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PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 4 OcTOber 2018
T.I. wants to highlight trap music with pop-up museum, album
Associated Press T.I.: The first time I saw the
ATLANTA (AP) — Rapper potential, I hardly noticed
T.I. took a stroll through one it. You know, when you're
of the toughest neighbor- so close to something you
hoods in Atlanta as children can't see it growing. Like
on school buses screamed if you're around a puppy
his name, several motor- dog every day, it's still a
ists honked their horns and puppy to you even though
men asked for a selfie. it's getting bigger. That how
Bankhead, an impover- trap music was to me. Even
ished area known in the city when it was at its biggest
for its high criminal activity, point, I never really noticed
is viewed as a "trap" area — until people in the EDM
where drugs are regularly world started to call their
distributed and used. Most music trap. That's when I
would be fearful of ventur- started taking notice.
ing into the potentially dan- AP: How do you feel when
gerous environment, yet people criticize trap music
T.I. walks the streets where for its glorification of drugs
he grew up with no wor- and gunplay?
ries and no security, while This Sept. 14, 2018 photo shows rapper Clifford Harris Jr., better known as T.I., during a tour of his T.I.: It did that, but so did
sporting a glistening gold Trap Music Museum in Atlanta. mafia movies. So did "Scar-
watch and pinky ring. Associated Press face."...If I am being reflec-
That's because T.I. is highly dedicating areas of the Trap," out on Oct. 5. people in it to treat them tive and honestly interpret-
respected in Bankhead, a exhibit to rappers like Gu- AP: Why do you feel so with respect. ing the effects my expe-
neighborhood he helped cci Mane, Jeezy, Rick Ross, safe in Bankhead? AP: Why did you feel the riences had on me, the
popularize through his Future and himself. It opens T.I.: It's a little old lady right need to curate the Trap people who weren't there
songs viewed as trap mu- Sunday in Atlanta. up the street. She only Music Museum? won't be able to decipher
sic, a subgenre mostly de- The pop-up museum will of- leaves her house to go to T.I.: I want to celebrate the that reflection from glorifi-
tailing the lifestyle of selling fer an "Escape the Trap" ex- church and the grocery culture and not just me. cation. I'm going to speak
drugs, highlighted by gritty perience — much like the store. She got a little .38 The easy thing for me to about it the same way Al
lyrics and heavy beats. popular Escape the Room Special (handgun). She do is set up a show and it Bundy speaks about scor-
"He is respected because adventure game — where keeps it under pillow or in just be me and perform all ing three touchdowns in
he respects us," said Rosie visitors have to use clues her nightstand next to her the songs from trap music, one game at Polk High.
Brittain, a Bankhead resi- to find their way out of a blood pressure pills. And she which I was tempted to do. That's how he spent his
dent who helped raise T.I. house littered with illegal will blow your damn head The genre has become so teenage years. Those were
"He represents us. He al- drugs before authorities ar- off if you come (messing) significant that I felt it de- his glory moments. I didn't
ways comes back home. rive. with T.I. That doesn't come served more than that. It's play football. I sold dope.
Nothing but love for him." While sitting on his grandfa- from anything I've done for really going to be a place ...I'm proud I survived those
The three-time Grammy ther's front porch, T.I. spoke myself. It comes from me where people can take things. I'm not proud of all
winner will pay homage to with The Associated Press being a genuine person pictures and kind of inter- of things I necessarily did,
trap music culture with the about the museum and his and caring enough about act. AP: When did you real- but proud of all the lessons
Trap Music Museum, even 10th studio album, "Dime the community and the ize trap music was about to that I learned from them.q
The most dangerous celebrity online is revealed
By MARK KENNEDY (No. 3), the original "Won- able content and always
Associated Press der Woman" Lynda Carter apply updated security
NEW YORK (AP) — Ruby (No. 4), actress Rose By- fixes. The company used
Rose has played some rne (No. 5), Debra Mess- its own site ratings to com-
dangerous characters, like ing (No. 6), reality TV star pile the celebrity list and
an inmate in "Orange Is Kourtney Kardashian (No. used searches on Google,
the New Black" and a sci- 7), actress Amber Heard Bing and Yahoo.
entist battling a prehistoric (No. 8), morning TV show "In our hyper-connected
shark in "The Meg." But the host Kelly Ripa (No. 9), and world, it's important for
actress herself is now offi- actor Brad William Henke consumers to think before
cially dangerous. as No 10. they click to be sure that
Cybersecurity firm McAfee Rose is a model and MTV they are landing on safe
on Tuesday crowned Rose VJ who may have gotten digital content and pro- This May 17, 2018 file photo shows actress Ruby Rose at the
the most dangerous ce- a burst of online interest tecting themselves from amfAR, Cinema Against AIDS, benefit during the Cannes Film
Festival, in Cap d'Antibes, southern France.
lebrity on the internet. No when she was named to cybersecurity threats that Associated Press
other celebrity was more play Batwoman on an up- may be used to infect
likely to land users on web- coming CW series. their devices or steal their Black' episode, or what Avril Lavigne. That top 10
sites that carry viruses or The survey is meant to high- identity," writes Gary Da- Kristin Cavallari wore the also included Bruno Mars,
malware. light the danger of clicking vis, chief consumer secu- latest awards show, make Carly Rae Jepsen, Zayn
Reality TV star, Kristin Ca- on suspicious links. McAfee rity evangelist at McAfee. sure you're searching the Malik, Celine Dion, Calvin
vallari finished behind urges internet users to con- "So whether you're looking internet safely." Harris, Justin Bieber, Sean
Rose at No. 2, followed by sider risks associated with up what Ruby did on the Rose deposes last year's "Diddy" Combs, Katy Perry
actress Marion Cotillard searching for download- latest 'Orange is the New most dangerous celeb, and Beyonce.q