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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 4 OcTOber 2018
            Chelsea Clinton fights cyberbullying by answering trolls

            By BROOKE LEFFERTS                                                                                                  when  she  was  growing  up
            Associated Press                                                                                                    in  the  White  House  ("Sat-
            NEW YORK (AP) — Chelsea                                                                                             urday Night Live" did a skit
            Clinton  says  she's  naturally                                                                                     poking  fun  at  her  at  the
            an optimist and despite en-                                                                                         time). There were also those
            during  name-calling  from                                                                                          who targeted her because
            the  time  she  was  a  child,                                                                                      she was the daughter of Bill
            she  chooses  to  answer  in-                                                                                       and Hillary Clinton.
            sults  —  even  on  Twitter  —                                                                                      "So when I was confronted
            with kindness and respect.                                                                                          directly — even as a child
            "Cyberbullying  is  a  huge                                                                                         —  and  people  would  say
            challenge across our coun-                                                                                          awful things to me, I would
            try.  I  think  we  need  those                                                                                     say, 'I'm sorry you feel that
            of  us  with  platforms  to  not                                                                                    way. I don't feel that way.
            ignore the trolls, not to be-                                                                                       I don't think I'm ugly or born
            come consumed by them,                                                                                              in  sin  or  the  family  dog  or
            but  to  shine  a  light  and                                                                                       that  my  parents  should
            say here's how you can re-                                                                                          have  aborted  me  or  you
            spond where you're calmly                                                                                           know that like we all should
            defending    yourself   but                                                                                         be  dead,'"  she  recalled.  "I
            you're also showing it's not                                                                                        mean  these  are  all  things
            OK and you're not degrad-                                                                                           that  people  said  to  me
            ing  your  own  humanity  in                                                                                        when I was a kid and they
            doing that," the 38-year-old                                                                                        were always said by much
            mother  of  two  said  in  an                                                                                       older people."
            interview Tuesday with The                                                                                          Decades  later,  the  taunts
            Associated Press.                                                                                                   still come — these days via
            It's one of several messages   Chelsea Clinton poses for a portrait on Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2018, in New York to promote her book,   social media. At first Clinton
            in her new book, "Start Now!   "Start Now!: You Can Make a Difference."                                             ignored them, but recently
            You  Can  Make  a  Differ-                                                                         Associated Press  she started to speak up.
            ence,"  released  this  week.                                                                                       "I started to worry that by ig-
            In  it,  Clinton  encourages   fourth  children's  book.  Her  "I've  always  believed  that  healthier,  more  equitable,   noring it, it wasn't depriving
            children  to  make  a  posi-  role as an author is one of  you're  never  too  young  more  just  safer  place  for   the  trolls  of  oxygen,  it  was
            tive change in the world by   several that Clinton juggles,  or  too  old  to  make  a  dif-  them  than  previous  gen-  maybe taken as kind of im-
            educating themselves and     including motherhood, be-    ference.  And  then  when  erations," she said.           plicit  —  not  endorsement
            taking  action.  The  book   ing  vice  chairman  of  the  I became a mom, I think I  Making  the  world  a  safer   — but that I was somehow
            focuses  on  preserving  the   Clinton  Foundation  and  felt that even more keenly  place,  in  Clinton's  eyes,   OK with that language and
            environment,  helping  save   teaching at Columbia Uni-   because  all  of  a  sudden  I  also  means  abolishing  bul-  that  behavior,"  she  said.
            animals,  staying  healthy   versity. Her latest book was  had,  you  know,  first  Char-  lying.                   "And I think particularly be-
            and putting an end to bul-   inspired by the notion that  lotte and then Aidan, these  It's  a  topic  Clinton  knows   ing  a  parent  now  I  never
            lying.                       age doesn't matter when it  little  people  in  the  world,  I  only  too  well,  enduring   want my kids or any kid to
            "Start  Now!"  is  Clinton's   comes to activism.         wanted  the  world  to  be  a  brutal criticism of her looks   think that that's OK."q

             Real Peggy Sue, of 1958 Buddy Holly song fame, dies in Texas

              Associated Press                                                                                                niversary of the song.
              LUBBOCK,  Texas  (AP)  —                                                                                        Gerron,  while  promoting
              The  Texas  woman  who                                                                                          her  autobiography,  said
              inspired  the  1958  Buddy                                                                                      material  for  the  memoir
              Holly song "Peggy Sue" has                                                                                      came from about 150 dia-
              died  at  a  Lubbock  hospi-                                                                                    ry entries she made during
              tal.                                                                                                            the  time  she  knew  Holly.
              Peggy  Sue  Gerron  Rack-                                                                                       Gerron was born in Olton,
              ham  of  Lubbock  died                                                                                          Texas,  but  moved  to  Lub-
              Monday      at   University                                                                                     bock where she attended
              Medical  Center,  accord-                                                                                       high school and met Holly
              ing  to  UMC  spokesman                                                                                         and his friends.
              Eric Finley. She was 78. The                                                                                    "I wanted to give him (Hol-
              family  gave  the  hospital                                                                                     ly)  his  voice.  It's  my  book,
              permission  to  confirm  the                                                                                    my  memoirs,"  she  said
              death,  but  asked  that  no                                                                                    about  her  book,  accord-
              additional  information  be                                                                                     ing  to  a  2008  Associated
              released,  Finley  said  Tues-                                                                                  Press story. "We were very,
              day.                                                                                                            very good friends. He was
              Peggy Sue Gerron in 2008                                                                                        probably  one  of  the  best
              released  her  autobiogra-                                                                                      friends I ever had."
              phy "Whatever Happened                                                                                          She married drummer Jerry
              to Peggy Sue?: A Memoir                                                                                         Allison, from Holly's rock 'n'
              by  Buddy  Holly's  Peggy   In this Jan. 11, 2008, file photo, Peggy Sue Gerron unveils her new book "What Ever Happened to   roll band The Crickets. The
              Sue" to mark the 50th an-  Peggy Sue" during a press conference in Tyler, Texas.                                couple later divorced.q
                                                                                                               Associated Press
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