo-  saddest days in my life,” a  Peru  was  being  ravaged

             In this March 15, 2018 file photo, Peru’s former President Alberto   ri’s  crimes  are  considered  weeping Keiko Fujimori, the  by  runaway  inflation  and
             Fujimori listens to a question during his testimony in a courtroom   crimes  against  humanity,  former  president’s  daugh-  guerrilla  violence  when
             at a military base in Callao, Peru.                      and therefore can’t be par-  ter  and  current  leader  of  he  took  office.  He  quickly
                                                     Associated Press  doned under Peruvian and  the  conservative  Popular  rebuilt  the  economy  with
            By FRANKLIN BRICENO          dent  Alberto  Fujimori  and  international law. The Inter-  Force  party,  told  a  group  mass privatizations of state
            Associated Press             ordered the strongman be  American Court on Human  of journalists outside her fa-      industries.  Defeating  the
            LIMA,  Peru  (AP)  —  Peru’s  returned to jail to serve out  Rights had also demanded  ther’s residence.            fanatical Shining Path reb-
            Supreme Court on Wednes-     a long sentence for human  that Peru review its legality.  Fujimori,  who  governed  els took longer but his fight
            day  overturned  a  medical  rights abuses.               The  high  court  now  ruled  from 1990 to 2000, remains  won him broad-based sup-
            pardon  for  former  Presi-  Former   President   Pedro  the  pardon  was  unlaw-      a  polarizing  figure  in  Peru.  port. q
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